Forums / In game politics / Armageddon (era 35)

Armageddon (era 35)
23:12:22 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Samual:

i thought s there is a thread for all the over worlds ill make one for armageddon as im in this baren rock

P.S dont be suprised if no one postes in here


00:55:58 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Sandro:

just farm it away mate, its not much left anyway :)

15:15:30 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

did my cast startle you?

15:35:12 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:


15:54:37 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

haha justin :-)
remembers the good days back in DR :-) Ahhh those were the days :-)

16:10:12 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:


19:47:30 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

hey Samual.... watch your back, traitor

21:00:56 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

who are you??

21:25:30 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

Roshnak, son of Korg

00:41:19 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Darth Bane:

hey,  hobbit petter your not talking about armageddon so get the Fout

cast my kingdom mate  CAST!!!!!!!!

00:45:32 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

What KD are you?

01:37:26 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

PKS.... now either talk about arma of get out!

02:13:18 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Kid Icarus:

darth bane=ghey

02:14:05 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Kid Icarus:

pesterd=farmer who has contributed absolutley NOTHING to his KD...only to cast Arma.

02:58:55 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Darth Bane:

are u 12?????? and let me say even if pesterd was a farmer uh hello arma=everything for our KD when it hits we will pwn everything GO PESTERD!!!!!!

03:32:35 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

pesterd is a jackass.

03:42:06 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

@ silver surfer
pesterd is just someone who owns you all and doesnt farm and probably has a higher army upkeep then u.... so why not just keep your mouth shut and learn to play VU instead of getting killed..

@ kid icarus
i dont even kno who you are so why not get another 15 eras of experience under your belt then talk...

04:22:15 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

I love when these forums turn into an abuse session, reminds me that 90% of people playing this game are still working out what girls are... 80% of those cause they are to young to b lookingyet and the other 20% cause they haven't left their computers in the last 3 years...

Any1 killing any1 else in Armageddon yet, or are we all still under protection?

06:20:06 Oct 6th 08 - Duke Ozai:

Umm i think this forum is talking about the WORLD arma not the spell that Pesterd cast >.<

06:53:02 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

  ya but who cares about the world arma? 

07:40:12 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Fusion:

Umm i guess the new players that play it... :-p

10:41:26 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

I happen to agree with Fusion, we who are unlucky enough to have been stranded on Armageddon care about who is gonna kill us, Pestard wont last long anyway...

12:11:15 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Samual:

hey stop this is armageddon forums not for *beep* mail from over people!!

12:12:27 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Samual:

IT look like

Disney Disney


RS Red Smoke

12:14:02 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Samual:


EPH Euphoria


RS Red Smoke

12:14:39 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Samual:

And not sure bout the over kingdoms but these are all of them

EPH Euphoria 5 Mr. Antichrist 100
RS Red Smoke 4 Mr. Silent 88
EU Eastern Union 2 Mr. Maquette 53
DOM Domination 3 Mr. Bean 30
Ada Adamantine 2 Mr. Wiggy 27
Disney Disney 2 Mr. Goofy 26
PN Pwn Nubs 2 Mr. Sanoh 2

12:34:36 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

Finally someone talking some sense... I doubt any of the other kingdoms have members OOP, but the real fighting should start in about a day or two...

"Why don't we all just sit back and farm, no one says we have to fight?"
He only lasted 3 turns OOP...

14:26:28 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Samual:

I dint know you were on arma wat kingdom??

01:17:39 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

Mr. Jesus Left Toe


10/6/2008 4:41:26 AMI happen to agree with Fusion, we who are unlucky enough to have been stranded on Armageddon care about who is gonna kill us, Pestard wont last long anyway...

Lol ok... says the nub on Arma...

02:24:23 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

Well either way you are gonna die, either some1 will wipe out your city or you will blow yourself up....

02:36:21 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Darth Bane:

then you don't know the power of PKS>:)

17:39:46 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

lol PKS r a nuub kd

18:53:21 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Frodo:


04:55:09 Oct 8th 08 - The Farchitect:

Refresh my memory, when arma hits, scores are frozen correct?

16:41:04 Oct 9th 08 - The Farchitect:

Anyone know for sure?

16:46:18 Oct 9th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Scores are not frozen when arma hits.

19:20:40 Oct 9th 08 - The Farchitect:

Ok, thanks Osi.

14:23:10 Oct 10th 08 - Mr. Samual:


01:51:27 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland II:

Mr. Jesus Left Toe


10/5/2008 10:22:15 PMI love when these forums turn into an abuse session, reminds me that 90% of people playing this game are still working out what girls are... 80% of those cause they are to young to b looking yet and the other 20% cause they haven't left their computers in the last 3 years...

I ROFL @ this message!

11:40:59 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

wats happening in arma?

12:35:22 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Khronos:

Wars non-stop right now.

12:47:04 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

nice hey khronos nice killing me!!

03:14:10 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Mad Maxx:

* mad maxx whispers to the guy next to him "pks napped everyone on their bored...nothing else left to do but cast arma"

05:16:52 Oct 12th 08 - Sir Banshee:

*banshee whispers back to mad maxx, " I know they dont know how to war guess that just shows their true colors."

09:38:02 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Samual:

EPH Euphoria 14 Mr. Antichrist 100




Soul Oblivion 6 Mr. Elite 33

09:38:35 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Samual:

EPH Euphoria 14 Mr. Antichrist 100




PN Pwn Nubs 5 Sir Nub Pawner 22

09:39:24 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Samual:

EPH Euphoria 14 Mr. Antichrist 100




BC Black Chain Training Program 11 Mr. Burninglegion 17

09:59:20 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

And a future war (when EPH and EU have no one else left to fight)

EUEastern Union14Mr. Maquette290
EPHEuphoria14Mr. Antichrist247
DarkDark4Ms. Vampire Queen100

I have no doubt that Dark will win this one too :D

00:41:14 Oct 17th 08 - Ms. Vampire Queen:

Unfortunately Mr Farmer Eastern Union seems to have no sense of humor.

Well we have now lost ours as well

Wide Evil Grin

Vampire Queen
Monarch of Dark

00:44:44 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Kermarth:

and not just the sense of humor, sense of honor as well

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