Carnage,Pks and Trio Suck |
03:04:56 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
April fools!
Na, they dont suck really..
I just had an erge to do this because its 3 :04 am on April fools day..
03:25:17 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Rogash:
its march 31 here still:p
03:32:21 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Chairman Adam Sutler:
03:35:02 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:
Lol, I thought it was just for the sake of flaming since this era seems all friendly and such. Once people really start to get pounded hard it might end up being nasty but for the most part people this era have been more well-mannered than I've ever seen 0_o
03:45:03 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
That's because for once it was Carnage on the receiving end, and we don't mind... We had our shares of victories, poundings are just the other half of the game... Now we have truly enjoyed all aspects of it. :)
Still don't be surprised if we go back to our old ways... the losing half of the game is no fun...
04:37:59 Apr 1st 08 - The Architect:
Ya know, I think thats pretty much true Thunder. We got beat, and we know it, and we were willing to admit it and rather than flame as the majority of kingdoms do, we decided to start re-building so we could get back into it again. Maybe we should loose more often, the game is almost more enjoyable for me without sooo much hate spewing from everywhere.
05:06:25 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Dalakticon:
When you get get your *beep*d kicked all you have left is LOVE BABY... :-)
10:39:28 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Justanius:
10:45:09 Apr 1st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:
The Architect
4/1/2008 4:37:59 AM |
Ya know, I think thats pretty much true Thunder. We got beat, and we know it, and we were willing to admit it and rather than flame as the majority of kingdoms do, we decided to start re-building so we could get back into it again. Maybe we should loose more often, the game is almost more enjoyable for me without sooo much hate spewing from everywhere.
I only just noticed you have a title o.O
10:46:47 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:
Erm, for arguments sake, when did you do all the winning you are talking about Thunder? :) *bamby look*
12:04:22 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:
300puound .... I bet he was talking about a backgammon round ... or gin ... it happens from time to time to misunderstand what is going on and get all blurry .. :D
12:17:07 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
Better question 300...when did we do the losing you imply?
Carnage has always been a powerhouse that has gone toe to toe against overwhelming odds...
You'd look silly to not acknowledge that...
Every kingdom has had bad ages, well now so have we... BUT...we are still here and not quite out of the picture just yet...
12:52:25 Apr 1st 08 - Duke Greater Penor:
It's just not always easy, easy as that.

15:19:10 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
Lol A little flaming going on here ;]
16:04:04 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Uzumaki Naruto:
Im a verry verry BAd PLAYA 1 APRIL!!
17:08:48 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Aligreat:
Carnage has always been a powerhouse that has gone toe to toe against overwhelming odds...
Like last era?
18:59:57 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Justanius:
22:16:28 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
last era was boring...
The one before that while holding our own against Zeon & Phi... I'd say we did pretty darn well...
Or the era I started holding our own against a combined Abydos, Jester & red Hand...
I'd say that was pretty good... Laugh away, but I'd like to see you stand alone against odds like those...
22:19:00 Apr 1st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:
Mr. Thunder
4/1/2008 10:16:28 PM |
last era was boring...
The one before that while holding our own against Zeon & Phi... I'd say we did pretty darn well...
Or the era I started holding our own against a combined Abydos, Jester & red Hand...
I'd say that was pretty good... Laugh away, but I'd like to see you stand alone against odds like those...
You attacked Red Hand yourself that era, and jesters were eaten by PHI early... so you didn't actually fight them.
22:19:43 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
You don't know what you are talking about...
22:24:20 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Shyers Bigger Than Your:
hmmm so you alone saved your KD, thats mighty white of you, and against three KDs i might add, ady, Jester, and red hand musta been hard for one man against three kds. I don't follow history, but good job, i know i couldn't do that.
22:53:17 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
Thunder in his dream world again
23:17:07 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
Hey Shy Guy needs another verbal lashing...
1. He cannot read...I said Carnage not myself...hell in my first era I was lucky to know up from down...BUT...unlike Shy Guy...I could always read...
