Forums / In game politics / Armagedon 27

Armagedon 27
18:07:42 Jun 7th 14 - Mr. Rabbit:

Well hey, Im not sure if anyone wants to know but I'd like to update what is happening this era on Armagedon. Others kd's feel free to join in on the discussion as I am but yet one man's opinion.

To start off the era, me and a fellow kd member from last era on latha came up to this world after latha was destroyed (a second time cause it reopened on accident). Together we spawned in a great area of the map. Soon after, A player named joejob spawned. We threatened him to join or die, he joined. While very inactive, seemed to be of some us to the kd. Next, we asked a man named klik to join. He asked why he should join and I told him join or die. He did not join, nor did he die.

From there, it was farming for about 1 week. Then, a player from the hunters invaded our core and my fellow kd memebers were not prepared for the battle. we lost many cities in the fight, but me and Hart swiftly took care of the intruder. Klik laughed and then joined that kd.

From there, we have been in a fight with the Hunters ever since. Klik comes into our core every now and then with nazguls and trys to rape our core due to poor blockers. He was pretty succesful last time, I do say. But I always freeze his armies with no MU protection (note, I play as halfing mage cause its fun). Then, my good friend hart destroys the armies, its a great set of team work.

Anyways before klik came and destroyed our armies, it was a hard fought battle in the north. cities were being taken and destroyed every day. cities being left abandoned, ghost towns. a few buildings of wreckage lied in the ruins of every city you tried to take back after being recaptured by the enemy. cities were burned and razed by the orcs who gave no thought into their actions - they must have thought the cities to be full of witches.

Soon laters mr. vivi decided to move troops near my personal second core. I told him to leave or it meant war. He decided to keep marching, so I immediatly moved my troops away from the hunters and fought the wardens of wisdom solo. They scooped up a new player late in the era and I knew this had to be my first target. They quickly took my second core and made a blocker to stop all from getting in full of guard towers. However, it wasnt enough, I was able to escape around that city of guardtowers and retake my core. Quickly, I made troops in the blocker inside their blocker to my core to not lose it again. I then retook what was mine and moved on to fight the recently oop player that joined the other kingdom.

Meanwhile, tyso and his gang draw closer to the first core again while klick is moving his armies to my second core. hopefully, a suprise awaits all.

But before that continues, Id like to take a min and supply you with the latest knews from my kd memeber hart who as mostly fought the hunters by himself. So this last part is the fact that he continues to have a power struggle with klik for rain of the cities in the north. its a constant battle between the two that is a must see event.

anyways, thats all I have to share for the era, and I hope to keep everyone updated and I hope other KD members have a crack at sharing their stories of battle

23:51:08 Jun 7th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):

This has been a brilliant era, I must say. Been a long time since I played this game, but I feel like everybody's doing a pretty good job pulling their weight.

The fight for the North was a good one. I had initially founded two major cities and two fortresses for self defense, intent on calling no man mister for the rest of my first era. Mr. Maths founded A very large city, Quadratic, to my west, along with two others. A Halfling, he sent a small army to strike at my eastern fortress, an assault that was quickly smashed with extreme prejudice. I made a counterstrike with all the wrath an Orc can muster, with much success. I captured each of Maths' cities, taking for myself a position of power. This soon attracted the attention of my neighbors, the Wolfpack, unfortunately. This prompted a short cold war focused around our neighboring fortresses, each forming a massive army. Ultimately, both forces were of equal size, and the resulting battle for supremacy hinged on a spot of luck. However, Mr. Hart rolled the dice, and to the victor, the spoils! My northern core fell, and I was forced to fortify my western core and expand elsewhere. Fort Sutton, from my eastern (and original) core, became heavily fortified to stave Hart off. For many weeks Sutton was a bastion of hope, right up until Hart mobilized an impressive army, which appeared just outside my city in smaller parts. Now, as an Orc without strength in numbers, I was forced to make a gambit. I began mobilizing regiments of Nazgul to assault my oldest, largest former cities, and I moved every last soldier out of Fort Sutton to attack Hart's unmerged armies. It worked; I destroyed all of my captured cities that were worth anything, followed up with four more that Joebob took from an ally. I made a successful invasion during the night with several groups of Nazgul that eliminated 7 cities from the Wolfpack core, 5 of which I estimate were actually useful.

I've had to fight very carefully, I must say. Most of my tactics have revolved around speed and, unfortunately, disposability of troops. But, I must say it has been working. With any luck, the damage I've caused will set my opponents back enough to allow us a victory this era. This certainly seems to be a turning point in the war.

