Forums / In game politics / AoA Army of Anubis

AoA Army of Anubis
10:10:07 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 0
Tag: AoA
Created: 5/15/2008 6:19:56 PM <- its been a min =P
Leader: Mr. Anonymous


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than don't waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Victory
- VU AoA Career/Honor Rankings
- Future aggressive expansion


- 3 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 10 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.


Now AoA has been gone for like a year but i know there is plenty of ex-AoA members out there ready to join again :)

Heres some former members:

-Duke Windscar
-Mr. Garby
-Sanoh (have been Sanoh II and King Lenidas)
-My name is mike. Vu names- snuffy, bongs, newport.
-Mr. Dracula (aka Brian Blade,Brian Blade II,IraqVet, alot as Sir Ice Cube)
-Satanias (have been Kamala,Brudakai)
-Mr. Lazydragoon
-Mr. Alva
-Mr. Ssgtsteinberger
-Mr. Blunts
-Mr. Verthias IV(Previous aliases - Verthias III, Verthias II, Verthias, Garsden II, Garsden)
-Candyman, Candyman2491
-afronina, shadowflash, shadow
-Ghostalker, and Ghost one time when someone stole Ghostalker... Thieves.
-Aben V
-Master Abraham
-Trogdor Knight
-Mr. Slave
-Mr. Griffith

Sorry if i forgot anyone, im only human.

AoA will be remade this era if 25+ possible members is reached, if not than it will be remade for sure the era after this coming one.  If your planning to join this coming era please have a back up KD ready in case the 25+ member goal is not met. After AoA is remade we will be around for 8+ eras, maybe more depending on how things look.



10:23:50 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

To those who wish to join just click my name and send me your application.


12:22:56 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Yay! About time.

14:38:09 Dec 9th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

ooh sounds cool, will you be active this time? :p

17:36:01 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Best of luck to you guys. The idea of being active often is a nice touch. Lets just hope that you are able to get some of those great players back.

20:18:59 Dec 9th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

5 members so far :)

If your joining and have friends ask them to join to =P

08:03:40 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

We have 9 possible members now.

More is needed, only 13 RL days left!!!

08:16:00 Dec 11th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I wish I could.

16:06:03 Dec 13th 09 - Lord Middle Earth:

I will probably join 2, dunno yet..

18:10:24 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol perhaps AoA would be a great friend or enemy next era. I honestly look forward to it and wish you guys the best of luck.

20:14:25 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

I hope you do Middle Earth, however you should find a back up KD just in case we do not get our 25 members goal.

Thanks for the kind words Targaryen and ally or enemy either way we make it fun and rememberable =)

We had 10 then down to 8 and now we are back at 9 possible members, not looking to good for AoA =(

21:19:32 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Well if i find anyone that might qualify ill send them your way. The ranks of berserk are pretty much filled up to satisfaction so ill see what i can do. In response if we do war i hope for a long fruitful one ;p.

22:17:14 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Hey Anonymous, ive never been in your kingdom before, but my kingdom (what I was going to be having next era) is not going very far, so ill join ya mate (next era), that's if I can if not then i'll carry on with my current kingdom

23:15:09 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Thanks Targaryen, that would be a great help to us. Lets hope we don't have to war each other as there is plenty other KDs to war. If war does come lets hope it will be a fruitful one and not a long one as no one really wins in a prolonged war.

Sorry to hear your KD is not doing to good Samual =(

but yeah your welcome to join AoA, just send your app to me and i will put you on the list of possible members.

AoA has 11 possible members now with Samual included.

23:30:19 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Sent you an app mate : D

23:36:49 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

got it ^-^

23:38:39 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Just wondering, I dont mean to hurry you though, when will I recive a reply??

23:43:32 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Anonymous how many members you looking for? Some of the zerk members are leaving next era so you might want to see if you can convince them to join. I will vouch for them as well. Though im not a part of AoA so im not sure how much weight that carries. ill get a list and pm it to you as well.

00:58:56 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

I sent you a reply Samual and one to all the others as well.

Tar i am looking for 25+ members before next era but i will settle for 20+ members. Sure just send the list over i will see if any are interested.

Thanks again ^-^

01:25:53 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

ill post in kd forums before end of night. though your 10x a day might draw some away. they are active perhaps 2 even 5x a day but 10x... they are not me lol. im addicted.

02:30:17 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

I don't force it to much, i just do not stand for inactive players.

03:52:29 Dec 14th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


holy mother of god...

if you dont join then you're doomed.

Thats about the gist of it.

04:22:34 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol well fate, Np, HIV might be there to stop it.

06:53:45 Dec 14th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

psssst NAH!

07:53:08 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Sanoh:

:D im remembered lol though Lenidas is a bad memory of me without my name >.< i dont even mention it ever

-Sanoh (have been Sanoh II and King Lenidas)

03:28:10 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 1
Created: 5/15/2008 6:19:56 PM <- its been a min =P
Leader: Mr. Anonymous


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than don't waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Victory ( not always b/c no KD can win them all)
- VU AoA Career/Honor Rankings
- Future aggressive expansion


- 3 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 10 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.


