Forums / In game politics / BoW... Return of the Wolves

BoW... Return of the Wolves
17:32:12 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

The Wolves are Coming

The wolves are coming...

Their feet are falling on forgotten paths, their long-lost voices are filling the sky. While their yellow eyes cut through the night, they leave their tracks on the muddy riversides.

The wolves are coming...

The forest whispers of their return, of their attempt to restore themselves to their former glory, to weave themsevles back into the web of life that connects all living things.

The wolves are coming...

Their teeth are seeking out their prey tonight, the deer and the elk, the cattle and sheep, and they will leave blood and bones scattered in their wake. Yet meat is what they need, so on meat they must feed.

The wolves are coming...

Some of us will greet them with traps and arrows, others of us with songs and drums. Some will say "Welcome home brother." others will say "Be gone killer!"

The wolves are coming...

Some of them will come alone, others will come in packs. Gray wolves, black wolves, brown wolves, silver wolves, even white wolves, all coming back, back to the lands they once roamed.

The wolves are coming...

Some of you will like it, some of you will not. Some of you will stalk us with words, and others of you will stalk us with bared steel. Some of you will fight alongside us. Our enemies will tremble when the wolves begin to stalk them.

The wolves are coming...

They are clothed in mystery and majesty, surrounded by our love and hate. They wander through our thoughts and dreams, and they appear in our stories and legends.

The wolves are coming...

Their young will play in the meadows, the old ones will doze in the sun gnawing on enemies bones, the alphas will watch over them both, for they are not just a pack, but a family, a Brotherhood of Wolves.

The wolves are coming...

17:32:51 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Leader: Wolford Karac

Vice: Drakos

Vice: Gothrim


Now, if I remember the past, let the flaming begin ;)

17:53:36 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

cool introduction.

18:08:47 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:


18:11:01 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Devi:

Past Glory?

18:12:45 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yeah first kd renowned for river merging etc glorious

18:13:03 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

I like spam with bread and soy sauce!

18:18:16 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

You're right, the wolves are coming. My family banner (the Stormguard banner) just happens to be a wolf, the banner of the northern realm,..
Anyway, interesting introduction. I salute you.

18:22:31 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon starts running away and screaming*

"Ahhhh!!! Wolves!!! I dont want to get eaten!!! =S"

18:25:35 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

the wolves are comming and the wolves will die like always :)

18:27:53 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon takes out a shotgun and shoots the wolves*

"*Phew* I think we're okay"


18:29:15 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

*kills a wolf with his bare hands* to easy... i want big wolvies!

18:42:07 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Finwe, like always? I seem to remember that the wolves were on the HoH list every era they were around, and in the top 5 for all but 2 of those eras, and never once were we reset to Mantrax.


And we never river merged, we wall jump, again, a difference.

18:42:24 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

And william, come try to kill a wolf....

18:43:46 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

top 5? eh funny why i dont i remember Bow as being a great kd?

18:44:42 Aug 11th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

Die like always??  Considering the wolves were never bounced from Fantasia during their whole history, unlike some Kd's I could name, or forced to seek the haven of Mantrax, the rumor of our deaths is a bit premature.

Finwe: get your facts straight...oh thats right, you prefer rumors and allegations and flaming, not the truth....this from a River Merge Kd...go lay down...

River Merging? Never done once by BoW. Not once... I did drop walls across the river to spawn scouts, as is allowed under the game mechanics. You do not have to have an army at the spot to drop a wall. Which as an aside I think is stupid. Carnage, Lgc, on the other hand, did indeed "Merge" across the river, numerous times.I used game mechanics as allowed, you abused a merge bug that Zeta had supposedly fixed. Do not try to paint us with your slanderous brush, the gutter is crowded enough with your ilk.

Thats all I have to say, I do not argue with *beep*s as you eventually get dragged down to their level and have *beep*ic arguments.

18:45:04 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Ender:

Hehehe, I know who I'm gonna kill next era :D

18:46:44 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

you have been in mantrax... i fought you guys in mantrax so you must have been there.

18:46:58 Aug 11th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

Dark Lord Finwe


8/11/2007 12:43:46 PM
top 5? eh funny why i dont i remember Bow as being a great kd?
Finwe: I know how you missed it, its hard to notice things with ones head up ones posterior. Pull it out and breath the clean air myfriend. Wipe the effluence from your eyes.

18:47:38 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

And the wolves are on the Fantasia HoH again, with their 5 starting members in place. Truly the legend is reborn!

18:47:56 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

Mr. Ender


8/11/2007 6:45:04 PMHehehe, I know who I'm gonna kill next era :D

you can kill me this era it seems, never knew you where my neighbour o.0

18:49:08 Aug 11th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

William BoW was NEVER on Mantrax...your high, whatever your smoking pass it over. There have been some wolf Kd's on other worlds, but never BoW. I started BoW the first age of the 3 mans kd's, we were on Fantaisa every era...I disbanded last era when we were in 8th spot on the HoH.

18:50:11 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Abydos is a river merging kd and i prefer rumours and allagatrions? :D oh so funny <3

18:51:47 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

you trying to provoce me by telling me i am high? i don't do drugs and i am pretty sure i fought BoW a few era's ago, the same era i was banished to mantrax. though it could be before i was send there but i think it was after o.0

18:56:37 Aug 11th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

i just havent had a flame war all era :D

18:58:09 Aug 11th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<River Merging? Never done once by BoW. Not once... I did drop walls across the river to spawn scouts, as is allowed under the game mechanics. > just to clarify what you are saying so i can understand better......

it is not ok to river merge, and is a game exploit....


it is ok to build a wall, send a souct out of said wall and then river merge?and is a game mechanic?

ookaaaayyyyy.....<shrugs shoulders> Not going to even bother this time on explaining how contradictory your statement was.....

