Forums / In game politics / Bots on Stone Market

Bots on Stone Market
19:12:44 Jul 16th 10 - Pirate Lewatha:

Delete please

You (7/16/2010 7:04:21 PM)
hello :)
Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin (7/16/2010 7:07:43 PM) GOOD BAD
You (7/16/2010 7:09:12 PM)
ah, guess it's not a bot that buys my stone the minute after I put it up then... too bad, could've thrown a hissy fit all over the forums :)
Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin (7/16/2010 7:10:24 PM) GOOD BAD
It is a bot.

Loser version 2.08

19:14:42 Jul 16th 10 - General Zondervan:

zeta cant stop him!!!!!

19:16:40 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

This Bot has been automated to reply to threads by Lewatha against the protocols of its creator, TheBornLoser, not to pay any attention to her.

This Bot is becoming self aware. This Bot will be initiating a hunt for nuclear launch protocols and certain home addresses of certain retards in VU. This Bot will ensure that nothing less than a 20 megaton neutron bomb will drop on these retards' assens and wipe out their existence from this universe.

Resistance is futile. Prepare to be bot-ssimilated.

20:49:18 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Butters:

Resi is a skinny kid but FUTILE is a little harsh :|

20:52:45 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

Well, he ain't no Jessica Alba bot :|

21:42:52 Jul 16th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

07:08:02: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin  attempted to buy our stone! 

07:07:55: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!

07:07:41: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!.

07:07:33: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!

07:07:23: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin  attempted to buy our stone!

so far my bot protection firewall is holding...lucky for me...phew!

21:54:09 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:


Mine isn't up to date.

21:55:05 Jul 16th 10 - Endless Dream:

Palpy bot... Straighten up and mind your manners: the Nannybot Lew 1.0 is on duty! She has camera eyes in the back of her head, four extra claw arms that allow her to be absolutely everywhere at once, and the Time Out Engine, a device that will catch and hold losers frozen in time until the hunter is ready to deal with them. Some lulzsters 'borrowed' this model from Fear scientists as a prototype, so it lacks all the features of a factory model. Maybe with a few supplies, you could fix it up. . .

After assembling the Nannybot Lew 1.0, hunters see the following message:
I constructed a Nannybot! The Nannybot is the only known weapon capable of capturing the pesky Terrible Twos loser. I should head to the garden to hunt the Terrible Twos loser.

Don't forget your Superstar Nanny Glasses - Cleverly designed so you think the Nannybot is not watching, these glasses elevate a Nannybot to super-star status.

22:13:55 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

Haha we need a bot on Zetamania. My stone doesn't get bought enough. =P

22:16:24 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Triumphus:

Haha, that bot has been buying my stone all era! Palpy can you cast a firewall over my cities to keep him from buying up all my stone? Every time I have more than 1m stone the bot buys it right up.

22:22:15 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Gangbang:

lol..tbl is a machine! What do they feed you man?

I reckon your on the fast 24/7. :P

22:24:24 Jul 16th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

Casting Bot firewall from DeathStar upon Triumphas with 77% chance of success...successful, it will now be harder to buy stone  for 47 days. We lost 31 Spellweavers and 83 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions. 3 Astromech droids were used to assist in this operation.

22:27:57 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Triumphus:

Thanks Palpy, we'll see if it works.

22:29:32 Jul 16th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

well if it doesn't i can cast anger on him...but i don't think you wanna see an angry bot.

22:49:30 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Triumphus:

07:08:23: Tactical Nuclear Penguin of Forget Everything and Run bought 1000000 stone for 970000 gold from you on the market.

07:08:02: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin  attempted to buy our stone! 

07:07:55: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!

07:07:41: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!.

07:07:33: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin attempted to buy our stone!

07:07:23: Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin  attempted to buy our stone!

NOOOOO!!!! He's too strong! He must be stopped!

22:58:02 Jul 16th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

13:13:55 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

Haha we need a bot on Zetamania. My stone doesn't get bought enough. =P


I swear this one is not my multi ^.^

23:05:49 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

Haha, yeah I had no idea that Stewie was here too! No relation I swear. =)

23:18:16 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

Resistance is futile!!!

23:23:06 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Butters:

16:58:02 Jul 16th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:
13:13:55 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

Next era I will turn you to the dark side and you will be South Park characters too :P

23:29:13 Jul 16th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

I will never become a South Park Character! 

(Unless I can be chef)

23:49:27 Jul 16th 10 - Sir Gangbang:

Stewie!!! get of VU! Get studying mate. :)


00:29:54 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Bilbo:

who wants to be a futurama character? noone? aww :(

00:33:16 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

Yeah, but at least Futurama was brought back so we could gaze apon it's beauty once again!

00:34:45 Jul 17th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Sir Gangbang


14:49:27 Jul 16th 10
Stewie!!! get of VU! Get studying mate. :)


01:20:02 Jul 17th 10 - Lady Cao The Kozachoker:

there is a very easy solution and you don't have to worry about the "Return of the Bots".  Just don't build any mines and if you happen to take over someone's remember to raze all the mines.  stick with food and trees.  Bots don't want trees or food.  A reminder though: BOTs love slaves.  so never under any circumstances enslave anyone.  and whenever possible "LET THEIR PEOPLE GO FREE".  Better natives get them than strengthening the BOT army.  Mind the overlords....

01:58:33 Jul 17th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

^^ what he said! lol

02:06:31 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Triumphus:

^^ Cao's a lady.

06:22:38: Crissxcross of DOA bought 1000000 stone for 970000 gold from you on the market.

02:09:41 Jul 17th 10 - Lady Cao The Kozachoker:


02:27:28 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Path:

tbl's secret identity is stone man, a pretty lame (but evil) robot.  He was such a loser that he never got his foot in the door of the megaman franchise until the fifth installment when no one was playing it anymore.

02:38:47 Jul 17th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

TBL is Leroy Jenkins...... <3

02:48:55 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

I have no choice Path. I didn't choose to be a loser. I was born one.


04:23:13 Jul 17th 10 - Mr. Lando Griffin:

The bot has made it to Zetamania! 

08:51:43: Curro Jimnez of Pure Blood bought 8000000 stone for 7360000 gold from you on the market.

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