2. "Thats mighty white of you"...Shy Guy is also a racist...Hey next era you could call your self "The Hooded Racist" and only attack kingdoms with black banners...of course your have to burn their cities rather than take them, too bad that rule changed... no burning crosses on front lawns for you...
3. There is no three
4. You are an imbecile.
23:20:25 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
And Sausage...Don't hate me because you are delusional...I don't need to go to your little world of thinking your posts actually mean something...
You make as much sense as your name...Sausage Roll indeed...
What's next "Broccoli Croissant" ???
23:33:45 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Zombie Marche:
Now. Now. Where is all the love we had a few days ago? Don't force me to put you back in your cage ;)
23:36:29 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Thunder:
Man I hate the cage...
But you must admit...Broccoli Croissant is pretty
01:42:07 Apr 2nd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:
Please let him out Marche? :(

04:45:12 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Shyers Bigger Than Your:
Mr. Thunder
4/1/2008 10:16:28 PM
last era was boring...
The one before that while holding our own against Zeon & Phi... I'd say we did pretty darn well...
Or the era I started holding our own against a combined Abydos, Jester & red Hand...
i can said, "I'..or do you just not know how to type cuz seems, Lew hadthe thought before me.and sure how bout next era i call myself Shyers the monkey, would that suit you? seems more fitting than the hooded racist....course you might not get my point here since you seem to have troubles with understanding expressions of speech. oh and please feel free to make yourself look like a fool again with one of your now famous "lashings"
oh, and btw...a sausage roll where i live is a form of kolache.....seems you know as much or RL as you do VU
but then i'm just a imbecile....funny in my post, i didn't even talk bad about you, i just said i didn't know what happened to Carnage that era
10:15:02 Apr 2nd 08 - The Architect:
@ Shyers,
I think this is kinda funny... I just came into this thread, scrolled down to your post, and the only thing I read was, "but then i'm just a imbecile.". I felt content with having read it and thus far I've actually not read the rest of it. I just thought it was kinda funny that my eye was drawn there before I even started reading your post...
11:21:47 Apr 2nd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:
Shyers, you can read, but for some reason you choose to not understand the meaning.
"Or the era I started holding our own against a combined Abydos, Jester & red Hand..."
Unless you have figured it out by now, it means; Or the era I started, Carnage held their own against...
Does it make sense to you now?
11:32:53 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Justanius:
11:48:13 Apr 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:
Mr. Thunder
4/1/2008 10:19:43 PM |
You don't know what you are talking about...
Care to explain why before saying that? I was a member of abydos myself, playing as lady Hathor. so please don't insinuate I don't know what I'm talking about because I do.
12:25:48 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Thunder:
@Penor ... Now that's funny... :-)
@ Shy Guy ... I missed a comma...whoa...funny how others knew what I meant or perhaps most people refer to themselves as OUR, (maybe it is my multiple personalities eh?) so Yes, you are still an illiterate, racist, imbecille, thanks for proving my point...
Oh and as for your real life experience, about being the cute little "Pig in a Blanket" that you are, Shy Guy... maybe you should go look up croissant??? See I know what a sausage roll is, I just think calling yourself a sausage roll is as dumb as calling yourself Shy Guy...
The funny thing with you, is that every time you open you mouth you just look sillier and sillier...have you ever thought of a carreer in the circus? I mean you can have all the kolache you want...thrown right in you face. You can pretend that it is a game of "Real Life VU" and get paid for it too...I mean if you going to sound so hilarious you might as well wear the make up and get out of a car with 87 other shy guys...just no black ones, you racist rube...
@ Justanius "That's mighty white of you"...please don't tell me you are one of his Klan brothers? Perhaps if you played Shy Guy in chess you'd understand more...of course you'd have to move second...
@Lewatha Funny how I have do the explaining when you walk in pretending your word is law...fine, I'll walk you down memory lane...