03:32:37 Jun 8th 14 - Mr. Rabbit:

I hope to write something big again soon but not right now. thanks for the input klik! This next battle is do or die for us. Sadly we really on have 2 kd members (joebob is really inactive) and we are fighting 2 kds and yours just grows. lol. regardless if we win or loss this next battle, it was so fun playing this era, even if I sound like a dick via messages. but yeah, I failed to make any alliances but its been great! not sure how that kamikaze didnt work on rainbowroad!

18:22:04 Jun 8th 14 - Mr. Rabbit:

03:11:34 - Cleanupcrew lost a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. The army retreated to Strawberry. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 306 Pony riders, 173 Illusionists, 124 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 473 of our soldiers got injured.

03:11:24 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 417 Pony riders, 236 Illusionists, 168 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 645 of our soldiers got injured.

03:11:12 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 588 Pony riders, 333 Illusionists, 238 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 910 of our soldiers got injured.

03:10:59 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 903 Pony riders, 511 Illusionists, 364 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 1397 of our soldiers got injured.

02:39:05 - Klik of The Hunters bought 200000 tree for 100000 gold from you on the market.

02:00:24 - Morale in Iwantthis dropped because they are afraid Wontolla will eat them!

01:53:58 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 905 Pony riders, 511 Illusionists, 362 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 1397 of our soldiers got injured.

01:53:18 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 1423 Pony riders, 804 Illusionists, 570 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 2197 of our soldiers got injured.

01:52:59 - Cleanupcrew won a battle against Kill This from Ms. Yrrebwarts. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 2137 Pony riders, 1207 Illusionists, 855 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 3299 of our soldiers got injured.



30 exp later. haha what were the dice rolls on this?

19:27:31 Jun 10th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

any more updates? lmao

21:54:23 Jun 13th 14 - Mr. Rabbit:

you may update yourself vivi. This is not a sole opertation of myself. Luckily my core is large enough to rebuild everything with the protection of kd members as most of it was empty. I also had a few more large armies left up there so ill be ok still, not worried. I am worried that I dont play all the time anymore though

23:46:04 Jun 25th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):

The map has changed a lot since we started, hasn't it?

It looks like the Wolfpack took a pretty good blow from the Wardens, but I fully expect they can shake that off and rebuild no problem. Hart has a nasty habit of owning way more soldiers than is even reasonable. meanwhile, I've gone and burned down ... lord, how many of Wardens' cities? I think I'm at 16.

Also, whoever cast plague? You suck so much. My news feed is getting so terribly cluttered. :D

00:15:38 Jun 26th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Orcus):

wolfpack cast plague lol and we wernt ready for you guys, I dont think harts gonna recover this time :P

19:54:23 Jun 27th 14 - Mr. Poopsack:

we are currently in the process of destroying anything we have left so the wardens are left with rubbel. the problem with halflings is you get so f*ed over so hard. your troops are weak as balls. Your adventurers find farming, yes farming and forestry upgrades. wtf man. I already have a bonus to farming and i dont need the wood because I dont need to build more. furthermore, I cant even possibly save up enough now to upgrade ANY science because of the damn adventurers. I literally hate halflings. the army upkeep is insane, and your losses are incredible even with a win. its a terrible, terrible race.

19:59:25 Jun 27th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

then dont pick it lol

20:27:14 Jun 27th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Krikon I):

If you get enough adventurers, I imagine the science upgrades start to become rather impressive- I've heard about people with as much as 14 in one science and 9+ in the rest. That' probably late-era farming, though.

Orcs have a tendency to share that 'huge casualty' problem, too, since our strongest (practical) land unit is, effectively, a cheaper adventurer. I tend to try t go for either overwhelming odds or massive sharding to avoid combat. That same concept might work for halfinglings (even though they don't move very fast...)

I have personally only played orcs and Dwarves (the latter of which I can't stand because of the glitch where a reclaimed city doesn't get the mining bonus). Orcs seem rather well-rounded and able to fill any role, so I doubt I'll bother branching out to other races anytime soon. I might try humans just to explore their catapult potential, since being able to smash through walls sans mages could be really helpful.

21:57:11 Jun 27th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Swirling Blades):

Human catapults are not really worth it. You still will take losses if the enemy has at least one Gt and the gold you loose in units is not worth it at all. Some would argue its a suicidal mechanic at best.

