Forums / In game politics / Armagedon III

Armagedon III
06:18:00 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Basch:

when will it ever be casted?? i totaly screwed up at the start so bad that it cant be fixed and it seems like this era has gone on forever

06:20:48 Apr 9th 07 - Lord Senturu:

heheheh. is hasent been that long

06:30:15 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

Why don't you resigned and start anew somewhere else? :-)

06:40:45 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Basch:

lol dan cant you see my army? i dont think it's gonna let me resign

07:07:36 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought you can resigned anytime (your army will be gone and all your cities will be controlled by native people).

07:31:33 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi:

Your Excellency, you need to have 2 or less cities to resign. As for troops, I believe the limit is the same.

And Squire Basch, you should resign, because I believe a lot of people are having fun here, except maybe for the top 4 kingdoms. ;-P

07:31:41 Apr 9th 07 - Lord Senturu:

no. if u have more than 2 cities. and armies? you cant resign

07:55:14 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Basch:

i dont wanna resign i dont wanna leave de i just want the era to be over but i suppose that's not gonna happen for some time yet maybe it was a little too early to post this topic lol

07:59:11 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

Thanks for the advice. That is something I didn't know. :-)

11:41:48 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontaini:

bloody hell were is sezymon wen u need him

11:56:31 Apr 9th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I heard him say something about Congo..

12:10:16 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontaini:


18:27:34 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Razios:

WOOT CONGA LINE! *conga music appears from nowhere and burst eardrums everwhere*

18:44:15 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Warlo:

its only day 342

18:58:31 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Razios:

*Puts warlo in the conga line*

19:00:40 Apr 9th 07 - Lord Argyle:

conga conga conga

19:03:47 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Warlo:


20:16:00 Apr 9th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Alright, I'm going to take a moment to apologize to Mr. Basch here. You see, unfortunately, you're playing in an era where no 'whoring' kds like V exist to pump themselves up real quick, and then quickly cast arma to gain a 'win'. No, I'm afraid you've ended up in a 'warrior' era, where men with balls, (and women that are attracted to men with balls) fight at each other to the very end, and maybe, when a clear winner's decided, cast arma.

None of this wussy, nobody around us that's 'worthy' for us to fight BS. Pick up your sword, shield, or spellbook and come out swingin'.

22:34:18 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

Anyone know if Mantrax is full?

22:46:43 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Well Mantrax is certainly having an Armageddon of its own...  Does this show up in the Fantasia news?

Mr. Shadow Dragon is casting the armageddon spell from Armageddon located in Mantrax. Unless the city is destroyed, the world as we know it will be destroyed within 480 days!

22:52:12 Apr 9th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

yeap, it does show up in our news.

22:57:48 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Thanks:

i heard that fant stays the same if arma is on mantrax, does zeta still die?

23:08:50 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:


Owner: Mr. Shadow Dragon
Size: 1 building(s).
Kingdom: Bones
Gates: no gates
Kingdom Banner

Send Mr. Shadow Dragon a message »

Its very far north, in the centre. This is the right name, right?

23:14:00 Apr 9th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

@ Mr. Thanks: No army from Mantrax wil not let Zeta die

@ Sir Fizban: your talking about 'whoring' kds Like V while your in one LOL
Now seriously i didnt wanted arma to run out i rather would have fought to the death. dont you agree?

@ Mr. Shadow Dragon: Be origenal!

23:14:36 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

dang...i was all excited, i thought arma had been cast, but's just some shmuck on Mantrax.

23:18:14 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

If it does continue on Mantrax and run to a conclusion, does anyone know what happens to those of us on Mantrax when the world blows up?  Do we have to wait for Arma in Fantasia for the new era to start or does Mantrax restart independently?

23:20:04 Apr 9th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

lol dont know that Spooky LOL

23:22:32 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

"@ Sir Fizban: your talking about 'whoring' kds Like V while your in one LOL"

This from a guy in a kd that's only warred, and I use that term loosely, PKS untill now, that's quite hypocritic. Maybe you should check on your own kingdom before talking about us eh? Now run along child.

