Forums / In game politics / Ban this dude

Ban this dude
13:13:04 Feb 23rd 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Juden Raus

Army Info
Commander:Mr. BrolisKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Great Duchy of Lithuania
Size:Division (10,000-20,000)
Status:Moving West

do i need to say more?

13:20:43 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

The name of his army?

13:23:19 Feb 23rd 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

What does it mean?

13:25:03 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Isnt it the guy that betrayed Jesus?

13:25:56 Feb 23rd 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

That's Judas, you nub!

13:26:05 Feb 23rd 08 - Demonic Bernie:

roughly translated: jews get out...kinda what an infamous leader of the 3rd reich was known I'd say...INDEED BAN THIS GUY!!!

13:27:57 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Someone burn the racist........


Juden Raus

juden raus (jews out): a propaganda board game created by the nazis in 1936 and given to as many kids as possible, the object being to take control of jews

13:28:58 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

@ LaNs  - Oops..... lol

And I agree, that is racism, it should not be tolerated

13:36:39 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

when we signed up did we not agree to some thing that said no racism or sectarianism and stuff like that

13:43:03 Feb 23rd 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


13:44:48 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Dalak The Licker of Clams:

That is not cool...

13:50:47 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

yeah not coool at all ... delete his army and warn him if he did that again he will blocked out of game.

14:00:26 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

this is unacceptable, i will talk to him right away

-Vicory at LDK

14:19:39 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Mr. Ancient Basio


2/23/2008 12:50:47 PM
yeah not coool at all ... delete his army and warn him if he did that again he will blocked out of game.


Why should he be warned?

Its common sense not to be racist or a sectarian, which he is doing both of.

Ban immediately

14:22:08 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:



14:59:36 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VII:

I don't think he should be banned, or the army deleated. (not fair on his teamates)

ZeTa should change the name of the army and give him a warning.

15:03:54 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

i see this as a serius case, and LDK will not protect racists.

he will be kicked from the KD.

15:15:15 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

lol no ban just kik :P

15:19:11 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Mr. Demonsul


2/23/2008 3:22:08 PMBAN HIM


rascist.... all guys are racist... Lithuania kingdom help jews and now you say what we are racist....... we die for them..... if nobody don`t know history so shut up... he don`t know what is mean when he create army.... u so stupid *beep*s....

15:19:48 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

I think we have mistake when we help jews..... if they don`t respect us what we done for them so go away.... ;(

15:25:21 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Mazvis:

He was kicked from LDK. Case closed.

15:30:11 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

... he don`t know what is mean when he create army


Right.......thats bull and im not buying it.

How does he not know what he is saying. He made an army called Jews Out, what other way can anyone interpret that?. That is racist. I dont give a crap is lithuania saved jews. There is racist intent using that name


Im not jewish and i dont care about your countries history. All i know is he made an army that cud be viewed as racist and sectarian by  Jews and so he has to go.

15:32:33 Feb 23rd 08 - Praetorian Osmosis:

Duke Vytauta Didysis,

Calm down, no one said that LDK was racist, just that the player who created that army is.

Your second post was un-called for.

Your Viceroy Overcome took the proper actions, that enough spoke well of LDK.

15:39:31 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Yes but nobody don`t ask me nothing... I can speak with this player... Explain what he can`t do that.... He not racist.... I know that good, just he make bad joke that it.... Just need speak with me... not post in forum.... This guy who is post don`t respect us.... He must inform first me.... or call in police...

15:40:33 Feb 23rd 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Burn the racist! His IP adress should be known so we can trace him and kill him together with his family!

15:47:52 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

Hew Geneva, maybe then i can trace you dan and cut you too? Thats not a battlefield or something, or is it always all have to fight each over?

15:49:40 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

loooool , u guys are crazy //// :D :D

15:53:09 Feb 23rd 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Mr. Hitokiri Battousai


2/23/2008 10:47:52 PMHew Geneva, maybe then i can trace you dan and cut you too? Thats not a battlefield or something, or is it always all have to fight each over?

