Cato June A TRAITOR! |
03:02:42 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Nathaniel Von Liechtenstein:
I regret to inform the Holy Cow movement that I will be leaving the Kingdom. It was a great pleasure playing with each and everyone of you to this point this Era, but i've received an incentive I cannot resist.
During my leave - I will offer the following: 36hours of non-engagement and I will not join another clan during that time. No attacking the Holy Cow core - no matter my affiliation. No sharing of insider information with new contacts.
These may be broken if I am attacked. While the whole of Holy Cows members will not be attacked, I will seek retribution from any individual who chose to confront me.
The failed cow herder - Cato June. -------------------------------------------
We give you protection, defence, and guide you... You hide, you sneak, you build a huge army in the dark, protected, #3 HOH list. You plot behind our backs, you decieve, and now you stab the heart that fed you from within.
You are worth less, in my eyes, than the *beep* on my boots.
Vermin. Rat. Traitor. Traitor to self, traitor to friend, traitor to country. To be a traitor is the worst kind of evil, the most vile, and you will burn for this.
I fear for the kingdom that offered him refuge.
03:09:48 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:
03:11:57 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Sloth:
You have fallen victim to the nameless who perpertrates this every era...
03:22:39 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:
You have a made a God very angry! I shall smite you with hardened milk!
03:31:05 Dec 15th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:
jeepers ppl...u call that a traitor???? i would be happy if cato were a member in our kingdom and offered those terms upon leaving...that sounds like an honourable person to me...a traitor is one who leaves and then attacks you, get ur definitions straight before accusing and slandering a perons good name.
03:32:10 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:
HE was a Vice!!!! He accepted another kingdoms terms to quit and hinder us! Thats NOT a traitor?
03:33:25 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:
03:34:37 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:
Yes, he is the worst traitor of all. He is like Judas, Brutus and Casius together! Kill him! Nobody should betray the god of cows!
03:37:58 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:
Call me when he posts your forums up for public view and burns all your towns, but for now he did the very best he could at keeping civil on the way out the door.
03:39:01 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:
If he really keep to the terms he's offered then you can hardly call him a traitor, Mr Might. Especially about not attacking in your core. If he keeps to that one, even if his new KD are at war with you, then he's going a lot further than most who claim to be "honourable".
If he doesn't then this thread should be brought back and pinned to his arrse with a nailgun ;-)
And Agent C, surely that depends a little on exactly who's forums they are? ;-)
03:40:32 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:
L-O-L... *writes down the bit about the nailgun* effin classic....
03:41:24 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:
He may not be as bad as other traitors BUT let it be known that he will accept offers from your enemy's!
03:44:26 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:
Fair one, Mr M. Also curious what the "incentive" was that he couldn't refuse - he had a Viceroy position anyway - were they offering him gold as well???? All the same, if he keeps to those terms then it's not the sin of the century.
03:47:09 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Bartholomew Roberts:
There was once a man.A man that loved clam chowder and he said, "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." What does this mean to us? It means clam chowder is damn good!
03:56:37 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:
Well this happened at the best of times! Hooray for lady Luck. Sigh...
04:20:56 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:
Don't worry, he'll be dead soon anyways.
04:22:04 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:
My quote of the day;
"Your always miss 100% of the shots you dont take,
but statisicly speaking, your miss 99% you do take."
04:26:07 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:
04:43:23 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:
i think music will be his next kd. :)
04:53:36 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:
Isn't Liechtenstein a member of Legacy?
That speech has an awfully sounding Legacy kind of tone in it :)
05:05:19 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Jonathan:
05:06:38 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Jonathan:
05:11:02 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:
lmao you posted your troops numbers....
06:24:04 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Nobiggie:
Mr. Haywood Jablowme
12/14/2007 8:43:23 PMi think music will be his next kd. :)
Music is already dead.
07:07:54 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:
Mr. Nobiggie
12/15/2007 1:33:32 PMwow.. thats really fast... even Music didnt die yet
so at 1:24pm - you said music is dead and at 1:33pm music was resurrected!
