Forums / In game politics / Armageddon 45

Armageddon 45
05:38:59 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Royal order of Claidmore 18 Duke Kevdwayne 100
Winged Dusk 11 Mr. Trendkill 3
Zoo 6 Mr. Michael Buble 2
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 6 Duke Insane XIV 1
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 1
Bear Machines 4 Mr. Bear Banger 1
NEBC 6 Sir Arkantos 1
salisbury 2 Mr. Salisbury 1
Untold Legends 1 Mr. Halt 0



yes let the fun begin

06:12:38 Feb 22nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

good luck RoC

07:06:03 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Thanks man :). We will see how things play out and hopefully for the better.

13:25:14 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Arkantos:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Armageddon
NEBC 7 Sir Arkantos 100
Royal order of Claidmore 18 Duke Kevdwayne 69
Winged Dusk 7 Mr. Trendkill 13
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 7 Duke Insane XIV 9
Bear Machines 4 Mr. Bear Banger 9
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 0
Untold Legends 1 Mr. Halt 0
Zoo 6 Mr. Michael Buble 0


gonna be a good era :)

13:29:03 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

I hope so. And may the best RoCkie win :big-grin:

13:31:28 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Arkantos:

good luck and have fun :bigger-grin:

20:34:21 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Horus V:

Black Flag, reporting in

21:13:39 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Horus V:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
NEBC 8 Sir Arkantos 338
Royal order of Claidmore 19 Duke Kevdwayne 263
Black Flag 2 Mr. Hamish 100
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 9 Duke Insane XIV 50
Bear Machines 4 Mr. Bear Banger 44
Winged Dusk 7 Mr. Trendkill 29
Zoo 6 Mr. Michael Buble 29
Untold Legends 1 Mr. Halt 0

21:19:39 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Jondrus Hawk:

good luck everyone!

22:14:42 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Arkantos:

OOP wars are going to be fun all crammed together :)

22:20:53 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Dang, I wish I had Holy Cows on Arma so I could take out RoC... funnest era evar

23:04:07 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

lol id still that magmic finger up your arse lol jk tbh prob couldnt but id try ;p.

23:30:21 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Arkantos:


00:20:35 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Zuall:

Royal order of Claidmore19Duke Kevdwayne100
NEBC8Sir Arkantos86
Bear Machines 4Mr. Bear Banger25
Dendarii Mercenary Corps9Duke Insane XIV20
Black Flag2Mr. Hamish20
Zoo6Mr. Michael Buble12
Winged Dusk7Mr. Trendkill7
Untold Legends1Mr. Halt0

yay us hehe

01:08:52 Feb 23rd 10 - Duke Polydeuces:

Lol, rest of you finally start?

01:17:40 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Actually just a few more ;/. some i think are inactive.

01:19:39 Feb 23rd 10 - Sir Arkantos:


18:20:49 Feb 23rd 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Almost time, gl all:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Royal order of Claidmore19Duke Kevdwayne100
NEBC8Sir Arkantos65
Bear Machines5Mr. Bear Banger25
Dendarii Mercenary Corps8Duke Insane XIV23
Black Flag3Mr. Hamish23
Winged Dusk7Mr. Trendkill12
Zoo6Mr. Michael Buble6
Untold Legends1Mr. Halt0

18:21:35 Feb 23rd 10 - Sir Arkantos:

i'm excited :D

01:11:38 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

oh i'm beyond excited i'm ecstatic for this oop war

01:12:52 Feb 24th 10 - Sir Arkantos:

same it's gonna be soooooo fun :) may the best kingdom win.

18:22:36 Feb 25th 10 - Mr. Horus V:

Ok, someone has to spill the beans:

Royal order of Claidmore 19 Duke Kevdwayne 377

NEBC 10 Sir Arkantos 299

Black Flag 5 Mr. Hamish 100

and just to put it out there, Black Flag has only two active so far. The new guys we have been given are still just sitting there...


Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 219

Winged Dusk 7 Mr. Trendkill 8

^ this one seems all but over to me!

And finally, the list:
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Royal order of Claidmore 19 Duke Kevdwayne 377
NEBC 10 Sir Arkantos 299
Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 219
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 8 Duke Insane XIV 167
Black Flag 5 Mr. Hamish 100
Zoo 6 Mr. Michael Buble 44
Winged Dusk 7 Mr. Trendkill 8
Untold Legends 1 Mr. Halt 0

18:23:56 Feb 25th 10 - Sir Arkantos:

looks like fun :) can't forget RoC NAPed with DMC :)

18:25:44 Feb 25th 10 - Mr. Horus V:

I was gonna keep the relations a secret!

