Forums / In game politics / Battle of Thermopoly

Battle of Thermopoly
23:35:51 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Hello, I just wanted to say Im waging a war against kingdom of heaven in Zatemania.  I am of ShoG, and despite my talkings with our leader, he wont fight Kingdom of Heaven.

How it began - KoH started marching through MY territory without a travel warrant!  I of course killed those poor soldiers that couldhave been saved if the leader of KoH was smart enough to tell me he was passing by.  Annoyed by this he said I cannot build any blockers that will prevent him from moving north!!!

I was appauled!!!  My core is north, and Ill secure it if I want it secured gosh darnit!  So, despite my kingdom leader asking me not to attack them, I attacked his armies, killing there largest army along with another army, then took the city KoH took that was near me.  Now he built another city in MY territory that will fall soon :D

I believe (hope) this will turn out to be like the battle of thermopoly.  300 greeks fought 1 mill persans (actually around 40-60k).  I will slaughter many of their armies and hopefully raise many of their cities and then die.  My leader will hopefully see the error of his ways when I pass away and clean up KoH.  This is what I hope for.  Or I will be booted from the kingdom and die a very quick death.  (Ninja, you better fight them, lol).

 I will post my victories and such here.  So far I eliminated 5 armies and took 1 city with almost 800 men, soon 2 cities :D  I killed 1 army of 2k-4k, 2 armies of 500-1500, 1 army of 20-50, and another army of 1-5.

From this point forward I will record the Japanese battle of thermopoly here, and copy/paste my victories and defeats.

Please feel free to talk as well :D

23:38:23 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

PS  I am in the middle of the screen (up and down) and to the far left edge of the map if you want to see my conquests :D

23:38:35 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Man I sound arrogant :P

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/16/2007 11:39:00 PM)

04:55:53 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 781 troops and 0 peasants.

I decided not to add my troop numbers to keep them in the dark :P

06:01:53 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Miyamoto Musashi:

If none help in your struggle, I shall defend your rightous battle against the invaders.

22:54:25 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Oda:

Do you mean Mr. Tarsonas Majere from KoH

23:23:30 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Yep :D and those just south of me.


Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu. The city of Avon is now under our command!
They had 27902 gold, 69976 stone, 72623 tree and 58336 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 150 troops.

I also killed another army of 480 troops I think, and took another city, but I forgot to copy paste them :S  Also, the leader of KoH tried to take my Fort Ryuutachi with 3k men, I had 200-300 defenders, give some or take some, he lost the first siege attempt, won the second, and was defeated when he tried to take the city from me.  The odds, 10-1, and I won :D

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 7
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 3
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered: 0
Cities Destroyed: 0

I will likely lose a city soon.  They have 5k troops coming for me.  I wonder if this is my end?  Probably not!  lol.  I hope they are reading this, I like belittling them, 1 man defeats an entire kingdom!  How exciting!

lol, I really am arrogant aren't I?

23:59:21 Mar 17th 07 - Mr. Viper:

My conquest so far against ShoG and GOD.

Armies destroyed: Lost count.

Armies defeated: Lost Count.

Cities Conquered: 15.

Cities Destroyed: 2.


My losses:

Armies Destroyed: 1

Armies Defeated: 4

Cities Conquered: 0

Cities Destroyed: 0.


Your arrogant? Don't make me laugh.

00:46:17 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Heres the difference between you and I:

I'm a newb, this is the second time I've played this game, you've played how many times now?

Theres no excuse to lose to a newb :P

01:23:48 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Oda:

Can you do me a favor said that I would like to talk to him, Mr. Tarsonas Majere ,  a question from Fantasia?

Q: Does he has any relationship with old KoH?  thanks


01:39:01 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 7
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 3
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered: 1 ( ill soon have it back :P)
Cities Destroyed: 0

01:52:10 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Good job, except for the not listening to your king part. :)

02:04:12 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

lol, ya, I didnt because this area will make a good core, if they declare war on the kingdom were stronger than them, and armageddon is happening, so it doesnt matter too much anyway, lol.

02:07:55 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

lol with my conquest heres what i got

Armies destroyed: lost count

Armies defeated: lost count

Cities conquered: 10 nearly 11

Cities destroyed: 0

My losses

Armies destroyed: 4

Armies defeated: lost count

Cities conquered: 2 lol 1 of em arnt mine anyway and i'll get em both back soon

Cities destroyed: 0

02:08:44 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

i'm fighting a vet from fantasia atm viper

02:13:12 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

And I bet youll win :D

My lates victory:


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 4162 troops and 14894 peasants.

I had less than 3k troops and suffered less than 300 losses :D

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 8
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 3
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered: 1 ( ill soon have it back :P)
Cities Destroyed: 0

03:52:31 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Lobo:

Apparently there is an excuse for losing to a *beep* cause those people in Ever victorious army is losing to me haha

04:02:50 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Koh is dead now though ,right?

04:43:34 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Oda:


KOH Kingdom of Heaven 28 Mr. Tarsonas Majere

(Edited by Mr. Oda 3/18/2007 4:44:06 AM)

07:55:21 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

i remember them in mantrax last era they were so weak that i took a few of there cities

no acctually u ment

KOH Kingdom of Heaven 28 Mr. Tarsonas Majere 3

(Edited by Mr. Justin Fontain 3/18/2007 7:56:10 AM)

09:01:22 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

Sorry pussy im busy killing ShoG down in the south, then heading to the ShoG core before i face you 1v1.

Long live the USSR.

09:14:28 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

took the city back :D  and I took another one with 50 men in it :D

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 8
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 4
Cities Liberated: 1
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered: 1 (Its mine again :P)
Cities Destroyed: 0

09:15:30 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

so far the proportion is 14 victories to 1 loss, if it stays that way there doomed.