That's faster than Jesus Christ
08:20:23 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Verll:
Wow...Ups to Music for that one!
08:31:09 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Cato June:
Careful all - this is the thread of communications between me and Might as well as the group I shall join here shortly. The transcripts are a bit long - but can you blame a long winded wee one?
The first conversation is with Might after I relinquished my association with Holy Cows. I had high hopes for the KD, but truly I must admit we missed some crucial players that would have made this a non-issue. Might and Holy Cows are not to blame for that, even though they feel my actions cause them suffering.
Mr. Might The God of Cows [HC] (12/14/2007 9:20:13 PM) |  |  | I see you are going to try and take us from the inside. ohASJIDHAIU~U!b ~!BUIB !!!!!!111!
I am now going to destroy your reputation and destroy any kingdom that
accepts yous reputation. I hope you enjoy your time in VU! | You (12/14/2007 9:23:13 PM) | I have no intention of attacking your core...unless provoked.
Even after the 36 hour period I still have no intentions of attacking Holy Cow territory...of course unless provoked.
was pleased by this group - but we did lose a couple players that would
have made things better for us this era...holy cows belongs in Mantrax
and *fist* to the admin that forced us here. Carnage will be attacking
us soon...peacekeepers have a pact with carnage.
I will most
likely even protect you if I am able too...but i do have a sizable army
near the core in the case anyone gets foolish with me.
Cato June | Mr. Might The God of Cows [HC] (12/14/2007 9:24:09 PM) |  |  | Why did you leave if you plan to not attack us?
| You (12/14/2007 9:28:36 PM) | Listen
- we did stand a somewhat chance with Massive and that dude from last
era that ditched. We unfortunately had to adopt quite a few *beep*s who
have no idea what they are doing. I'm playing a weak race and cannot
support with military really.
I want to stay in Fantasia since
this is the first time i feel like I'm understanding the game. Mantrax
would have been fun with Holy Cows...but the near future does not bode
with for us with a bunch of *beep*s and a couple veteran kd bearing
down on us. Besides carnage and legacy are to our south and both have
already begun attacks on our outposts. I'm trying to survive and no
offense to you...we were screwed by having to come to fantasia.
no hard feelings - and of course I won't be absorbing any territory unless otherwise asked or provoked to.
best regards
cato june | Mr. Might The God of Cows [HC] (12/14/2007 9:31:03 PM) |  |  | LGC
is giving back the territory and we have a CF with them. ZEOn and LGC
are going to help us with Carnage. Phi is not at war with us. The only
thing we really have to fight is PKS.
So your blaming me about
coming to Fantasia and your punishing me AND your destroying the morale
AND I thought you were a trusted vice what were you thinking? | You (12/14/2007 9:35:01 PM) | I did not mean to hurt your feelings -
I was not asked to be vice - It was not your fault for coming to fantasia the admins forced it we did not know we would lose a couple players (and you are not to blame for that) I apologize for the moral drop
is not a punishment to you. I do not think this group is strong enough
yet to survive here and I would like to remain. Again this is not a
criticism to you or your leadership. It is a shame the admin made us
start here.
I do not wish to have strained relations with Holy Cows - Cato | Mr. Might The God of Cows [HC] (12/14/2007 9:37:10 PM) |  |  | Then
why did you leave? Do you expect us to just let you prosper in our
core? Or protect you from the larger kingdoms out there? You also
further strained our defenses. | You (12/14/2007 9:38:55 PM) | I've made my decision -
Again you made decide as you feel fit, but realize I have no intentions of running rampant over your core.
Cato June |
the next conversation occurred with Grim Darkhammer regarding the upcoming and eventual situation. I am not a stranger to his clans workings and upstanding behavior. In any other situation, I would not have disavowed myself of the commitments at hand. If we can communicate in confidence - perhaps we should talk. If no confidence is extended, best of luck in this era.
Cato June | Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/14/2007 3:05:15 PM) |  |  | Cato June Yes, I'm certain we can message confidentially. How may I help you?
