Forums / In game politics / Abydos Recruiting

Abydos Recruiting
08:38:03 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Crom:

The old and mighty kingdom of Abydos is looking for active new players!

13:00:53 Nov 21st 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

what a fantastic looking kingdom, i will love to join!

19:49:35 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

what world are you guys on if i may ask and are there any specific requirements? Might join on an alternate character.

19:58:53 Nov 21st 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

we are on fantasia T :D

20:28:53 Nov 21st 10 - Mr. Frostborn:

kk, ill join when one ofmy chars opens up. Going to try something real quick though just to see if its a viable option.

23:37:01 Nov 21st 10 - Lord Reddragon Drunk:

Hey Duke wake up your friends,we are feeling lonely here. ^^

17:12:03 Nov 22nd 10 - Ms. Boudica:

Is it too late to join Fantasia, since people are already oop?

17:55:55 Nov 22nd 10 - General Who:

nah. just join a kd :)

18:07:53 Nov 22nd 10 - Ms. Boudica:

Is Abydos still recruiting?

18:11:10 Nov 22nd 10 - General Who:

no idea, but send them a message since your leaving me after i named 3 cities after you :(

18:27:48 Nov 22nd 10 - Ms. Boudica:

Damn I though I would not be recognised now I have to delete this character and come back again :D

18:39:43 Nov 22nd 10 - General Who:

hehe :D

good luck!

18:17:12 Nov 23rd 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

may i join?

18:22:43 Nov 23rd 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

stirlin you have to pass the special initiation first >:)

18:35:55 Nov 23rd 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Im english, from looking at the kd, that makes me instantly eligible :D

19:38:35 Nov 23rd 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

yes your english, but your northern

i beleive ez initiates the 'tests'?

22:47:43 Nov 23rd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

[x] Crom
[x] Brannigans
[  ] Deno

Only need 1 more retard in Aby and you've maxed out.

23:15:45 Nov 23rd 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

your not allowed to join

23:49:57 Nov 23rd 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

High five stirlin for being english B')
F... the world englands where its at!!!

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