Forums / In game politics / Carnage Embassy

Carnage Embassy
06:21:20 May 8th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

We have chicken and pot pies.........and green beans......

06:31:36 May 8th 07 - Mr. Architect:

oooh, we get an embassy!!!!!

07:15:05 May 8th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

Also, we have an Architect that would be happy to consult with some designs ;)

09:24:17 May 8th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I was thinking something like this...


09:33:46 May 8th 07 - Duke Dork:

It's kewl.

09:55:00 May 8th 07 - Lord Senturu:

chicken pot pie? wow. no kitty this is my pot pie. no kitty. bad kitty.

13:38:49 May 8th 07 - Prince Highwayman:

Best of luck to all the guys and girls - and especially princesses - in Carnage.  Taking an era out although I may make it onto one of the lesser worlds in a couple of weeks when I get back from course.  If you all die early on I may see you there ;)


13:53:37 May 8th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

We are Carnage, we never die ;)

15:54:16 May 8th 07 - Mr. Woopie:

yea =D we are the best =D

18:09:47 May 8th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

and just look at the straight lines our architect makes ;)

18:18:19 May 8th 07 - Duke Dork:

Straight lines is kewl.

18:21:24 May 8th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Children please, try to show some civility. Dont make me break out Effie's youknowhwat again!


For those kingdoms interested in kingdom relations or have questions, please send them to myself or our venerable and oh-so-sexay Vencrow.







*this advertisement has been paid for by the Foundation for the Clothing of Naked VU Players, Inc.

22:18:24 May 8th 07 - Mr. Take The Naked:

Hey Hey Ho Ho,
carnage is the go!

Welcome to the CARNAGE embassy
a teeming throb of theocracy....bum..bumm.bumm

we are open from nine to five,
y'all are welcome to drive on thru...bumm..bumm.bum
roxberry, quietone, and yes, even effie's penor too
this miller's on me if you're still alive
becuase we believe in nonstop underage drinking
now that's my kind of thinking!!!

let's get much less blinking
and more glasses a-clinking

An embassy is just another word for pub
so I forbid you to pass out on the rug!

it's getting late and the doors will close
becuase none of us wear any....clothes...dumm.dumm.bumm.

you are laughing now one should suppose,
that's good becuase we love making foes,

specifically their squealing sounds
when our hounds
of war do slip
with nary a quip
we unleash blood and guts galore
to the bloodstained altar of yore

we're CARNAGE O yessirre we are!
we've killed everyone near and far!
and half the people at Arien's bar...dumm dumm. thum

we are lousy at lovemaking,
or sniggering and dealbreaking,
all we care abouttttttt
is killing that lousy loutttttt
that tells us we're all farmers
in quite a distasteful manner
and ignores our bloodied banner
waving flames of doom,
quite tried and true
becuase effie's penor can't wield a lance too
so shake off that glower of gloom
smile, rejoice, don't be worried dum dum dum
our swords remember you!

help yourselves to a tasty chicken pot pie
or moan and shake and cry and die
it matters not, now you know why

the principles of carngae held erect and true
are contained in effie's penor too!

if you will mess with us
we will mess with you
becuase two plus two equals CARNAGE WWWWOOOOHOO!

*this ad was paid for by the this is a display-only-embassy-talk-to-storm-or- venomz Corporation*

00:40:17 May 9th 07 - Princess Nefarion:


Perfect.  It suits our embassy needs just fine :P

03:25:54 May 9th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Thats good, cause last night at technically this morning, I thought it was pretty funny.

05:30:08 May 9th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

You can have the window office Architect :P

14:55:18 May 9th 07 - Sir Lithlego:

Do becareful about the doors though, Architect. This is because some doors leads to the pond, or even some place dangerous. I mean, what do you expect? Arwen is in there.....

17:03:26 May 9th 07 - Mr. Architect:

so true...I may need a body guard...  Anyone interested in the job?  I'll give you a free car, it even has a fresh coat of char.

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