1. Abydos was at a stalemate with Carnage, we both had hordes on each others doorsteps...
2. Red Hand continuously attacked...a war which they started by hitting and betraying our so called friends...the Falcons... so yes we attacked RH...Who offered btw to join with us and attack your unprotected backside thereby betraying you I might add... We had too much honor for that and exposed Karnac for what he was...We then continued to wreck Havoc upon Red Hand, ALL WHILE HOLDING ABYDOS AT BAY...
3. That alone was pretty good, but now you toss in Jesters who where your "buffer: between the Red Hand / Carnage front and yourself... They continued sending numerous armies right up the center at us forcing us to deal with them too, as the center area is where Aby & Carnage was having that standoff over to the right...
So taking down Red Hand, Fighting off Jester and Holding Aby to a standstill was a pretty good era indeed...
As I said you don't know what you are talking about...You can re-post my post as many times as you want, it doesn'rt make you right...
Feel free to twist my interpretation of the era as much as you want, then go back and read your own twisted variation only to learn what I said before any of this...CARNAGE DID WELL
12:36:37 Apr 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:
If I recall corectly, we broke your blocker in the end, beat your merge 1 time mid-era. Also, Jester was eaten mid-era so either we didn't arrive on your front yet when Jester was attacking you. Or either you are talking crap.
Also, I do recall that was the era in which carnage had more double our members? We had like 20 and Carnage at a certain point had 42... So good job on holding us off!
Red hand, I don't know, I remember Carnage attacked them and was close to beating them or even beat them already... I don't really remember.
12:53:41 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Justanius:
@ Justanius "That's mighty white of you"...please don't tell me you are one of his Klan brothers? Perhaps if you played Shy Guy in chess you'd understand more...of course you'd have to move second...
i dont remember saying that.....and seriously what do you get out of calling me a racist.....cus ur wrong....and is that the same situation with shyres.
13:18:30 Apr 2nd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:
Can you feel, the love tonight...

15:05:51 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:
Pirate Lewatha
4/2/2008 4:36:37 AM |
If I recall corectly, we broke your blocker in the end, beat your merge 1 time mid-era. Also, Jester was eaten mid-era so either we didn't arrive on your front yet when Jester was attacking you. Or either you are talking crap.
Also, I do recall that was the era in which carnage had more double our members? We had like 20 and Carnage at a certain point had 42... So good job on holding us off!
Red hand, I don't know, I remember Carnage attacked them and was close to beating them or even beat them already... I don't really remember. |
Jester was never fully eaten. we were around 40% when the era ended.
15:14:58 Apr 2nd 08 - Lord Zombie Marche:
It was Carnage + Mirror survivors.
While you broke through our Blockers, that wasn't the end. We had several armies as backup to kill you off as soon as you got out of the merge.
Now please don't ruin that Era. It was a great Era, except for the little hacker, but at least he didn't do much damage.
15:19:26 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
Oh and as for your real life experience, about being the cute little "Pig in a Blanket" that you are, Shy Guy... maybe you should go look up croissant??? See I know what a sausage roll is, I just think calling yourself a sausage roll is as dumb as calling yourself Shy Guy...
This is coming from the guy called 'Thunder' Go play poke'mon somewhere else Or if you ment Thunder and Lightning, yoyu could have al least picked Lightning, its so much better I dont know why you even commented on that in the first place, your just an up-tight guy who thinks hes a now it all
If you really knew half the things you think you do, youd be a genious..
Go crawl up your own *beep*
16:05:03 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:
Wow, arguing about each others names... mature guys, real mature.