Grim Darkhammer | You (12/14/2007 3:08:39 PM) | I
am looking for strength in my allies. It is obvious to me that Holy
Cows does not have the strength promised. There is also some
communication issues with our KD as I am a Vice, but was never asked
nor told to be. As I look at what our group has done, the performance
is lack luster.
I am looking to join a bit more respectable group as I have quite a lot to offer.
In a past life we did have quite the battle - Raek W'an of Predators was my previous identity.
Let me know your thoughts.
Cato June | Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/14/2007 4:11:28 PM) |  |  | Yes, I remember you from our battles with Predators.
I can present your request to my council & kingdom as we make these type decisions together. But,
understand that if you were to leave Holy Cows you would be able to
defend yourself from their attacks on you but, not start attacking
their core. This is something we all feel strongly about. Leaving
a kingdom is one thing but to start attacking your old kingdom mates
would make you a traitor and a backstabber which is something we cant
Let me know if you would like me to present your request.
Honorably Grim Darkhammer | You (12/14/2007 4:23:22 PM) | Grim,
fully understand Peacekeepers stance on the issue of traitors. While I
would be able to agree to not attack the Holy Cows core, I will not be
able to agree to that indefinitely. In the case of joining
Peacekeepers, I would notify my clan and provide them with 24hour
notice. At that point then I would join your clan. If they attack my
grounds during that 24 hour gateway period, then those that attack me
are open game once I join Peacekeepers.
I would prefer to hold
out a while before bringing this up with your council. I wanted to
begin discussions with you first as I am fully confident Peacekeepers
will absorb the Holy Cow core eventually. The difference will be if I
raise my weapons against you, or allow a takeover to occur. Your kd
would eventually kick my butt as well, but the take over of Holy Cow
territory would cause a serious delay to Peacekeeper growth efforts and
I would prefer to join a group that has objectives, strength in
character and knowledgeable players instead of feebly attempting to
defend a core and group of players that do not stand a chance. (this kd
was supposed to be on Mantrax, but was forced into that
point we had a couple people bail and picked up a gaggle of *beep*s - I
agreed to stay at the beginning, but made it clear I might not remain).
Cato June
| Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/14/2007 5:23:50 PM) |  |  | I
believe we may be able to work out something on that but it may be
better with a 48 hr notice between leaving Holy Cows and joining
Peacekeepers. And I would of course ask our members not to attack you
during this time.
I will wait for word from you before
presenting your request to our kingdom. I do ask that if you decide to
leave Holy Cows you be open as to why you are leaving and inform Might
of your plans. Let him make the decision as to whether he wants to
start attacking you or leave you out of our war. The war with HC may go
more quickly than you think depending on our relations with other
kingdoms in the area.
Honorably Grim | You (12/14/2007 8:22:37 PM) | You
may bring up the idea of my joining the PeaceKeeper nation with the
council. If they reject, I have already notified my KD I will be
leaving Holy COws, and that I will not attack any Holy Cow unless
provoked by an attack by them.
I look forward to the opportunity
of playing with respectable and very knowledgeable players (from my
recollection). Carnage isn't quite my cup of tea, but steadfast and
knowledge go a long way, and I feel i have much to contribute to the
Peacekeeper cause.
Cato June | Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/14/2007 8:45:46 PM) |  |  | OK,
I posted our messages in the PKS forum and we will be discussing it.
BTW all but 4 (5 if you join) of PKS work together. So the discussion
will be completed probably late tomorrow.
Grim | You (12/14/2007 8:47:40 PM) | sounds good - i gave Holy Cows 36 hours and the stipulation that I will not attack them unless provoked.
I have one of the leader armies sitting near their core for security. They would be foolish to attack me. | Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/15/2007 2:00:44 AM) |  |  | I'm
sure you have seen Might's post in the forum about you. I propose
posting our entire conversation in the forum to show that you are
trying to be as honorable as possible. You have my full permission to
do so.
So far everyone that has posted about your acceptance
into Peacekeepers has been in agreement. If you are attacked send me
the report and submit you application right after. I cant guarantee it
but we may take you in early.