17:03:17 Jun 28th 14 - Mr. Poopsack:

im going troll for now. the extra power when someone is trying to attack with mages sounds like fun. I like adventurers on lower worlds when i plan on farming. but no.

18:19:03 Jun 28th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Woodeh):

Boyo, pure cat armys aren't amazing, there 20 Def means there very likely to get bounced without archers or knights in the army, with humans I prefer pure knights.

22:18:01 Jun 28th 14 - Rora (Empress Aurora):

I have to agree, knights are the way to go as a human. Just look at it this way, you're over doubling your defence for the cost per unit. 44 defence for 4 knights or 20 defence for 1 catapult. That's the way I look at it anyways.

23:03:01 Jun 28th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXVII):

the upkeep difference would even that out :p

23:10:03 Jun 28th 14 - Rora (Empress Aurora):

True, I guess your upkeep would be pretty low if you just kept losing all your catapults because they lack the defence they need ;)

23:17:02 Jun 28th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):

Fair enough. Not like an ork Shaman spam is very expensive, anyways, so you could easily get more bang for your buck that way.

23:35:31 Jun 28th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry):

the wars not over yet :)

02:39:13 Jun 29th 14 - Ms. Yrrebwarts:

I say play elf with immortal archmages. I mean all of them should just die in battle and  not  a single one injured so that you can just aotd them all :p

03:14:52 Jun 29th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Krikon I):

I prefer the sound of immortal nazgul, personally. To each their own.

The war certainly is not over, no. However, it has been extremely one-sided.

03:40:39 Jun 29th 14 - Ms. Yrrebwarts:

Yep one sided for the time being coz while we have sent all our large armies to finish off wolfpack, you were quietly building troops near our area quite an honorable strategy well it figures since your an orc but please will you stop sending spam of level 2 troops to my area, its annoying :p. Wait a minute don't tell me that 500k army is a spam of Gaia, gotta get EITS on that fast.

04:43:50 Jun 29th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Krikon I):

It's ironic that you would question one's honorability while it was the Wardens who breathed the first words of war. I only prepared soldiers to attack Wolfpack; yet, once you seized Stormfighter's holdings as, if I recall correctly, a "foothold" against the Hunters, it became clear to me that putting off the inevitable would be fruitless. Strike while the iron is hot and what not.

I use low-level troops only when appropriate, of course. Those gaia were able to quickly annihilate yet another of your cities at very little cost to me. had I been paying attention, I could have moved them to sow more destruction; mais non.

05:08:43 Jun 29th 14 - Ms. Kisara Nanjo:

Seems like everyone's having fun then

05:17:21 Jun 29th 14 - Ms. Yrrebwarts:

Nicely done sweetie. Just proves that even orcs can think huh :p

17:43:43 Jun 29th 14 - Globey (Sir Orsund Farthendorth):

Yaaaay, my plague actually did something! Well,  it's annoying at very least.

Things were over for Wolfpack when the entire map NAP'd against us XD

04:39:21 Jun 30th 14 - Mr. Rabbit:

so true^ we were number one for what, 3 or 4 weeks with only two players. we got a real third so late we couldn't do anything cause we already dropped down so far. so, we played damn good for what we did have with so many people against us

13:20:25 Jul 2nd 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

The tide is turning with me having a 100% on the number 1 Hoh army :) feel the wrath of my previously dead archmages muhahahaha.

17:32:38 Jul 2nd 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):

I honestly just want someone to steamroll and get this era over with so I can stop playing. Something about this game is really fun, but it's just not good enough that I can play it for a month and not get tired of some of the random, stupid things that happen because the game isn't better, you know? I need an 'abdicate' button to give my landholdings over to my KD members, lol.

18:06:09 Jul 2nd 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry):

ive asked Zeta for arma already,

02:15:10 Jul 3rd 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Krikon I):

I'd be fine with that. I need a break, lol.

04:07:36 Jul 3rd 14 - Mr. Ceo:

I agree, lets end it before you find a way to somehow kill my army and before I find a way to take your 500k soldier filled city bunker

06:32:28 Jul 3rd 14 - Omnilord (Mr. Woo):

I've had a good run for my very first era of VU, but I really screwed up early on (ex, I rainbowed my science as an Orc, and had horrible city placement) and that newb tax is catching up to me with interest due.

I'd be okay with arma on Armageddon.

23:50:41 Jul 5th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Well it's been a great era guys! 