18:31:44 Feb 25th 10 - Sir Arkantos:

oh ok sorry :P

21:37:11 Feb 25th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

We take the wars as ´they comes.

Of course I will not wish you "Good luck" - but you will need it.

And don't forget. "The Gods of War" are always with me!

23:12:31 Feb 25th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Well lets hope some of our members begin to produce troops in larger quants. Seems they just now are getting the facts. Congrats NEBC the first time this era you did me a major favor. I mean that seriously as well.

01:41:31 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

No no no you got it all wrong! Have them just create mines and then we can take those and be happy =). 

13:45:34 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

bear machines looks like they are becoming pretty active.

17:56:57 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Horus V:

How's this for a turn in events... Zoo merges into Dendari, effectively making them the 2nd largest kd. Now apparently MAP'd with ROC, turn the big war into:

Royal order of Claidmore 18 Duke Kevdwayne 430

Dendarii Mercenary Corps 10 Duke Insane XIV 225


NEBC 10 Sir Arkantos 219

Black Flag 4 Mr. Hamish 100

The number 1 and 2 KDs allied.... fantastic for all the little folk!

18:12:41 Feb 26th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Ahh but also:

Royal order of Claidmore18Duke Kevdwayne100
Bear Machines5Mr. Bear Banger46

And Hamish, NEBC was the number 2 kd at the time

18:33:36 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Horus V:

oh good, that'll bring the balance to the fight! <sarcasm>


Any other worlds have any 5 kingdom wars going on?

20:22:25 Feb 26th 10 - Sir Jondrus Hawk:

To set the record straight. We accept auto-joins. We previously only have 4 members with cities settled, one is on another world. So basically we had 3 members on Arma. We are waiting to see if some of these new players actually drop a city or even move their armies for that matter. 

20:45:01 Feb 26th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

RoC and Dendarii isn't MAP'ped. We just have the same interests.

And Horus. As old member of RoC you know :complain: will not work. Your kingdom started, now we shall finish. :trouble:

23:17:59 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

We are allied to dendarii?

N here i was thinking we were just cf'ed for the time being. Also Roc members lets try to keep our statements to comments. I myself would rather not get chewed out....again lol.

23:20:34 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

max didnt say anything bad he was just saying hey you brought the hammer down on your own hand

23:22:45 Feb 26th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Chewed out?


But yeah, its been an interesting war so far. Arkantos' ponies cause a nice game of cat and mouse

23:33:08 Feb 26th 10 - General Admin Zondy:

Zoo 5 Mr. Michael Buble 0


um how did zoo merge? 0.o

23:36:08 Feb 26th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

plus BM now second strongest kd. From the start we fought NEBC (put up a good bloody fight). Then hamish came in kinda ignored em and he took some of our cities so now have that war. Dendarrii and us cfed early on when they had like 2 or 3 people. So the simple fact that they are as strong as they are now is just a posotive plus we have recieved to be completely honest.

01:27:11 Feb 27th 10 - Master Lance of The Elite Four:

This sucks though cuz I have only been Orc once before. Had I been Troll I could have kept you guys out of the west side.

02:06:20 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

if i had been orc things wouldve been different too :).

02:19:44 Feb 27th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

There's always next time mate ;)

02:58:36 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

well you guys were giving me a run for my money there for a day or to if you would have posted up at some blockers you guys might have held us back but great job in my opinion i would like to do it again one of these days

16:09:08 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Horus V:

General Admin Zondy


17:33:08 Feb 26th 10
Zoo 5 Mr. Michael Buble 0


um how did zoo merge? 0.o

it appears only one zoo is active, and he is now Dendari (Dreamer)

and don't be afraid of ROC, they are practically waving the white flag already! just take that puny sword off of their banner and voila, white flag.

17:25:54 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

LOL ah that's great once we finish up here we'll come say hi Horus if it'll make you feel better

17:54:49 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Sandoran:

When are all of the borders gonna open :(

18:17:44 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

idk then i can go and say hi to you also when they open

18:45:09 Feb 27th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Hi sandy!

19:09:13 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Sandoran:

That would be nice Jack, and while you're here anyway, you can come scare evil FEAR away :)

Hi cao, you like spongebob?

19:48:43 Feb 27th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Who doesn't!?

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