Forums / In game politics / Bushido

05:22:25 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Sun Tzu:

Hey Everyone! The best kingdom ever is recruiting for the next era! I hope a lot of you will join, because we are going to have some awesome fun and will totally rock this game!

07:40:43 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Methane:


22:13:26 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Sure, sign me up.

22:42:27 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Lucefor:

lol if this is such a great kingdom why did you disband

03:35:29 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Because no recruiting was done before hand.  It was the best thing to do strategically.

06:09:02 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   they'd rather kill themselves than live in dishonor, that's the Bushido code. xD

  (for those of you that didn't pick up on that, Bushido, meaning "way of the warrior", was what the samurai lived by)

17:17:41 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Sun Tzu:

That's true what you said about the Bushido Code, but I did not disband due to dishonor.  I just will not let pride get in the way of proper strategy.  And a kd with only two members would not have accomplished what I hoped to accomplish.  Also, I know that many people want to join well-established kds, but some new blood also needs to come in.  And while you can't judge Bushido by its past acts, you can judge how it will operate by watching me fight in Zetamania. 

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