23:58:46 Jul 5th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Time we brought this back


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive: 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: 

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: 

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: 

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: 

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: 

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: 

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": 

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

00:08:19 Jul 6th 14 - musclesdelaney (Mr. Musclesdelaney):

Time we brought this back


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive: 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:  leeroy jenkins

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: 

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: 

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: ViVI

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: VIVI, slaughtered every HOH army hunters threw out!

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: 

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: 

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: 

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":  id have to vote myself, I mean, I can upload a picture of these bodybuilder muscles of mine if you'd like.

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

00:14:12 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: WolfPack

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Wardens

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Wolves

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Wardens

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Hunters

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Death Valley


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:Klik

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:Yrrebwarts

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:Hart

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Jerden

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:Hart

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Galaxar

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Klik

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Yrrebwarts

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Musclesdelaney

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: ME

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:Yrrebwarts

02:51:23 Jul 6th 14 - Mr. Galaxar:

who voted no? anyway I do think I did pretty well running the hunters on my own with kliks help because incase you couldn't tell tysio did nothing to run the kingdom and was extremely inactive all era

I knew someone in my kingdom gave up our city locations and plans when you guys suddenly knew what we were doing and were our stuff was, I just didn't expect that it would be klik

Still a good era though, was my first era as humans and my first time running a kingdom

02:56:16 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

congratz! :) and you should vote for the awards :P

06:48:07 Jul 6th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):

I didn't give up  city location information- I'm the guy that knew the Wardens were planning on attacking us (Hunters) and confronted them on three separate occasions about it (and Vivi said he was trying to talk to the members of Wardens). What I did was try to prevent our apparent NAP from being broken, and once it was abundantly clear there was no preventing this, I just went for it. I would definitely accept 'quickest to drop everything and take a convenient swipe', though. :D

The tactics award makes me happy, though. That's literally the only thing I think I did reasonably well: nazgul blitzkrieg. :D

07:22:25 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vuguide):

who do you vote for?

08:38:29 Jul 6th 14 - The Boyo (Mr. Klik):


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Wolfpack.
     They went to war with everybody, but they were consistent.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Hunters.
     I did burn down just about every city I could...
The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Leeroy Jenkins

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Everyone?
     I don't know who the new players actually are.

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Hart. He has too many kills to ignore. :D

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Death Valley (Default: they didn't kill anyone, to my knowledge.)


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: No choice.

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: I don't know enough about magic, honestly. Rabbit did a good job freezing me and Yrr (and I think Vivi) caught a few of my attacks, so I nominate them all.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Definitely Wolfpack, from the get-go.

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Him with the most Archmages. This is basically the "Guy who won" category be default, isn't it?

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Probably either me, Hart, or Rabbit, if only because we wreaked havoc (but I generally found both Hart and Rabbit to be fun players to talk to; they were not mean in the slightest.)

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Stormfighter. I had wrote him once to apologize for his situation; he was the vector by which WoW was establishing a foothold near Hunters. Well, he responded and convinced me that the issue with this game was that big kingdoms like ours regularly stomped on the little guys to give us an edge over our opponents, and this is both unfair for the little guys and just not fun. I agreed; I was in the same situation earlier. So, that's when I decided we should just hit WoW and be done with it. i couldn't agree with him any more.

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Nobody.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Either Galaxar, Vivi, or Yrr. I'm not a good judge for this.

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Muscles Delainy. He lifts, bro.

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: *shrugs*

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: *shrugs more emphatically*

15:43:50 Jul 6th 14 - Ms. Yrrebwarts:

Yep quite a fun era and world to play in for my first character in a while. Fun no. 1: had to defend from a 500k army from the most powerful ruler at that time (if I'm not mistaken) a few days out of protection with 400k per tick income, my goodness! Fun no.2: an orc answering my flames jeez. Fun no.3: is leeroy Jenkins and death valley invisible or something? Fun no.4: I'm all my past eras in vu, I've never seen a player who used the word muscles in his ruler name. Fun no.5 we are about to win the era but we feel like outsiders, hey why are you just talking to yourselves WP and TH?

I guess I have no right to cast my vote since I'm a late spawner and never really knew the story of the era so I'll just save it for next time.

