Forums / In game politics / Armageddon Age 7

Armageddon Age 7
09:31:55 Oct 9th 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Goodfortune):

And so it begins :D

00:07:05 Oct 21st 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Exiled Imperium Of Knights 15Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter322
Kell Hounds5Sir Kellaine II160
You Suck4Mr. Orrises100
Crater and Bean2Mr. Jellybean1

how about epic sucking, 4 ppl in my kd, one is inactive, you have 15.. and are only little over 3 times our power.. lol

01:46:23 Oct 21st 11 - Princess Aisha:

How can you be sure all of his players are actually playing?

01:58:26 Oct 21st 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Because My lady, he merged with a kd, his numbers were 9. I am also fighting him :P And watching him accept everyone he comes across. Sad, thats wat it comes to in order to win a world :/

Im just waiting for him to kick everyone and eat their cities...

02:32:40 Oct 21st 11 - Princess Aisha:

That is Kath? His usual accept everyone in the Kd I know...
You should be honorable and send a message to all his new players explaining what tactic Kath usually uses on his members :)
And I highly doubt Kath can win any world no matter the numbers...

02:38:41 Oct 21st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune II):

Actually, to clarify it all up. He did not really ask us to join. Anon (The Leader and Only Vice) was inactive (5 days so far) and we wanted the best chance possible to win the 2nd armageddon in a row. So all we did was merge in Exiled. Simple as that.

03:37:31 Oct 21st 11 - Mr. Secular Sunbeds Rock:

Thats just how Kath rolls.. He especially likes the player that betray their kingdom and join his...

04:28:26 Oct 21st 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

My leader is inactive 6 days, yet im with him :) leader doesnt have be active to win. or anything.

05:06:40 Oct 21st 11 - Ms. Bloodrayne:

Ashe you did the same thing last era to Karac I think, so you indeed fall in the cathegory of Kath kinda player, so you will like it there I am sure :)
If you think switching Kingdoms in middle of era is good, then you belong with Kath

05:13:18 Oct 21st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Goodfortune):

Oh god.. umm, I did it with:

Army of Anubis to Coffee Break

Myrillia to (Some name I can't remember)

AoA Outpost to Exiled if you count it.

I was in every single KD in fenst.. Restarted 4 times :D

Guardian Dragons to AoA Outpost..

I've done it like every era.

Karac you say? Whom is that? 

05:55:46 Oct 21st 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Ladies, I was just pointing out the weakness in Kaths kd percent against his numbers.. but this is good too.

06:09:46 Oct 21st 11 - Princess Aisha:

Ashe are just now bragging about back stabbing your Kingdoms or what is your point?

07:05:15 Oct 21st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune II):

I think switching kingdoms mid-era is a moderate tactic :)

07:22:30 Oct 21st 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

technically unless you were playing an account in AOA while you were in Coffee Break you didn't backstab us, we let you in to see what you would do and you did exactly what we thought you  would do, farm up cities for AOA :D

07:31:13 Oct 21st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune II):

Dudette. Its not my fault I went on a surprise vacation :<  Still love you for accusing me of being Moonlight.. Orc is the one race I just suck at.

07:34:45 Oct 21st 11 - Endless (Ms. Memento Mori):

I didn't accuse, I had no proof <3   

I still think that era was fun and funny :)

07:41:07 Oct 21st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashes Revelation):

It was quite interesting :D Im pretty sure that was the longest i've ever farmed up. I had like 3 90k's in there.

17:35:58 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Zond we barely grew when we took in more kingdoms , thats shown by the fact me and elite alone were double you and more then kell hounds , and we arent fighting just you were fighting you and kell hounds , we have 3 inactive players , who havent logged in for 3 days but who we kept as AoA outpost wanted to keep them (they long in sometimes but not recently ) , on top of that we have the fact we are spread across the map and fighting in the north and south , on top of that your kingdom is all halfer :P 

17:36:16 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

And your KD is all experienced players , we accepted quite a few new players 

17:44:37 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

PS aisha ive come second in the two worlds i was on , and i actually won zeta a few times back in the day before i was known as 'kath the kicker' , people seem to forget the fact i played about 12 era's on mant and fant and a few on lower worlds before this whole 'kath the player kicker' thing started.