16:06:37 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:
wow Thunder ... and u write that speech all by yourself? I didn`t thought u knew so many words and letters ....
and when u get off your cloud ... read Lewatha`s post again 2vs1 ain`t quite a brag about victory even if u really win. From what everyone else is speaking Aby knocked your door down, even if u had in the bathroom/bedroom/any other room some firepower to keep them away (a lot of loose ends and unsorted facts there Lord Zombie Marche, anyway now it is too late to decide what would have happen). trying to prove yourself superior by calling others racist, KKK fans, stupid, etc. only proves that u are way too limited. and when u choose your nickname, it has to be something meaningful for you and maybe (if u have any) your friends. So Shy Guy, Sausage, Croissant, etc .. are good nicknames. If u don`t understand them is ok, u don`t have to be frustrated. :D take the example of Penor. Make love not war! and btw .. all this thread isn`t even a flame (Weird knew how to pi$$ the bunch off with only few posts, how he could manage it I`ll never understand!)... maybe it started like one, but now it is just a retarded echo of a long and deep frustration .... just my humble and maybe, just maybe, stupid opinion! :D
16:27:06 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Shyers Bigger Than Your:'m African American...monkey?....thought you'd pick that up....Shy Guy is not my handle...Its Shyers, cuz it's the last name of a dead just perhaps, your feeling on things don't matter to us ....thats why so many people here stand with me...and you have only Archatard
and you still have no idea of what a kolache means around here
@penor yes i get it now...that's why i said does he not know how to type, I have a hard time understanding dribble....thx for the clarity i asked for from the start
16:27:24 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
22:12:52 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:
Thunder smeels like horse minour
00:37:52 Apr 3rd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:
"@penor yes i get it now...that's why i said does he not know how to
type, I have a hard time understanding dribble....thx for the clarity i
asked for from the start"
Aight, I'm not asking to start a word-fight here, but there were nothing wrong with that sentence, forgetting a comma isn't the end of the world, and the word "our" does in fact mean several people, at least in that sentence written by Mr. Thunder. And... Well, if we shall be comepletly grammar-nazzies here, Thunder might have left one comma out, but perhaps you should look at what you leave behind when you write instead.
Just to make a example: "@Penor, yes I get it now... That's why I said "does he not know how to
type?". I have a hard time understanding dribble.... Thanks for the clarity I
asked for from the start"
Just some of it all. Let's leave it now shall we?
01:14:46 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:
@ Lewatha: Again...our discussion is a bit irrelevant, you simply jumped on the band wagon thinking you had something to add... You didn't really... All that I said was Carnage did well, they did... The only reason I mentioned specifics was because you asked for them...Bottom line...Carnage had a good era...
@Soccer...I agree, Jester was still very much in the game, I remember we needed to ALWAYS keep an eye on them...their strategic strikes up the middle were worrisome, as when/if we answered them, we needed to watch ABY hordes coming from the right...
@Sausage...Pokemon and Thunder & Lightning? You sound like a cartoon version of a bad Helen Reddy song...What next are you going to tell us that you are woman and hear you roar??? forgive me and don't be such a pain in the "Ash"... (a little Poke-humor for you there...I aim to serve)
@Squiddy... Do you really think we play video games in a fantasy world to be mature???
@Dolfyn... What the heck did you even write there??? Was that comedy??? Was that thinking??? Was that your attempt at wit??? My how foolish you sound...honestly Dolfyn, did you just escape can of tuna... Because your wit sure wreaks of such...
@Shy Guy...I love it everyone calls you Shy Guy What a cute little racist you are...Ooga Booga...
@Sausage Part 2... I small like poopies??? bad... must of been that burrito...
01:31:00 Apr 3rd 08 - Duke Arzoon:
Shyers is not racist, so please stop trying to make yourselves feel better by picking on someone you don't even know.
01:56:25 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:
Ok I'll pick on you Arzoon... hey your name rhymes with Goon
Shy Guy is still a racist though...
02:05:07 Apr 3rd 08 - Duke Arzoon:
Thunder I am not flaming, that really wasn't necessary. Shyers is not racist so there is no need for any of this.
02:51:38 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:
I am not flaming either... I would N..E..V..E..R.. do that...honest
Mighty white of you... a typically non-racial remark... please... he is the epitome of racism Shy Guy = Racist in my book now... I have a book???
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