15:45:37 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

come on strawberry lets hear your awards! :)

  1. Ms. Yrrebwarts of Wardens of Wisdom (Elf)
    Had 541,526 land, 321,559 troops and 20 science points. Killed 644,033 soldiers, won 25 of 40 battles and captured 21 cities.
  2. Mr. Vivi of Wardens of Wisdom (Elf)
    Had 326,169 land, 502,994 troops and 32 science points. Killed 2,138,288 soldiers, won 64 of 105 battles and captured 53 cities.
  3. Mr. Silver Ears of Wardens of Wisdom (Dwarf)
    Had 279,094 land, 543,394 troops and 25 science points. Killed 58,868 soldiers, won 5 of 14 battles and captured 3 cities.
  4. Mr. Woo of The Hunters (Orc)
    Had 479,542 land, 224,891 troops and 20 science points. Killed 297,082 soldiers, won 57 of 92 battles and captured 34 cities.
  5. Mr. Galaxar of The Hunters (Human)
    Had 272,954 land, 394,023 troops and 24 science points. Killed 228,323 soldiers, won 13 of 22 battles and captured 15 cities.
  6. Mr. Jerden of Wardens of Wisdom (Dwarf)
    Had 223,477 land, 323,698 troops and 24 science points. Killed 75,206 soldiers, won 10 of 17 battles and captured 2 cities.
  7. Ms. Lilith of The Hunters (Dwarf)
    Had 216,573 land, 455,667 troops and 23 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  8. Mr. Warframe of Leeroy Jenkins (Halfling)
    Had 191,434 land, 98,917 troops and 27 science points. Killed 112,542 soldiers, won 11 of 29 battles and captured 11 cities.
  9. Mr. Poled of Wardens of Wisdom (Dwarf)
    Had 212,076 land, 390,935 troops and 17 science points. Killed 277 soldiers, won 0 of 3 battles and captured 0 cities.
  10. Mr. Musclesdelaney of Wardens of Wisdom (Human)
    Had 342,625 land, 186,229 troops and 22 science points. Killed 552,608 soldiers, won 25 of 46 battles and captured 24 cities.
  11. Mr. Nyerky of Wardens of Wisdom (Human)
    Had 216,249 land, 229,971 troops and 31 science points. Killed 36,578 soldiers, won 7 of 26 battles and captured 12 cities.
  12. Mr. Klik of The Hunters (Orc)
    Had 270,167 land, 213,035 troops and 21 science points. Killed 673,110 soldiers, won 107 of 192 battles and captured 33 cities.
  13. Mr. Tysio of The Hunters (Halfling)
    Had 163,058 land, 182,024 troops and 14 science points. Killed 301,727 soldiers, won 10 of 24 battles and captured 6 cities.
  14. Ms. Gold of The Hunters (Elf)
    Had 159,303 land, 201,123 troops and 22 science points. Killed 15,893 soldiers, won 3 of 14 battles and captured 1 cities.
  15. Mr. Talino of The Hunters (Human)
    Had 169,307 land, 154,812 troops and 18 science points. Killed 48,460 soldiers, won 6 of 10 battles and captured 8 cities.
  16. Ms. Hello Kitty of Wardens of Wisdom (Troll)
    Had 119,074 land, 147,704 troops and 14 science points. Killed 25,492 soldiers, won 4 of 8 battles and captured 8 cities.
  17. Mr. Incompetent Bob of The Hunters (Dwarf)
    Had 137,887 land, 15,575 troops and 20 science points. Killed 12,120 soldiers, won 0 of 2 battles and captured 0 cities.
  18. Mr. Pastafanta of CAT (Elf)
    Had 34,651 land, 22,467 troops and 10 science points. Killed 9 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  19. Mr. Storm Fighter of Death Valley (Troll)
    Had 39,608 land, 37,535 troops and 11 science points. Killed 171,810 soldiers, won 14 of 30 battles and captured 9 cities.
  20. Ms. Raksha of Wardens of Wisdom (Orc)
    Had 59,559 land, 52,160 troops and 21 science points. Killed 99,842 soldiers, won 19 of 45 battles and captured 5 cities.
  21. Duke Sable Blackblade of Wolves (Human)
    Had 35,461 land, 44 troops and 5 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  22. Mr. Deathproof Blackstoc of Wardens of Wisdom (Human)
    Had 16,369 land, 6,987 troops and 7 science points. Killed 515 soldiers, won 0 of 2 battles and captured 1 cities.
  23. Mr. Anakindoo of Death Valley (Orc)
    Had 9,497 land, 0 troops and 8 science points. Killed 1,780 soldiers, won 0 of 4 battles and captured 0 cities.
  24. Mr. Dengizich of (Orc)
    Had 1,072 land, 13 troops and 1 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  25. Lord Mournstar of Wolves (Human)
    Had 6,005 land, 50 troops and 4 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  26. Mr. Hellzzbellzz of (Human)
    Had 111 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  27. Mr. Smarty of (Human)
    Had 116 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  28. Mr. Jax Shaggins of Wolves (Halfling)
    Had 401 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  29. Mr. Traiden of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 29 science points. Killed 22,664 soldiers, won 1 of 11 battles and captured 0 cities.
  30. Ms. Feigneddrugoutlookcom of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  31. Mr. Liu of (Orc)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  32. Mr. Crowley of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  33. Mr. Sammii of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  34. Mr. Bizonsteel of KOMBAT (Halfling)
    Had 0 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  35. Mr. Pica of (Halfling)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  36. Mr. Horothgar of (Dwarf)
    Had 0 land, 6 troops and 19 science points. Killed 287,576 soldiers, won 6 of 16 battles and captured 2 cities.
  37. Mr. Green Tree of Baby Eaters (Orc)
    Had 0 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  38. Mr. Pudge of (Halfling)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  39. Mr. Commando of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 1 troops and 9 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.
  40. Mr. Shiskabob of (Orc)
    Had 0 land, 5 troops and 2 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.