On top of this i've actually played in kingdoms with you aisha , without any incident so i dont understand what your point is :D

17:51:33 Oct 22nd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Only me and Rotti are halfer, and we are fighting you. We have an inactive Elf, and a troll that is a bit rusty.

Not to mention you are all mostly human, look at stone prices. You cant use "we are halfer" as an excuse, when you can make probably about 60mil in profit right now if not double that.

18:11:16 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

60 mil in profit? StG oop when we was attacked oop? really? 

and theres only 4 humans , not mostly human at all.

And we have no need for excuses the %'s are flawed as we all know , but if you look to the HoH we have just as many up their as you , so clearly it is simply due to us carrying dead weight rather then to us all being low standard.

Your character Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter is the 8th most powerful ruler in Armageddon

p.s stone prices are 0.73 , and just dropped from 0.8 , explain how you got the figure of 60 mil stone between 4 humans who are just oop who have to invest in military science to hold off attacks on two fronts?

18:18:11 Oct 22nd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Maybe if you knew the market you would see how, first your human. Your sciences are cheap, so cant use the reason u must military.
Next, just from my stone up, there is 11million to be made. And also you cant say stone prices are .73 and dropped from .8. They are around .4 -.7. They stay towards .4 and go to .7 when someone buys. If i sell 20mil at .4, thats only 8mil gold.. rest all profit.

18:33:24 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Im not even going to reply to that post because thats not the stone prices. There 0.65 now because someone bought all the 0,73 stone , and the stone before that was 0.8 , how do i know this ? because it was us selling it.

We have been the ones dropping the stone market price  , and on top of this , our human armies are larger and more powerful (and costly) then your halfer armies , so i dont understand why you have this belief that we are not doing anything. Our humans have larger , or just as large armies as your halfers , but all our armies are split , in the north and south. 

I for example , have a armoury on the other side of the map to you. 

My armies in the south are larger then your armies in the north , ask kell hounds :P 

18:41:34 Oct 22nd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

And mine are all together? Bull, Mine are all split watching every side of my core, yet i still kicked your guys armies ass. But oh wait, yours are more powerful yet i won!!

Adn ur wrong about stone prices, because u bought it all from the 8 to the 6. then u would have got mine.. but wait u didnt..

18:47:43 Oct 22nd 11 - Mr. Peabody The Teacher:

"I'm not even going to reply to that post"

*replies to post anyway*


19:20:57 Oct 22nd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Goodfortune):

3 Words. I love S2G. You people are making me rich so keep selling below 1 please.

19:32:31 Oct 22nd 11 - Mr. Dino:

Sold 1000000 stone for 999999 gold.

19:46:41 Oct 22nd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

12:25:55 - Goodfortune of Exiled Imperium Of Knights bought 2000000 stone for 1484444 gold from you on the market.

12:25:09 - Goodfortune of Exiled Imperium Of Knights bought 1500000 stone for 1113333 gold from you on the market.

12:23:20 - Goodfortune of Exiled Imperium Of Knights bought 100000 stone for 74222 gold from you on the market.

You are selling 32400000 stone for 24048001 gold (0.74) Sell 7680004 stone for 1 gold to make it the cheapest.

wat happened?

20:05:23 Oct 22nd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashes Revelation):

I mass produced AM's and then I ran out of Magic Power casting spells on other people

22:34:43 Oct 22nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Zond you have one player not in your core , who ironically has only one city and one army left.

06:41:49 Oct 23rd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Rotti isnt in my core, hes by himself, im by myself, and Spoon is by himself, and yes has one city and army.. he also hasnt been active and hasnt played in years.. But cool. You know how to use the map, so what?

13:11:44 Oct 23rd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Theron II of The Dales):

rotti is 4 ticks from your core , The AoA outpost member are nearlyy 24 ticks away from us lmao.

And nothing i was making a point to the fact you was trying to make it look like it was just you guys fighting us. 

21:46:19 Oct 23rd 11 - Rottich (Mr. Rottan III):

I dare say it's closer to 20 ticks then 4... But yeah, i'm not that far ^^ still, no blocker and i'm not in the core so tecnically i'm by myself ;)

22:05:17 Oct 23rd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Not to mention neither do i have a secure "core". Yes he is 4 ticks from me... 4 naz scout on force march ticks..

