Forums / In game politics / Anarchy are NAP breaking MULTI

Anarchy are NAP breaking MULTI
04:39:55 Dec 15th 08 - Lord Primate Death:

Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 9:24:08 PM) GOOD BAD
you do realize that justin left a while ago and im using his account now right? If you didnt knwo that maybe you should check out the Hangaround forum
You (12/14/2008 9:25:48 PM)
then you are breaking his nap....and since you're sitting on an account will be reported as a multi
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 9:28:28 PM) GOOD BAD
need the proof bro. A PM isnt good proof without the IP adress matching. And like his nap matters. He left the game. He no longer matters in this kd.
You (12/14/2008 9:29:28 PM)
this pm is more than enough...account sitting is not allowed either
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 9:31:34 PM) GOOD BAD
lol dude were have you been? Its never been enough. Plenty of people in this game have confessed to being multis and ZeTa hasnt done anything about it. And its not account sitting. Justin is never coming back, and im deleting his account in what the era ends in almost 3 days?

05:12:57 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   ya... so?   :/  if he's just going to delete it in 3 days....

11:35:24 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 9:31:34 PM) GOOD BAD
lol dude were have you been? Its never been enough. Plenty of people in this game have confessed to being multis and ZeTa hasnt done anything about it. And its not account sitting. Justin is never coming back, and im deleting his account in what the era ends in almost 3 days?

i got deleted *beep*zor... and people if confess its still when he does multi sweep he deletes them... 

12:10:11 Dec 15th 08 - Lord Primate Death:

VU Admin [] (12/15/2008 3:30:38 AM) GOOD BAD
It's the same guy, so he never left.

great work admin. he admits it but you decide to do nothing as usual.

13:56:19 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

LOL looser justin

16:46:30 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Mad Maxx:

makes no difference...beoches gonna die! if we got time?

16:59:13 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Seloc:

Well to clear up the confusion Justin was planning on doing this anyway even before he left :)

17:39:00 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Dope:

Admins full of crap if you ask me =)

Primate has more then enough proof
Admin is just too lazy to do squat...
so he's just gunna sit on his ass n do nuttin =P

17:48:47 Dec 15th 08 - Sir Wilber:

What does it matter to anybody. He's using account for another 2 days and thats it.

19:01:10 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

We can't be sure of that...

19:13:32 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Justin is just looking for attention before he leaves.... Why would you not believe Zeta on something as simple as this?....

19:36:50 Dec 15th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

think about it if zeta acted on all the multi accusations then so many people would get banned. he has rely on on simple way of determining how to determine multi and that would be ip address. that is the only way to determine that at least they are not playing from the same place at the least.

22:32:13 Dec 15th 08 - General Zondervan:

i *beep*ed up game wit a *beep*ed up admin...this game needs change and bad.


i vote for new admin XD

22:48:29 Dec 15th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

...if everyone who said "I am a multi" was banned....that would mean like...everyone would be banned.  Everyone at one point as said something like "Septim, Penguin, Seloc, Salamon, ect are my multis"  just to goof around.  I have, several times, said someone is my

00:01:37 Dec 16th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Mr. Justin [A] (12/13/2008 5:17:28 PM) GOOD BAD
Cao Cao my good friend. We are terrible bored. We gave up on preparing for FS when our magic person decided to up and quit on us because i told him he follows orders or i kick him. But any way as this is Mine and sabbaths last era we wanna go out with some fun so i was wondering if you and your kd would be interested in a friendly war and mine and sabbaths very last one? what do you think?
You (12/14/2008 12:55:16 AM)
Leaving, why are you leaving VU? Any way I can convince you two to stay one more era and join us on Fant? You dont need to be super active, any help you could give would be appreciated, plus you would be among friends =)

Unfortunetaly, we have begun a friendly war with SF that very quickly has turned unfriendly. We dont really have too many men to spare atm.
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 1:04:12 AM) GOOD BAD
Sabbath and i jsut got bored with the game. Ive got a license now so im always going to friends houses staying like 24/7 because its nothing but women. Then i got my school i have to take care of because in all honesty, with hanging out with friends my grades have dropped. Sorry pal, but i cant stay another era. I might return some day tho. Thats alright friend, ill tell sabbath to shoot his army to FS if you will have your guys open your blockers for us so we can get there ASAP before the era ends.
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 1:09:30 AM) GOOD BAD
but in all technicallity it would just be me and sabbath fighting. No one is ever responding to forum posts or kingdom wide messaging. Sabbath jsut wants to test out nazzies for the first time lol.
You (12/14/2008 1:11:56 AM)
Ahh, I know exactly what you mean. You enjoy yourself man, have as much fun as you possibly can ;)

Have Sabbath send his army at FS, we are already outnumbered in the north, a few more nazzies will just screw us over.
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 1:21:28 AM) GOOD BAD
lol especially the few he has bro. Ive been feeding this boy stone the entire era lets put it that way lol.

Alright dude. Ill tell him to send them in small amounts so they get there faster. Just if you could plz open all those blockers for him. Thanks man
You (12/14/2008 1:28:18 AM)
All but seth's, he hasnt been on in 4 days. I cant guarantee he comes back before the era ends =(
Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 5:40:10 PM) GOOD BAD
ya i know that kinda inactivity myself. well i wont be on a couple days. Im going to have sabbath baby sit my account for me so if you have any problems let him Know. He is usually in charge while im gone.

00:04:14 Dec 16th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Its not justin, me and justin actually got along. We've been allies a few times before. And why would he go through all this trouble just to screw us over the next day?

Sabbath is not only cheating, he's giving Justin an even worse reputation then he has already. Its not like Sabbath cant just make another acct, all I ask is that he stops Sabbath from abusing Justin's account.

05:04:42 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Ouch...nothing but women? No wonder he left >_>

09:53:47 Dec 16th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

sounds like charleys jealous =-P

14:55:30 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Mad Maxx:

not doing a very good job trying out those nazzies, he has been frozen for like 36 ticks, haha. and when i get there all those nazzies up in smoke...pooof.bye bye

17:42:11 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I am not jealous :)  I am happy with one girl tyvm.  Too many gets you called a man-whore...and I am not one and happy too

19:18:54 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Trendkill:

Mr. Justin [A] (12/14/2008 1:09:30 AM) GOOD BAD
but in all technicallity it would just be me and sabbath fighting. No one is ever responding to forum posts or kingdom wide messaging. Sabbath jsut wants to test out nazzies for the first time lol.

Damn... im like the only guy more or less active on forums and i answer each and every message, so that's kinda rude to not mention me!!!

But i forgive everything to my friends so.... WE MISS YOU JUSTIN!!!!

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