Forums / In game politics / Band Of Brothers

Band Of Brothers
09:53:06 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Slade:

Band Of Brothers

Kingdom Banner

Name: Band Of Brothers
Members: 17
Tag: BoB
Created: 2/23/2008 10:23:56 AM
Leader: Mr. Ben The Medusa


Were are a band of brother who stick with each other till the end

were a Great new Kingdom

and you should join us

If you have No XP we will tach you how to play

all we ask from our members is that you stay active and Fight untill you cant fight no more

Let the Flaming begin



09:56:48 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Firehose:

  1.  Where are you ?
  2.  Spelling correctly may interest more people
  3.  Yes, I am picky


10:00:14 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Slade:

We are on Zeta
and i will fix it up later
and everyone is picky

19:20:30 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

HA!  Join the Band of Brothers all you *beep*s.... so we can take your cities and put your resources to good use..... HA!

19:21:48 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wasnt there a BoB last era in Nirvana led by a Ms. Kirta or a Mr. Fettvedd? Havent seen them in ages but I have seen Kirta on the market... any idea where she is?

19:22:32 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Alban III:

wraith, just PM her.

19:23:55 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Slade:

Kev your a tool and you are the one who is going to die you have a secret weapon and you will see it soon enuf

19:24:01 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I was just wondering if someone has seen her... Saves me time

19:26:06 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Yes, we need to find 'her'...

19:28:18 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

I do have a secret weapon... well it really isn't a secret... your inability to play this game is not a secret... even to the new players.

19:38:01 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Nehemiah Augustus:

isn't this just Mafia with a new name?

19:47:58 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

yep, different name, same game.... beat them till they squeel!  LOL  (espescially Slade)

22:02:07 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Slade:

haha bring it on Kev

caz the funny thing is i havnt seen an army that you control yet

and the only people that could kill us is DSY and Wolf

aslo yes this is mafia with a new name

but Kev is still a litte B!tch


22:06:24 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Plato:

You **********************************************!!!!!!!!!!!

22:24:26 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

That is because I haven't put an army on the field... not yet, but they are coming.....

00:25:08 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Hey!  It's BoB, the disappearing KD!!!  LOL 

02:09:56 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson II:

Band Of sexual slaves

Kingdom Banner

Name: Band Of anal lovers

Members: 17
Tag: BoSS
Created: 2/23/2008 10:23:56 AM
Leader: Mr. Ben The Medusa

02:56:18 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

ROFLMAOOOOO!!!!!  Now that is some funny stuff!!!!

05:28:08 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:


17:30:42 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Scottietohottie:


17:44:06 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

This is a joke...... how many times are Mafia going to Kd hop?!  Suck it up, grow some nuts and fight like men! F***ing pussies...

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