You have 4 or 5 players, fighting just me and him. So yes, i am making you look bad :D

Just killed 2 of the players you took in, now its Dryness turn! >:D he built me a nice 90k, hoping he makes it a 200k, but doubt he will last that long will ya old bud ;)

but tbh, he looks like the only threat and may be a problem as ive left him be to farm and stg to much.. but we will see. Hes always fun to fight anyway, doesnt wine.

22:18:30 Oct 23rd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Exiled Imperium Of Knights 14Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter192
You Suck5Mr. Orrises100
Kell Hounds5Sir Kellaine II94

100 + 94 = 194.
5 + 5 = 10.


your 192 with 14. we win yes? :P

oh wait, minus my one inactive, you got rid of your inactives.. or ate some ppl wateves, Kellaine has a few new players.. so we win still! :DD yays

22:19:55 Oct 23rd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashes Revelation):

Silly halflings thinking they're all good with their pony spam.

22:23:15 Oct 23rd 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

hehe, pony spam is good. :) for a while.

08:33:28 Oct 24th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Ratman):

Ashes, you'll enjoy the fact that i'm probably one of the worst halfer players there are out there :)

10:14:49 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Spoonh:

I don't have one city left you silly people.

11:02:12 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Spoonh:

Also, I started later :(

12:33:18 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Actually we started after kellaine , are mainly new players , have one inactive still (his not the one who left , doomed is the inactive not general iroh ) , one player who was nearly dead when we let him in (jedly , he had been fighting general iroh).

We actually have only two players fighting just you , the other two are fighting you AND kellaine. And who in kellaines kingdom is new? i know there are no first era players in his kingdom. Which we have a couple of. 

12:34:31 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

But anyway i wont flame and argue in forums. Its a difference of 4 players , but most of kellainse kingdoms are halfers meaning they should be steamrolling us early era not being on the defensive and losing cities.

Kudos to you suck as your doing well. And if were going by blockers then we dont even have a core , so dont try pull that one.

12:35:42 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Spoonh you started one rl day after me , i could see you when you landed , and you had one city left , vole attacked my army that was 72 % on your other city with 2 days prep 

13:06:54 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Because My lady, he merged with a kd, his numbers were 9. I am also fighting him :P And watching him accept everyone he comes across. Sad, thats wat it comes to in order to win a world :/ 

Im just waiting for him to kick everyone and eat their cities...

Just saw this now. We merged with AoA OUTPOST , who came to us for relations , upon learning their leadership was inactive and they had no one in any viceroy positions , we asked if they would instead prefer to join us. at this point we was a 2 man Kd. we then became a 12 man Kingdom (Nightstalker came with me from my kd on another world and joined at this time.)

Hitside , leeree , atger and klasp asked to join , they was in position that would help us in our war and doing well so we accepted. 
The reason our points did not go up by as much is simple. Doomed is inactive , Klasp and leeree both started late , as did atger who is a new player along with a few other players who are also new to the game who were AoA outpost members. 

The only reason spoonh is still alive is because no one expected an attack from vole , and for this reason we did not send alot of troops. 

As i said earlier kudos to you zond , but it seems to me that yuor just trying to find reasons why your kingdom is uber . Out of those 10 players in your joined kingdoms who equal 194 to our 192 6 are halfers. two of those halfers who farmed until yesterday (vole and gunthor). Then you have two elves a human and an orc. now correct me if im wrong but Versus our kingdom shouldnt your kingdom be whooping ass early era?

13:08:45 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

On top of this we have already killed two kell hounds players

13:53:45 Oct 24th 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Uh from looks, we ARE kicking your ass...

also, you say u wont flame and argue yet again.. but u just made like 6 posts dude... making u look even dumber than you already did.

15:01:16 Oct 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

I didnt flame. A flame is when i come out and insult you.

Any you havent even reached our core so?? kicking our ass? you took jedlys north cities thats it. 

15:01:27 Oct 24th 11 - Mr. Grunthor:

The sad thing is, the two players you killed in Kell Hound were inactive. As you could tell we did have around 9 members but 4 went inactive, so we had to kick them out since most were dead. One left because he didnt like the fact we were attacking a friend of his, who joined your kingdom, Duke.

15:03:42 Oct 24th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Don Rott):

No the sad thing is that you are all still going on about something as silly as this.

It's a game. Now shh and play!

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