16:03:25 Jul 6th 14 - Ms. Strawberry:

I'm making a list here, I'll be posting it tomorrow can't copy paste the categories coz I'm on mobile and its 11:30 in the evening here I feel sleepy.

16:04:47 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vuguide):

alright :P

16:21:10 Jul 6th 14 - Mr. Rabbut:

Im glad to see that tysio did not finish top 10. all he did was fucking farm all fucking era. 

16:28:05 Jul 6th 14 - Mr. Rabbut:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Well, Im going with the kd that fought against wolf pack the hardest, which would be the Hunters. They didnt really do anything dishonarble. While the wardens did IMO. And I wont vote for myself on this

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Hunters. If I could give it to a single player, Klik

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Leeroy

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Hunters, Vivi has played the game for awhile and strawberry is a returning player. Dont let her lie to you

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Wardens. They sent in the clean up crew on us

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Wolf pack. We didnt want to war with everyone, we just ended up having to do it


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Klik. Damn Nazzies

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: For being a halfling and being able to stop kliks raids with my magic, I vote for myself

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Hart - he fought the hardest out of everyone

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: As stated before - tysio. I hate that fucker. never even heard from him all era. I want to point out right here that war was never trully declared between the wolves and anyone else

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Vivi. If I have the chance ever again, oop im going for you

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: We had no diplomatic relations, but Hart tried late in the era. So points to him. I didnt deal with any of that though

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: No one was a traitor when I was still alive

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Myself, of course. I came back from near death and almost survived

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Muscles

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Myself

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Klik

16:43:55 Jul 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

if you want an OOP warr with me then you better move up to nirvana cause thats where we are going :P

16:50:23 Jul 6th 14 - Mr. Galaxar:

Like I said, Tysio did nothing except for defeating horothgar who was a pain to The Hunters

I was the one who first messaged Tysio to start a kingdom because at that time wolfpack was the only active kingdom on arma and I didn't want them to completely dominate arma

After I started the kingdom with Tysio I scouted in all directions till I found wolfpack and sent 1k knights in order to get full view of their core

soon after klik joined and then gold joined at this point there was only 4 of us and I was the one running the kingdom on my own then klik showed he knew his stuff and became a major help with also running The Hunters

at this point, Mr. Hart and Rabbit had both their huge armies on the front line attacking us and this is when I informed vivi of the situation

soon rabbit moved his army away leaving just Harts monster army to harrass us

klik recruited woo who was a great help to us, soon hart moved his army back to his core due to the wardens very nice recovery and regrowth from rabbits attack on them 

at this time the wardens had defeated wolf pack and were moving in on death valley so with kliks suggestion and my go ahead we decided we needed to attack the wardens

Klik did a good job burning many cities, and me and woo did a good job securing death valleys cities  except for one city that jerden camped his huge army in all era after taking it

after that, yrr's archmage army and vivi's archmage army plus muscles army finished off wolfpack and turned toward us, we tried to stop them many times but we just couldn't also, kliks attacks were stopped and his armies crushed and my attack into wardens core was stopped due to them filling a city with 500k soldiers

anyway good era for everyone involved and congrats to wardens for winning it

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