Forums / In game politics / Bigger KD ownage

Bigger KD ownage
05:48:24 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

well im a newbie here. I notice that KDs from fant/mant  world which have bigger economy and a large scale of armies, obviously, are now owning KDs from other worlds. And i was told by an anonymous player that  fant/mant/zet are the first worlds to spawn. correct me if im wrong. i think it was a bit unfair. I mean, how am i gonna defend myself against a roaring 3k nazguls. and i only started 2 weeks ago."'sigh"

06:00:04 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

  message me in-game and I'll tutor you some, I'm a vice for Godlike *beep*s, so you can find me by going to the kingdom page.   

  This thread should be in miscellaneous discussions though.

06:10:44 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

  As for fantasia kingdoms/players owning new players, it has always been a problem, even when the worlds were separated, it wasn't to uncommon for someone to have a multi on a lower world to play while they were bored.

   I still think that the tutorial needs to be way more extensive. Most new players come in their first era having no real skills to compete, not even some basic things like "don't build rainbows". :(

06:15:40 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Some people cannot figure out how to do the tutorial still...somehow they cannot find those Native People cities...the fog of war must be messing with them...

07:07:25 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

if i message you erebus will you teach me :)

07:16:15 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Slade not even Zeta himself has the energy or power to teach you.

07:25:51 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

lawl low blow... very low blow... but i will tell everyone your secret identity if you dont leave me alone

07:33:12 Jan 20th 09 - Ms. Nub:

yes i think that this is completely unfair.


I wouldn't mind having to paly more experienced players, its the 3 week advantage that they have over us that is ridiculous.

At least make it so the later starting worlds do not connect to the first worlds.

07:49:47 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Duke Slade The Drunk


1/19/2009 10:25:51 PM
lawl low blow... very low blow... but i will tell everyone your secret identity if you dont leave me alone

Awww why you call me a$$ hole on msn? I thought we was buds? i was only joking awound wit ya slade you made me cry =*(

08:09:27 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

:O Assclown dont tell people i have your MSN -_-

08:13:28 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Yes i have an ass and clowns are badass :P. =O are you ashamed of me? You ass whore =*(

08:22:37 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

lol yes i am ashamed of you... i wasnt at one point but then i saw your DP i an now i am :P

08:26:52 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

oooooooooooooo check and mate you SOB lol. and you better not tell them who i am. I will introduce myself next era thank you very much.

08:27:17 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Vidar:

Frankie has an army called steel gunners... a fave name for a past VU member i seem to remember...

08:28:13 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

Sooo what i cant tell them your really Alban

08:29:27 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Probably cuz me and justin play Ace Combat 6 a lot. Little SOB always gets me when he uses that F-15. If you wanna find Justin he is playing tribal wars now. He is known as twinkie402.

08:44:17 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

lawl Justins nub :P

09:02:35 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

oooooooooooooooooooooo i might get him to make an account so he can respond to that one

09:10:00 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

I think teaching them will not help and will not attract new players to continue playing.

Maybe delay opening the connection of worlds.. like say, armies will not allowed to pass unless the protection of the first spawners in the new world is already gone. just an idea.

09:13:32 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

like maybe 10 days after the era starts or something like that?

09:26:47 Jan 20th 09 - Saint Tuff Nuff:

don't worry mate.  just use this era to learn somethig nand get geared up for next era.

09:40:59 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

ya tip 1. If Godlike Nubs are your enemy dont go orc cuz you wont have the time to mobilize nazzies and land drop to get em lol. They are like a freaking pleague :P

10:11:41 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

How am i gonna learn something with this era when right after my protection was gone, there is already a threat heading to my cities and wants to plunder? luckily i manage to defend it somehow and started to make knights and im getting pumped up with the game. then this 2k and 3k nazguls showed up. am i gonna have something to pull to geared up for the next era? My main cities were lost and im back with the mining AGAIN. Now another Fant KD is approaching. perhaps am gonna find another safer place AGAIN and back with the mining AGAIN.

Wow i learn something... lolz

10:15:34 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol Nate are you in a kd?

10:28:16 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

yes he is.... in mine

10:31:42 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

omg no commment ;) jk slade im not that mean :P

10:31:50 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

and please post only related with the topic.

10:33:14 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

i joined not because of him... its because of ms. Nub. Slade become our leader only today. i didnt notice it though

10:33:47 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Best thing to do is join a Mant kd that has nice players in it that will teach you and wat not.  Then you got the guids like Sanoh. You can learn a lot from him.