18:58:10 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

Just referring to a point made earlier that BoW doesn't riverjump, but admits "wall jumping". I disagree, to a point. You do wall jump, yes, but you also riverjumped. Here's a pic of it from last round, from this thread:

(I feel like I'm having to do this a lot this era. A KD says riverjumping is bad, they never have done it nor will they, and then they are provided with pics to prove their guilt. Heh)

19:00:17 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

As far as i remember there was no riverjump there, Drakos attempted to see if he could, but could not. Null and void.

19:01:33 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

William, must have been before, BoW has NEVER been on mantrax. Im sure most can vouch for that, LGC, PHI, Carnage, Jesters, they all know we were always on Fant.

19:01:55 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

Attempted murder is still a crime, Karac.

Just because you aren't smart enough to know how to pull it off doesn't mean that you're exempt from the punishment.

You're a hypocrite, and you've just been shown to be one. Now I suggest you drop this whole "BoW would never riverjump" debacle -- nobody really cares if you do, but we do care when you lie and say you won't when evidently you aren't as clean as you make out yourselves to be.

and yes, I would consider "wall jumping" to be in the same boat as riverjumping. Trying to distinguish the two is ludicrous.

19:03:25 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

apparently you guys havn't seen the beginning of 300

19:03:55 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Does every thread have to be on this? Should we rename VU "The Riverjumping Game" Since that's all we seem to discuss here.

19:04:25 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Omg freak this is about the return of BoW we should Welcon back them not telling them what bad !

19:15:24 Aug 11th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

I attempted that AFTER Lgc circumnavigated a PHI blocker by doing it....ask Syrsa, he managed it. I was just checking to see if it was possible as Zeta had supposedly fixed it eras ago and I was surprised to see Lgc manage it after so many eras of no one doing it.

I said BoW NEVER riverjumped, we didn't...wheres the lie?? I saw it was possible, AND DID NOT DO IT! So I do indeed have the higher moral ground, I didn't lower myself to adopt the shady tactics knowing it was possible, where other people/kd's did it anyways. If you can't see the distinction then I suggest you read a book or so and learn some deductive reasoning. Morality is knowing the sins exist, and refraining from doing i did.

For people who have been around, Zeta said river merging was not allowed, he attmpted to fix it a few eras back. While dropping a wall near a scout is allowed.....

Helmuth: Where is your picture SHOWING IT HAPPENING!!  You do not have one as it never happened. Whereas there numerous pictures of armies from other Kd's merging across rivers...

>>Finwe: your right, Abydos never riverjumped, I apoligise.

19:18:54 Aug 11th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

And I agree, being able to build a wall near as scout is crazy, but its ALLOWED under the game rules and parameters, whereas Zeta is on record saying riverjumping/merging is not.

I myself would rather see it changed to only being able to place a wall when the scout is there, just like the cities.

19:22:29 Aug 11th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<For people who have been around, Zeta said river merging was not allowed, he attmpted to fix it a few eras back. While dropping a wall near a scout is allowed.....>

Yes, I have been around, longer than some, and i do remember that. I also remember when zeta also pointed out that he was resigned to not fix river merging because it would mess up the merge distances, which he felt would have been a bigger pain....unfortunately i dont remember zeta ever saying wall jumping was allowed, so please fill me in on when he said this for future reference....

Still do not see a distinction between wall jumping and riverjumping....but i guess the definition is subjective....but according to your post the distinction can clearly be seen......

The point of riverjumping is to bypass blockers....isnt that the same idea behind wall jumping (the same idea behind attacking a city from across a river)?

21:03:30 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Might as well call yourselves 'The Eternally Nubs' because that's what you'll always be.


21:09:52 Aug 11th 07 - High Lord Odyko:

Hey Karac nice to see u still here.... I was wondering what happened to bow.

My best to your honorable kd. :)

I remember some days we shared much victory :)

21:49:35 Aug 11th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Wow, another great insight from Orly, I swear, you should write a book...... I mean, i wouldnt buy it, but someone might.

21:55:37 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Alright, I'm going to poll the VU community.

All those in favor of sending BoW to a one-way trip to Mantrax next era say 'Aye'. All opposed (excluding BoW members, we don't care about you) say 'Nay'.

21:58:00 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

Guys, BOW is just starting out. No need to flame them before they actually have done something worth flaming on.

Hi Drakos =)

22:03:16 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Roxy it's never to early to flame BoW.

23:08:54 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Guys, this is a new BoW, the one of old is gone (no completely tho :P) so no more flaming untill you have somthing more recent to flame about :)

we will still stand by our allies and try and fight the good fight.

00:09:49 Aug 12th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

Man, this does shows clearly that some guys are *beep*s.

Ok, *beep*s doesn't work. *beep*s?

*beep*s is censored too. Euhm. Suckers?

01:00:49 Aug 12th 07 - General Konichiwa:

BoW LOL what a bunch of *beep*s

01:04:28 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

:) you no that you love us really.


and as ive sed before, we're not really the same as teh last few eras.

06:34:47 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Roxy you know that everyday I must do the following: kick puppies, call babies ugly and flame BoW, and my days haven't been complete since they 'disbanded'

09:10:34 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Good luck Drakos and to all the other guys in BoW, had dealings with you guys in the past and maybe will do in the future. Have a good era :)

13:10:45 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

Welcome back BoW, I wish you the best of luck..

13:45:50 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Echion:

Good luck, ohh.. and try to put up some resistance before you die
Its funnyier to kill..

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