Forums / In game politics / BoW Would Like Too Say Thanx

BoW Would Like Too Say Thanx
13:09:56 Dec 23rd 09 - Wolflord Karac:

BoW would like to extend its thanks to Dom for a great war, you guys fought honorably and hard. You held strong against a huge alliance, and were honorable enough not to complain much. So, again, thank you, it was probably the most fun (and most horribly boring) war I have ever had lol.


**Thx in particular to Wraith, Not Fit For Duty, Super Saiyan, Revenge, and Wraith again lol, no offense to anyone else, I respect you all, but these guys made the era extra fun for me ;)

16:14:52 Dec 23rd 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

I as spokesmen for Lewatha the great God-Queen, i would like to start by saying, DONT PATRONIZE US! we know they did good, doesnt mean you have to make a thread about it, secondly, the people you listed were by far from the best:

Wraith was to busy bosting about successful casts to do much else, NFFD spent all era masterbating over all pictures of Fordius and Roxbury, SS well he spent most of his time trying to get a nude pic out of Lew and revenge spent most the era trying to figure out if it was a wart or pimp on his dick.

(this is all a joke, all the people in Domi did great this era and the guys listed were a best and brightest(excluding rev he is a tool) and i am in no way the spokesmen for Domi or Lewatha :) even tho she wishes i was)

16:22:34 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. The Avenger:

roflmao slade. I was reading it going how the fuck does he know this shit whilst he is on latha haha

17:11:06 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

I hate BoW with a deep passion...

17:15:14 Dec 23rd 09 - Pirate Suqah:

luckily people don't care about you Samual :)


Thanks BoW, it's been a great fight indeed. Not the best one I've had, because I enjoy winning just a little bit more ^^

But a great fight indeed!

17:18:01 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

Good fight, good era, not the funniest one :P since I really just sat in fant and pumping my ass off until I got overrunned and had to kill tons of troops... but anyhow... good fight and MERRY XMAS!!!!

17:19:10 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Pirate Suqah


16:15:14 Dec 23rd 09

luckily people don't care about you Samual :)


Thanks BoW, it's been a great fight indeed. Not the best one I've had, because I enjoy winning just a little bit more ^^

But a great fight indeed!


Still I hate them ALOT, so anyone who is considering joining them DONT...

17:24:33 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

anyone considering joining Samual? DONT

17:26:43 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

@ Thomaas- LOL :P

17:28:19 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Overcome:

i disagree, Thomas. all those who are planning to betray their own KD and leave in mid era should deffently join Samual. besides those, i strongly agree.

17:29:56 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

oh sry Overcome, I forgot those.... I just thought that most people dont like betrayal... but then I forgot the people who actually betray people

17:38:35 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Samual of Rohan:

Lord Overcome


16:28:19 Dec 23rd 09
i disagree, Thomas. all those who are planning to betray their own KD and leave in mid era should deffently join Samual. besides those, i strongly agree.

Ill start with betrayal- I did not betray as they had even stated that the war with DOM was vertilly over, so I said I wanted to start my own kingdom (this was 12 days before the era ends), so I made one as I wanted to have recruitment open, also I did not make the first attacking move to either BoW or Rebirth, they both tried to attack me first, so that is betrayal, even though (in bow) I remember the leader of bow saying (when talking about orny clan) not to attack them because they were previously in BoW, he gave the reason (somthing like) 'Once a wolf aways a wolf', so wow that saying went far, and I trusted them not to attack me, they gave me no warning that they were going to attack me if I left, so that's them betraying my trust towards them.

Secondly with leaving half way through the era- I created my kingdom 12 days (about) before the era ended, they did not state (even though I asked) that they were going to be having a war against fight club before I left, so I saw no reason to stay. Also getting back to the point, cant you count, if there's, 40+ days in the era (I dont keep track), 12 days before the end, is not half...


17:45:38 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

1. Are you sure they said that the war was over? as I remember, we were still alive when you left... perhaps they ment that it would soon be over and BoW had almost control?

2. Betrayal is betrayal unless you had allready made a deal with the leaders of BoW and that they agreed to not attack you BEFORE you left.

3. 12 days before era end is along time... you can recruit the whole era without having to make the kd before era end.

17:46:39 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Trolli:

just a bla bla bla ;D

17:48:35 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

oh and btw, we are still alive :D

18:02:55 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Trolli:

just a bla bla bla - to Samuel ;)

18:24:17 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Overcome:

Samual, i just meant that those are the only people you deserve to have in your KD.

you could just accept that you did something that is not considerd a good deed on VU, instead you digg yourself a hole. and to top it of you reccomand people not to join a KD that most people consider to be a good and honorable one.

18:26:09 Dec 23rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:



You guys for the most part were awesome and we had our tiny differences all era.
After that breech into the first core we fell behind though. All of the alliance swooped in too fast for me to keep up with preparing for exams and christmas and such.

Dom i give you my full respect (even though you already had it) and i hope you see you all on the field next era. Maybe next time around things will be different.


19:24:21 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I agree.  This war was a really good one.  Ofc it got a little boring... when neither side could get past the others blocker and do effective damage.

I would also like to thank our allies in LH, KBW, and Rebirth.  There were many players from all these kingdoms who showed great talent, others... well I wont go into that ;)

22:05:34 Dec 23rd 09 - Lord Wraith:

<3 <3 BoW and cheers on a great war :) :) One of the most fun wars I've had in a long, long time <3

22:32:28 Dec 23rd 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

This reminds me of a movie I played in. Can't remember its title but the whole storyis virtually the same, as are the characters: Senator Karacpatine, Darth Overmaul, Queen Amidala(thats me), Anakin Skytology, Princess Lewa, Rev2-D2 and ofc Jar Jar Knish. And many more.

23:07:02 Dec 23rd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


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