Forums / In game politics / CULT

17:52:37 May 12th 08 - Ms. Llyl:


Kingdom Banner

Name: CULT
Members: 5
Created: 5/3/2008 8:08:46 PM
Leader: Ms. Llyl

We are a group of fanatics - if you think obsession is healthy and are willing to drink the kool-aid, come and play with us.We are new, open to input from all members and very organized.  We ask that you like to communicate in forum and IRC.

We are in Zetamania this era.

Any old FireStarters/Holy/Zeon members - we'd love to have you.

02:35:56 May 13th 08 - Mr. Heldeofol:


18:50:42 May 13th 08 - Ms. Llyl:


19:11:25 May 13th 08 - Mr. Aries The Loyal:

Any old FireStarters/Holy/Zeon members - we'd love to have you.

How many of you were from Zeon

Please tell me that

19:42:20 May 13th 08 - Ms. Llyl:

2 so far.  But not old timers.

19:49:43 May 13th 08 - Mr. Aries The Loyal:


who are these two i no one that Mr. Heldeofol but who is the other

20:02:25 May 13th 08 - Sir Slade:

LoL well i have 3 old Zeon members
and i was a VIceroy there
WMahaha join Sarafan Knights if you were in Zeon :P

20:13:40 May 13th 08 - Ms. Llyl:

The other is me - I was Ranth.

I don't understand the WTF - we welcome members from KDs that are taking breaks this era that Held and I have played with before.

Not sure why that sticks in your grill, Aries...

I know that both Salamon and Messiah are totally cool with our KD because I spoke to both of them at the end of last era - in fact, I'd still be in Zeon if they were playing this era.

Slade - you were always kind of a spazz - that's what makes you so adorable.  Tell Charley he owes me an army named after me!

20:41:33 May 13th 08 - Sir Slade:

and i would also be in Zeon still if they wernt taking a break
and Charley is here so is Zump and merchant
and i will name an Army after you
Also i dont care what u say we have an a Alliance if you reject it i dont care we still have one
do we understand each other
DO WE!!!!!

20:48:42 May 13th 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

lol sticks in your grill...thats pretty funny Llyl. Are you guys in any wars coming OOP?

21:09:19 May 13th 08 - Ms. Llyl:

LOL - Frank - anyone who isn't in a war on Zeta coming OOP - isn't really playing, now are they? ☻

21:23:43 May 13th 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

haha well said ;)

21:25:00 May 13th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Sounds like mant the era before last. that was insane, it would have been tricky to frame up a shot on the map without seeing at least three different kds.

21:32:45 May 13th 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

We are going to see alot of KDs eliminated pretty early. But thats not surprising seeing as there are about 30 KDs right now.

19:15:21 May 14th 08 - Ms. Llyl:


21:14:22 May 18th 08 - Ms. Llyl:

We are in Fantasia now (yeah... I know...) and recruiting.

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