Forums / In game politics / Abydos renovated

Abydos renovated
19:05:08 May 6th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Recently, there have been some changes in abydos.
Osiris has quit the game, and has asked his 3 vices (Me, Azaruc and Shezmu) if we wanted to continue abydos.

After long talks, we decided that we didn't want abydos to disband already, but none of us were active enough to lead. Abydos now has 3 leaders. So hereby, let it be known that abydos is no longer under the lead of osiris, but under the lead of his 3 (semi-inactive) vices.

but the main reason I made this thread is :

We are looking to get our member-count up to 20 for next era, so if you feel like joining a veteran kingdom, please message me and I'll have a little talk with you.

19:19:56 May 6th 09 - Mr. Bongs:

:( Good luck you guys!!!!

19:20:34 May 6th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

Good luck to you lew, Az and shez :D

and... sad that Osi left :'(

20:01:09 May 6th 09 - Prince Mielo:

joining a veteran kingdom,

Isn't it like a new kingdom now (with an old name), as it's not under the lead of Osiris? :)

20:03:46 May 6th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

well, seeing as I've been in it for about 15 era's and I'm the new leader, and same goes for shezmu and azaruc is the leader of mirror, another old kingdom.

It's pretty much still a veteran kingdom :P

20:38:50 May 6th 09 - Mr. Bongs:

They are a vet kingdom!

20:42:15 May 6th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Why not just remake Ret?
It will not be Abydos without Osiris, and it wouldn't be right to continue without his lead

Just my opinion, goodluck though

20:45:43 May 6th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

20:57:50 May 6th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Any different than Abydos? Same *beep* old "new" name.

21:00:05 May 6th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lew should make Ret
Or Azaruc should remake Mirror

Or Shezmu should create some kingdom or w/e

But Abydos shouldn't be around without Osi as Lead

Thats the truth, no offence to either of you three <3

22:14:12 May 6th 09 - Sir Seripis:

ah if anyone remembers osi has not ALWAYS been leader of abydos, i seem to remember one era where oya ran abydos while osi was a bit inactive. i was part of abydos at that point aswell...

22:29:13 May 6th 09 - Necromancer Lechery:

why does it matter there still the same kingdom with just a different name.

22:36:12 May 6th 09 - Mr. Knish:

I'd join... If I planned on any activity at all. But I've come to rather enjoy the third tier mage thing now.

Playing with both Shezmu and Lew. Yeah... I might have signed up for that.

22:51:19 May 6th 09 - Mr. Osiris:

Sir Seripis


5/6/2009 9:14:12 PM

ah if anyone remembers osi has not ALWAYS been leader of abydos, i seem to remember one era where oya ran abydos while osi was a bit inactive. i was part of abydos at that point aswell...


its usually called a holiday in most places but i guess inactive is the same thing ^^. Fact is i said its what they should do so ppl outside abydos should quit whining :) Osi out (for a long while)

01:00:19 May 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

come back osi... i misses you :(

else ill have to *beep* your facebook with *beep* love admissions for you....

01:06:51 May 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

that was supposed to be sp@m and g@y

02:34:47 May 7th 09 - Mr. Bongs:

Ret was a power house...

kipper what kingdom u in? So we can flame ur kingdom....

02:57:35 May 7th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


08:11:11 May 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol you spaz its ezzy :D

09:15:57 May 7th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yay abydos  =-P 

11:43:05 May 7th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Mr. Bongs


5/7/2009 2:34:47 AM

Ret was a power house...

kipper what kingdom u in? So we can flame ur kingdom....

Lol @ Power house
Lmao @ Asking Ez, vice of LGC and RVL what KD he was in.

Bongs, gtfo quick.

13:37:35 May 7th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

and we still managed to send you to a lower world last era...

Lol @ wilber

14:57:59 May 7th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

hmm...maybe I should join Abydos too, never been in the most famous fant kds really XD
even if I probably could have joined them if I had wanted to :)

15:29:51 May 7th 09 - Ms. Nina:

Anyone that wants can join... I am the living proof of that :)
I was accepted even though I am not experienced and not as good as others, but I try :)

16:03:48 May 7th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Lmao @ Tyrgalon.

Wow this thread is full of luls.

16:54:51 May 7th 09 - Mr. Experimental:

lol at lady loud tone

18:36:13 May 7th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

luls at you Lady Loud Tone, you donīt know anything about me, so you canīt judge me :P the same concerns me, and thats why I am not gonna talk crap about you :)

22:17:40 May 7th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Lady Loud Tone


5/7/2009 6:03:48 PMLmao @ Tyrgalon.

Wow this thread is full of luls.



09:22:39 May 8th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:


07:57:47 May 13th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Who's loud tone again? I forget. Some *beep*mer right?

08:22:11 May 13th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

is supposed to be some old vet if I got it right.

16:27:37 May 13th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

its either pengu or wilbernub, neither of who are vets just creepy eurofags.

22:47:44 May 13th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:

Über Huge Eye!!! A WE SOME!!!

04:40:25 May 14th 09 - Lord Sky:

Yes, all your name changing is really confusing me XD

04:41:35 May 14th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:



04:41:50 May 14th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

just a small one though

07:34:42 May 14th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

better than the big one...

08:17:48 May 14th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Cause Rev is pineapple... I think its charly who was originally wilburnub right?

08:28:57 May 14th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


Good luck Lew, Az and Carrot

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