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Black Chain Recruiting II
05:18:15 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Theophilus:

We will be on Mantrax, and turn few away. I am a Vice in BC, and we have had a few rough eras, been purged a few times, but we are coming on STRONG this time, and are starting out with 15 or so already.. Burning Legion is the Duke as of Now.

05:30:36 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:


Jks Bl <3 also BC is a great KD(Because of PJ and uther :P)

05:34:04 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Utopia:

ok if U say so.. .... . .

05:35:04 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Theophilus:

idk where PJ has gone.. but he may or may not be back.

Uther needs to return, as does Suyviel.

05:37:37 Oct 23rd 08 - Duke Ozai:

LoL PJ is in Fant under the name Chucky... also BC is a good Kingdom

12:42:55 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Theophilus:

We really are good. We may not be the tip top kingdom every Era, but We have been around a LOOOONG time, and we always honor our agreements, unless we are back stabbed.

Anyway, whether you are just starting out, or whether you have ALOT of experience, we are a VERY friendly bunch, and there is a good chance you will last all the way through the ERA, unless you are stupid and betray us, in which case you won't be so lucky, and we WILL have revenge, even if it means going into another realm to find you.

ITs really a fun experience, but don't get us wrong, we do NOT want you if you aren't willing to strive for first.

13:44:56 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Ehlios:

Bc got owned up and served on s silver platter in mant this past era

14:48:07 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Samual:

bc is a good kingdom and is recommend by me as once apon a time i was in it, but so are most kingdoms as this is with every kingdom dont always belive what is said to stay alive on vu you need guts and courage and also the determination to strive forward if you dont have that then this is not just to bc you could be kicked

21:29:59 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Crimson:

Heh, you used "bc" in two different contexts:  As "Black Chain" and "Because."

I'm a new member of BC, and from my experience, it's a great clan.  I can't really do much comparison, but the members are active, helpful, and skilled.  That's what you need in a KD.

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