10:35:29 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

lol ask nub... she was leader because i couldnt be bothered leading,,, but noe im leader for a bit then back to Nub


<3 Frankie <3

10:38:32 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol *cough* inactivity does something to that progress of being a leader as well slade :P

<3 Slade <3

10:40:07 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

Well maybe... but thats never been proven :)...

o and Natethink of it this way... the people that are killing you are teaching you a leason.... BUILD AND TRAIN FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!



<3 Frankie <3

10:43:22 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol Slade if he is in your kd arent you supposed to be sending him aide? When i ran my kd(which will remain nameless atm) every body who got free upkeep on allied cities put lvl 2s on everyones cities so they were defended a little bit till the lvl 5 armies could get there :P

gotta love Slade tho he a bamf <3

10:45:01 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

WTF i have just enough troops to protect myslef... even then i think im going to die

so dont put me on a guilttrip... i would help him if i could

10:46:42 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol i was just pointing it out. Wtf you have Hanky in your kd and your dying? Tell him to get off his ass and save you :P

10:49:04 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:


i know ey he shoukd have like 100k income and 402340523 axemen by now :(

but no he is inactive

10:49:14 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

What are you talking about Mr. Frankie? Did you say its the best thing to do?  if all new players joined in KDs from those 3 worlds. Do you think kingdoms like BE or smaller KDs will progress? i bet its not the best thing.

10:52:27 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Duke Slade The Drunk


1/20/2009 1:49:04 AM


i know ey he shoukd have like 100k income and 402340523 axemen by now :(

but no he is inactive

HE IS AN ORC!!! im looking at his cities right now :P

Mr. Nate River


1/20/2009 1:49:14 AM
What are you talking about Mr. Frankie? Did you say its the best thing to do?  if all new players joined in KDs from those 3 worlds. Do you think kingdoms like BE or smaller KDs will progress? i bet its not the best thing.

Kds like BE and other smaller kds are made from those 3 worlds. Ppl learn the game. Get friends together and make their own kds. You go to Mant and Fant to get major experience before you make your kd. Find your best race and make some friends. THen you split off make your own kd and prosper. But always staying on a low world wont give you the experience. Mant is a tough world but Fant is tougher. Go to Fant and they will teach you a lesson youll never forget(not to sound bad).

10:56:30 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

"sigh" my topic is now narrowing. you two should use the chat room. not here. i cant believe people like you exist? forum = chatrum lolz

10:58:45 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

:) yeah what he said

10:59:28 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

my slow dial up doesnt liek the chat room so forum=chatroom for me. And we exist to keep the balance of maturity and immaturity =P... But in all fairness i did answer your question on what i was talking about.

11:01:30 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

if i didnt exist VU would be a slightly happer place :) if Frankie didnt exist then well VU would be very popular :)


and yes yes he did Nate

12:19:00 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Random:

ok tbh, I think that it is totally unfair. I mean 3k naz for this stage of the game aren't most larger KDs big armies and the main reasoning for these kingdoms to invade lower worlds IS because they have no competition from that direction on their world.

If a throw away army from a higher world player can destroy a lower world player because of a massive starting advantage then i don't see this to be very fair in the slightest.

There should be a distinction between the initial 3 starting worlds and the other worlds.

eg. The initial 3 mant, fant and zeta should be connected, fant in the middle and mant + zeta either side.

and the other worlds should join to eachother but not the main 3 on filling. This will give the lower worlds some ability to not be steamrolled by the larger kingdoms, and besides we all know they don't count anyways.

12:33:34 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

what you mean like


12:35:33 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

so fant players would have to go through zeta and nirvana to get to armaggeddon

im just guessing that that is what you ment(probably wrong:P)

12:38:14 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

to much sh1t here to read

1. dont die fast and you wont be getting owned with 3k nazzies 

14:55:11 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

my advice: When you see 3k nazzies coming your way RUN! RUN LIKE UVE NEVER RAN BEFORE!! Or alternitively you could stay and fight but what fun would that be? Lol, Imagine, 3k nazzies coming, and then you empty ur city of like 500k axemen to run away, that wud be jkz.

14:57:46 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Mr. Shmeh


1/20/2009 7:33:34 AM

what you mean like


I believe he means it like that the top 3 worlds are connected, but not to the lower worlds and vice versa.



15:06:24 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

500k axemen is like 4M OP 3M dp so by defence its like 20k nazzies so not a lame army but i would own it so you should run

15:55:15 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Hehe, I would just like to point out...BE is led by a Drunk and a, sorry, just thought that was funny xD

Best advice I can give you...if you haven't killed any of his armies (ie. Scouts)...Don't!   Hopefully he will have more than 2x buildings and that can save you...

Otherwise, yuh, not a whole lot you can do, sorry mate...

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