09:17:29 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Architect:

You would never make it on Fantasia with that attitude no matter what the circumstances.

09:19:08 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Auron:

ive had a few victories and a lot more loses

(Edited by Mr. Auron 3/18/2007 9:20:43 AM)

09:22:07 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

I know that :P  I'm just taunting them, I'm not really that arrogant, just trying to be a thorn in their side and lower their moral and raise ours :D

09:32:24 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

Our morale wouldn't lower. We all have a good steady income and enjoy living in all the ShoG and/or GOD cities we have taken... hmm. Our morale will be skyrocketing when me and Dark take out your south-east mini core.

I do know where you are, you may be on my hit-list after mr pussy clicks that good ol' reset button. :P

You said you can take out a 2-4ker, well can you taker out an "around" 50ker, which will be merging together in the next day? Not just hobs or rockthrowers either, hoho oh boy..... Not a bad start on zeta i think.

(Edited by Mr. Viper 3/18/2007 9:35:18 AM)

10:09:24 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

As I said, your a vet, Im a newb, and Im killing a kingdom, so far.

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/18/2007 10:09:43 AM)

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 9
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 4
Cities Liberated: 1
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered: 1
Cities Destroyed: 0

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/18/2007 10:11:54 AM)

10:23:42 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

lol viper ive never seen a traitor live before they always die just like you are gonna die for betraying GOD

10:45:17 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

I betray them, i gave several players warnings...and i gave them enough time to notice i left before attacking.

Believe me, you won't kill me :)

10:51:15 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

lol i cant even see any of your cities so that probly means that your hiding and are too scared to come out lol




btw this is my 3rd era so if you lose then its gonna be a major imbarracement for you lol

13:13:54 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

No, i am not hiding...i have my gates open so my allies can pass over. I see you found Triforce though. Should be fun, will mop up the south then come up to fight you. Your coming from the north-west i guess, yeah? With your strongest army?

15:55:00 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

lol no im not northwest im somewhere else

16:10:57 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

I hope your king comes to his sences and kicks you out. There is no use in having a subject that does not know when to listen to his seniors.

16:25:06 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

who? me or that traitor?

16:26:39 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Dontony:

What is the position of the Shogunate as a whole? Another one of their members attacked today! Are we at war with you?

16:27:06 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Viper:

Traitor? Where? Oh and he meant Tokungawa.

16:28:52 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

you id0t

16:57:02 Mar 18th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 11
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 4
Cities Liberated: 1
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 3
Cities Destroyed: 0
(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/18/2007 4:57:47 PM)
(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/18/2007 5:00:29 PM)

00:03:06 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 13
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 5
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

(my mistake, they only liberated 2 cities, both of which are back under my control, lol)

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/19/2007 12:03:31 AM)

01:07:17 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 15
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 5
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

Sad, so far I haven't lost a single battle I chose to fight.  I only lost the two cities they liberated because I left them undefended.

01:43:45 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Realempire II:

Im going to war with the shogunate, im about to take a city from them,

So far i just killed 2 scouts but i dont count them as armys. I sent scout killer to scout out and kill more scouts to leave the enemy in the dark so dont try to send scouts to me or i will kill them within 3 turns but before they get to my citys.

I am about to attack with 500 men for craig city but thats only 1/4 of my full force

01:47:30 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Dontony:

Thankyou Mr. Realempire!! You got my seal of approval!!

01:49:01 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Ignis Pius The Walker:

Mr. Oda

3/17/2007 7:23:48 PM

Can you do me a favor said that I would like to talk to him, Mr. Tarsonas Majere ,  a question from Fantasia?

Q: Does he has any relationship with old KoH?  thanks



03:37:58 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 15
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 6
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

Only one of the armies I destroyed was a scout unit, and 1 was group of 20-50, and there were one or two 100-300, the rest were 500-1500 and 2000-4000, and there were 2 5k armies.

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/19/2007 3:39:35 AM)

08:22:15 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 15
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 7 (including a nice little wall they decided to give me)
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0
Rulers Slayn: 0 (soon 1 if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Ork only has an army left that I can see)

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0

(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/19/2007 8:24:24 AM)

09:16:30 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

Mr. Realempire II

3/19/2007 10:43:45 AM

Im going to war with the shogunate, im about to take a city from them,

So far i just killed 2 scouts but i dont count them as armys. I sent scout killer to scout out and kill more scouts to leave the enemy in the dark so dont try to send scouts to me or i will kill them within 3 turns but before they get to my citys.

I am about to attack with 500 men for craig city but thats only 1/4 of my full force


LOL!!!!!! ahahaha hope you know 2000 men isnt even gonna do the slightest thing to even our weakest member in ShoG so good luck on surviving the next few hours cos last ive seen your last city is under attack

13:58:27 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

ohhh i wish i was a vice in the political forum :D so i could delete my posts

20:00:41 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu:

My conquest results thus far:
Armies destroyed: 17
Armies defeated: 1
Cities Conquered: 7
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0
Rulers Slayn: 0

My losses thus far:
Armies destroyed: 0
Armies defeated: 0
Cities Conquered:  0
Cities Liberated: 2
Cities Destroyed: 0
(Edited by Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3/19/2007 8:01:19 PM)

20:04:11 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Warlo:

Armis destroyed: lost count (over 30)
armies defeated: 4
Cities Conquered: 19
Cities Liberated: 3
Cities Destroyed: 1
Rulers Slayn: 3

My losses:
armies lost: 6
armies defeated: 3
Cities conquered: 1
Cities Liberated: 4
Cities Destroyed: 0

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