Now AoA isn't been made yet and will not be remade until the 25+ member goal is met. I refuse to remake AoA until the goal is met....

AoA has 10 possible members now and looking for alot more, so if your looking for a KD that will stay around for 8-10+ eras then you can call AoA your home.

To all you hardcore Vets who been in the same group/KD for years, give me a chance and i will give you something that VU has not seen in ages.

Some in sight of how AoA works:

  • I work for AoA it does not work for me.
  • I plan ahead and have a real taste for war as my ambitions for AoA has no limit.
  • AoA uses strategy and tactics to achieve its goals.
  • Members are free to play as they wish as long as they follow normal KD rules.
  • We value team work above all else.

There is a lot that defines AoA and what it will be, so give us a chance and you will not regret it.

P.S. sorry for my bad grammar, i had to learn everything by myself as i was not given proper schooling until i was in 6th grade. If you can get the general idea of what i am saying then that's all i ask.


00:29:09 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

Anonymous am i included in the 10 members?

11:09:44 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Yes, but as it looks i will need a full era to recruit the players i need for AoA so go ahead an stay in MAD or another good KD until then.

11:17:36 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

how many members now?

12:47:42 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. Demandred:

 ACTIVE --- sign on at least 10 times a day and when needed <--- that may be a big stumbling block if your aiming for 25

14:32:08 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Only 12 possible members right now, so it looks like i will take take next era to recruit more suitable players.

The active thing can be worked with, its mainly that high b/c i don't like recklessness due to not signing on. If a new VU player signs on 10 or so times he/she will see that the battle field changes all the time and will learn the value of sign on to check their progress.

Now most hard core VU players will check every few hours or stays signed on to VU all day, this is what im looking for. I just need active VU players; doesn't matter if the are new or been playing for years.

Also i cannot check to see how many times someone signed it, i would have to stay on VU all day everyday to monitor that crap lol =P

Anyway AoA will not be remade this coming era, i will be recruiting until i remake it the era after this coming one.

17:17:10 Dec 20th 09 - Ms. Niques:

How about joining us for the meantime Anonymous?

MAD and AoA was always been good allies back those eras. :)

17:46:56 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Hey guys, I am joining AoA when it is made but as it is not being made next era I will continue with my kingdom, so for all those who have not currently got a back up kingdom please consider joining me for next era, until AoA is up and running

02:55:45 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

yeah it looks like i do need to find myself KD for next era, so i guess i will take you up on your offer Niques =)

I will be recruiting for AoA all next era, so feel free to msg me if your interested.

04:03:51 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

why don't u join Mr.Samual's KD?me and him..

04:51:31 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

I think Samual should join MAD, we will have a more enjoyable era with them due to number of players they already have. They are a good KD and i will not mind being a member in it. Its nothing against Samual its just fighting against other KDs with 5-10x your members is hopeless, which is the main reason why i refuse to remake AoA until i have 25 decent members.

06:17:42 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

that is i don't know what to do?thanks for confusing :)

09:08:28 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Anonymous:


Just stay in MAD, like i said they are a good KD =)

The game will not let me send my app to MAD right now, so i will have to wait until the era ends.

11:27:08 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

kk, i'll stay in MAD

12:52:21 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Samual:

Just reminding you two that size is not everything. Just because I wont have a 25 man kingdom does not mean it wont be a good fight, with the right players, the right leadership, and the right co ordinations, of races, tatics and skills. I can make a strong kingdom of us all

23:07:13 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

I don`t still know what to do. I`ll be asking someone what to do. :)

09:50:20 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Merry Christmas everyone ^-^

AoA is not going away, so get used to seeing this topic near the top =P

11:16:22 Dec 25th 09 - Sir Mcmax:

Good luck Anonymous. Thumbs up for your kingdom.

02:06:51 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Then let me bump this for you Anonymous, btw i have recomended Stirlin to join you guys. Hes a good player and you guys seem to fit his book. Just letting you know he has posted in recruitment thread so snag him while you can. Merry xmas all!

02:26:43 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

How many members now Anonymous and are u going to join MAD.

02:59:20 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

Targaryen, you been going out of your way to help me and others recruit players for our KDs. I appreciate all you have done us and i have say Berserk is lucky to have you. If you ever decide to move on your more than welcome to join AoA =)

I tried to send a message to Stirlin but got the "this ruler does not exist" crap =(

We are at 14 possible members and i already sent my app to MAD they just haven't accepted or rejected me yet. I will give them one more day before i send my app to another KD.

03:02:21 Dec 26th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

just send to stirlin dark prince is his sucky ass title

03:12:38 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol,  thank you for the compliment anonymous. It makes my night ;). I am trying to be an individual everyone will at least have some respect for. I admit though i am human. Though i am already taken for next era i thank you for the offer and wish your kingdom luck.


Also about Stirlin, his post is in recruitment thread. Same page as well right above my second post up.

03:30:22 Dec 26th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

He wont join as he is a viceroy in Revelation

03:33:09 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Anonymous:

I will contact Stirlin sooner or later, its not a big deal.

As for me i give respect to people who keep there word or when respect is given, so its a short list but so far your starting to earn mine =)

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