23:23:38 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

This is not going down well. I'd say its an arma blocker because it has 1 building and it could be used as a tactic but after V last era... i don't know.

23:23:38 Apr 9th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I belive Mantrax won't start until the new era starts, but the players on it will move to Zetamania, Nirvana and the other worlds..

23:26:27 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Lithos:

It sounds like Fizban was one of the many people who Vandeta dominated...

23:26:51 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

I do hope you're wrong Effie.  It would be supremely pointless.  So just in case Bones ARE serious we'd all better stop fighting each other and go get that city then (they are a very LARGE kingdom after all and it's a VERY long way to walk)

23:27:11 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Thanks:

yes, interesting. has arma ever happened on mantrax before? does anyone remember what happened then?

23:28:25 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

I don't think it has since Zeta changed the rules to say only Arma on Fantasia ended the era.  Zeta - how about some info on what will/would happen please?

23:29:19 Apr 9th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I could be wrong Spooky, Mantrax might just as well start over right away..
But yea, some info from Zeta would be nice, could you enlighten us big Z..?

23:30:13 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i hate arma', the era hasnt been goin for long and its already been cast!!

23:30:13 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i hate arma', the era hasnt been goin for long and its already been cast!!

23:30:24 Apr 9th 07 - Lady Spooky:

He's away apparently according to Cobra in another thread (for 10 days...)

23:33:28 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

20 days until arma kills us... we have time :)

23:45:52 Apr 9th 07 - Sir Fizban:


You apparently don't know me very well. Go research my history, and then come back with a good apology. V has NEVER dominated me.

Xuaron -

Lgc whoring? I shall prescribe to you a CT scan immediately. Run along now silly kid.

Anyways, one more thing. The era winner is ALWAYS taken from Fant, and not Mantrax. Shouldn't Arma only be casted from Fant as well? It's been taken away from the new player world, it wouldn't be much more of a stretch to do it to the other maps.

23:47:58 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

So will the world of Zetamania end also when arma is done on Mantrax?

23:58:17 Apr 9th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontaini:

no its only mantrax that gets harmed

00:11:30 Apr 10th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Mr. Cobra what about only warred PKS. what does that has to do whit what i wrote. My post wasnt about this era but about last era , do your home work next time

Sir Fizban V and LGC were one and the same both did the same and doing it every era if posible so what's your point,

I respect most LGC guy's But why arnt thay honest for one time.

funny who you are calling Kid you dont even know me.

00:17:29 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

Crazy Xuaron, if you were talking about last era, then no, LGC didn't whore. LGC was, and still remains a warring kingdom. Last era we were fighting BACCUS, MAD, V, BoW, FF and some other kds whos names escape me, simultaneously, to the very last day of the era.

V had NAPed the kds surrounding itself, explored (hence them being called a whoring kd, not warring), removed about 6-7 LGC armouries near their area then ended the round, having failed to war anybody else.

But this isn't what the topic is about. Let's talk about this eras arma, no? :)

00:28:55 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

*brings small children burnt on a stick, 14 year old virgins and some cheese*

-For your ego, master Swifty ;) <3

00:30:08 Apr 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Those girls are wasted on Swifty. Bring them this way please.

00:37:17 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Fizban, what on earth made you think those 14 year old virgins were girls? I'd never bring the Gheylord such offending gifts when his preference for boys is so clear to everyone here on VU ;)

00:41:49 Apr 10th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Mr. Hungrier Horse thanx for being more open, i apreciate it
I know LGC is a waring KD and know all the tricks thats why thay are in LGC right. maybe i used the wrong defenition. but i basicaly ment feeding witch Both V and LGC used ( I personaly hate feeding tho )

But back on topic

It would be intresting what will happen, after army runs out on mantrax Never happend before i think ( after the army tweeks )

00:44:09 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

1. We only fed because V fed first!
2. How is feeding = whoring?

00:47:12 Apr 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

It's happened before, back in the Era of Draiken when Auspice & Co. first struck. I'm not sure if there's anymore examples prior to that one but that arma caused quite an uproar in Fant because (like now) nobody could go over there and stop it. Then of course Auspice and them came over using feeding tactics, and the rest is history (regrettably)

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