Thats your hangup. And if you got the the guts. Not to mention the brain to do it.

All Racist should die!!!

15:55:15 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

pfff, that you wrote, trace that, then kill, look at your self first you dumb child!

15:55:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Ms. Geneva


2/23/2008 4:40:33 PMBurn the racist! His IP adress should be known so we can trace him and kill him together with his family!

Thats your hangup. And if you got the the guts. Not to mention the brain to do it.

Geneva call to police ;P

15:59:59 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

no no, cal FBI, FSB, CIA, it will be faster to trace down tha "bastardo" :D

16:08:23 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

All Racist should die!!!

Almost every single person I've ever met including those in vu are racist. Yeah maybe not everyone wishes death on others (like many people in this thread lol) but almost everyone is racist. Just because you don't publicly say anything racist does not make you any better than the kid with the lousy joke.

16:10:08 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow The Vile:

Yea, ban Borat too, he sang "Throw the Jews down the well", anyways he is from kazakistan ...

16:10:37 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

just couldnt agree more with Clamps!

16:17:29 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Let's not get carried away now. It's not a policing matter or a banning matter and in most jurisdictions it's covered by freedom of speech. Zeta might like to add "Jew", "Jews" and "Juden" to his filter, if he wants. That should sort it out.

Has he already done so for the "N" word, like "Nxxxxx"? Edit: oops, he hasn't

16:19:17 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow The Vile:


Thumbs up Clamps,

Btw, just a reminder for people who post messages like "All racists should die!" infact this makes them no better than the last mentioned, you deserve each other.

16:40:20 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

everyones racist in their own little way.

16:50:00 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

got kicked for just that his army was juden raus? :D:D:D i should make some armies like (genocidas, mirtis žydams,Holokaustas) :D

16:53:27 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow The Vile:

Overreaction if i can say so, there are racists in VU just as much as sick paranoids.

16:56:01 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:


17:04:23 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

"Almost every single person I've ever met including those in vu are racist. Yeah maybe not everyone wishes death on others (like many people in this thread lol) but almost everyone is racist. Just because you don't publicly say anything racist does not make you any better than the kid with the lousy joke."

i could not desagree more! how can you even say that?

and be aware of what you guys say, you are actually backing up racism.
go tell the victems of racism that everyone is a racist, then you'll know what i mean

17:05:18 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Overcome:

"Overreaction if i can say so, there are racists in VU just as much as sick paranoids."

even if there were racists here, then you should not stand behind it and think its okei!

17:15:12 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow The Vile:

I knew i would be missunderstood Rofl, this is hilarious.

to be fair,

Racists = *beep*holes

Anti-Racists = Double

17:16:31 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wampy:

Overcome you sir suck ^^

17:25:34 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Ha, hes been kicked, now for the long/perm ban
An example should be set, and unfortunatly in my eyes he would be an example

17:38:03 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

I'd like to see that guy explaining why made such a joke before such measures are made. We can't live in a way where nobody can defend themselves right?

17:46:16 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

The thing is Spoon, its not a joke
But..... A trial is normally nescesery.....

17:54:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Altron:

maybe he's from Denmark or something. correct me if Im wrong, but arent they political incorrect? with the whole Muhammad cartoon and stuff.... but then again, if he's not from Denmark or somethin then I guess this doesnt apply

just a thought...

17:57:24 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader:

you comparing mohammad cartoons with ouright nazi quoting?
and juden raus is what the nazis yelled out when they fetched them from the ghettos in poland

18:02:19 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

I'd like to see that guy explaining why made such a joke before such measures are made. We can't live in a way where nobody can defend themselves right?

Whats to defend? Em...i made an army called that becase....erm...i learned about it in school and it put the thought in my head, BLAME THE SCHOOLS!

its bull, he made a racist joke, and now hes noticing that some people arent finding it funny.

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