Forums / In game politics / Carnage is back

Carnage is back
11:08:50 Oct 5th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Venomz leader of Carnage sending invitation to hes own people and new ones, read hes message: 

Hello everyone

I would like to welcome all of the old Carnage members back to join us on Valhalla!
Carnage used to be a great kingdom, where players were more than just allies, we were friends. 
Willing to fight and die for eachother on the battlefield. 
I would love to experience the game again like back in the old Carnage days.

We do not only welcome old members, but we are also open to new applicants.

Just let us know why you want to join, and what kingdoms you have played in, or just tell us a bit about yourself!

~ Wreak Havoc, for we are Carnage

11:32:42 Oct 5th 13 - SFD (Lord Smelly Fart Deployer):

desperate times call for desperate measures :P

11:36:20 Oct 5th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

this KD is fully endorsed by Dark Prince Stirlin

12:45:00 Oct 5th 13 - SFD (Duke Sexeh Farmer Dude):

well  for next age guys, hope you don't get a good team :P

12:48:20 Oct 5th 13 - Mr. Fmworst:


You're a bit too late. There is an essentially de facto Carnage "reincarnation", and it is on Starta. Key Carnage old-timers, Stormy, Dalak and Von Darkmoor are playing there.

There was also a Carnage "reincarnation" on Nirvana approximately 2 eras ago. You have fought against it and flamed it heavily as well. That kingdom's name was Valar (founded by Stormy, and staffed at various times by various Carnage / Fate players including Dalak, Von Darkmoor, Dreadlord, Endless, Random and myself) . Apparently, you didn't endear yourself too well back then in Valar's last era.

Finally, genuine Carnage (and Fate) players do not have to ally the entire map just to take down one kingdom on Valhalla. Oh, and that kingdom (or at least, several of its core members) might not be playing next era. So maybe you can finally fight more then one kingdom on the map for once ;)

Usually, Carnage type kingdoms are the ones getting gangbanged. And acquainting themselves well against the odds.

Just like Valar.


TBL (Cruel Angels Thesis on Valhalla)

13:08:05 Oct 5th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

A bit to late? I won't argue with you even if message to Venomz :) 

Still, if you have say something against, don't do it :) we are only recruiting old members and new members...

14:11:49 Oct 5th 13 - Zond (The Czarcasim):

Yes I remember Valor.

They won some eras, and one era my kd killed them. We used some of the same tactics LGC uses (sit back and farm all era). They had a nice set up of players, but was no match to a halfer fed a lot of exp via dragons (thanks to me and a undisclosed halfer). 

But yes, Venomz sucks. I agree! 

And im on Valhalla and seem to not be having any problems fighting Don watever watever (haha fu sfd, just for u). Though i was afk and some meany killed my 3.4k naz or so :( 

14:33:56 Oct 5th 13 - SFD (Duke Sexeh Farmer Dude):

(thanks to me and a undisclosed halfer). = pure

an stfu zond!!!

18:07:28 Oct 5th 13 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

as a co-founder and former king of carnage all i have to ask is


Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Ive had tons of requests over the years to bring back either carnage or fate. But imo famous or infamous kingdoms should stay in the past, in honor of their achievements or failures which is why I've said no; let them stay in the past alongside serenity, narrse, noob table, mdow, phi, zeon, old legacy (yes there is a difference between the new one and old one).

But thats just me. If you guys want to make run of it, then have fun and much luck:)
Just dont let Jurgen surprise buttsecks you too much, V, he's good at that.

18:35:34 Oct 5th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Stormy, I convinced to bring back Carnage :) I have nostalgia, but it's not a bad thing :) Anyway it won't be same Carnage as before. We will see how it's goes. Anyway everything is only for fun or I am wrong? :) 

18:42:21 Oct 5th 13 - SFD (Duke Sexeh Farmer Dude):


You are wrong VD!!!!

When my sword pierces your armor and tickles your chest you think im not being serious!!!!!! FCK FUN!!!!!! >:(

18:59:20 Oct 5th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

I am glad you are here SFD :D 

Anyway guys, let's talk about who willing to join :) 

22:37:25 Oct 5th 13 - Zond (General Zondervan):

07:33:56 Oct 5th 13 - SFD (Duke Sexeh Farmer Dude):

(thanks to me and a undisclosed halfer). = pure

lol so wrong u nub. not even close :P 

16:38:28 Oct 7th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Carnage
Members: 2
Created: 10/7/2013 4:24:39 PM
Leader: Mr. Insert Your Name Here

Compare kingdom


~~ Carnage ~~ 

- Accepting new members

Are you looking for a friendy kingdom?
Are you willing to learn?

Then we are looking for you!

Send the leader a message or send in your application telling us:
- Why you want to join
- What your experience is (Worlds & Kingdoms played) 

Wreak Havoc! ~~ 

16:39:55 Oct 7th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:


If anyone want to blame, flame or troll, write me personal message lol 

Those who are willing to join write to me or to leader of Carnage. 

11:16:11 Oct 24th 13 - Mr. Bier Bitte:

I Carnage doesnt come to Fantasia you should change your name. 

End of message.

12:23:25 Oct 24th 13 - Mr. The Great And Powerful:

I don't know who you are :) so I just won't read your post even if there is something important  Bier Bitte :D 

13:54:09 Oct 25th 13 - Mr. Bouncey:

why a world with 50% rule

10:45:35 Oct 28th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

mr great: i was the leader of one of carnage's most longstanding arch-rival kds  /bier 

09:47:25 Nov 15th 13 - Architect (The Architect):

I've missed that old banner.

07:04:01 Jan 13th 14 - Mr. Septimus:

I haven't played in more than 4 years and I can't believe people are still talking about Carnage and NARRSE (Both KDs I was in). I just started my account about an hour ago. Brings back memories of sucking as a player. I think FATE came after these two and I was never accepted. I remember Storm and Lady something (I think it was an older lady) taking all my cities and inviting me to join their KD after they where done with me. They told me my cities cost more taking than they were worth. This was in one of the lower maps. 

I remember spawning with Carnage next to Phil, I believe and getting wiped. Turned out I couldn't keep up. 

I think I was in MDOW too, or it might have been MAD. It was a yellow banner with an unhappy face on it or something.     

I can't remember my name though. Might have been Voc. 

07:05:25 Jan 13th 14 - Mr. Septimus:

Nvm, this was more than 2 months ago. Lol. 

10:25:58 Jan 13th 14 - Ms. Drizzt Urden:

this was quite, quite a while ago :P

23:08:50 Jan 17th 14 - Stormy (Lady Christina Hendricks):


the lady would probably be Endless <sigh i miss Endless, maybe if we all harass her on facebook she'll come back>

03:25:34 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

agreed stormy she was hilarious on skype ;(

03:28:40 Jan 19th 14 - Mr. Urg:

I applied to Carnage by the way. 

06:45:10 Apr 6th 14 - Mr. Efrandor:


*Getting jiggy with it*

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