Grim | You (12/15/2007 2:23:27 AM) | I will post both your and my conversation + Might and my conversation as it follows the same path.
Thank you much - and I have a scout checking out my territories right now.
Hoongfu - Carnage Spotter
***********END TRANSMISSION*********
I have no intentions of dishonoring my word. If provoked, I will defend myself, otherwise I have begun to seek another path.
Cato June
08:50:39 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Revenge:
I think he is being very honourable, now I have seen that
Good luck with the application ^^
08:52:24 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:
this message has been reported as:
bad this message has been reported as: bad this message has been reported as: bad this message has been reported as: bad
09:00:08 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Random:
i really don't see anything wrong with this, he seems like an honorable player. i don't know what everyone is going on about... why can you just accept that he's gone. he even offered to help protect your core... even though he's not in your kd anymore.
10:11:15 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Nobiggie:
would you like to join a kd in fant Mr. Cato June?
12:38:17 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Umbar: doesn't seem at all like a honourble player...he should have died to defend his kd HC instead of betray them and join the enemy! He may talk with nice words but he still is a traitor.... I can't understand people wo now say he is honourble....:S I mean it's clear as day that he is a stiking traitor....
13:46:33 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:
traitor .. not quite ... cowardly a bit ... maybe ...
I would remained by my king and my fellows until the end. Or at least until I`ve died. die with your KD ... go to mantrax, zeta, talk there to PKS and resign and restart in Fant near them.
By this means, fleeding under PKS banner ... is a bit dishonorable ... from there is the cowardly part. But in the clear thing that he wouldn`t attack old KD mates, a traitor he is not. There are still parts missing. Why did Cato arrived in this position?! There are a bit too much missing info.
From what I have understood and explain my opinion about Cato is: traitor .. not quite ...
cowardly a bit ... maybe ...
good luck Cato in the future ...
@Umbar ... big words are to be held with big actions. Are u up to it?
14:18:59 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Umbar:
@Umbar ... big words are to be held with big actions. Are u up to it?
up to what? :S
And if he goes to PKS it is clear he is going to fight against HC....
14:56:51 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Santa The Loser:
Sir Grim Darkhammer [PKS] (12/14/2007 4:11:28 PM) |
Yes, I remember you from our battles with Predators.
I can present your request to my council & kingdom as we make these type decisions together. But, understand that if you were to leave Holy Cows you would be able to defend yourself from their attacks on you but, not start attacking their core. This is something we all feel strongly about. Leaving a kingdom is one thing but to start attacking your old kingdom mates would make you a traitor and a backstabber which is something we cant abide.
Let me know if you would like me to present your request.
Honorably Grim Darkhammer | Read Umbar
15:01:49 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Strongbow:
Last era i was beaten by Cato, and all i can say is that Cato June is very skilled player, unlike everyone else in HC.
Respects to Cato.
15:32:19 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:
Umbar ... take Cato one-on-one with in a 48 hours! let the armies talk for you ... No one helps any of you! And fighting against you .. Santa pointed out what was quite obvious! Doh!
16:08:34 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:
It's always nice to stay friends on the way out the door but finishing the era whether I like the group or not is my standard practice. I suppose that's not any more "honourable" since it gets called kd jumping but I dunno. Long story short, I won't remember the name "Cato" with any particular honour attached; as Umbar pointed out it's just pretty words, but I and few people in this thread are in any place to judge.
16:08:56 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:
(double post for some reason =/)
16:35:23 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:
In case Liechtenstein b*** is from Legacy I can only notice once again how moralists they all feel and how clean they are and their ability in giving others lessons about honour.
Legacy is a disgrace to the VU world through their arrogance and hypocrisy (except Epyon, he owns!).
16:41:37 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:
Actually I heard last era was his first, of course I could have that confused.
17:00:09 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:
I'm pretty sure Liechtenstein is from Holy Cows weird, why else would he post something like this?
And Cato you coward! You're gonna dies anyways!
17:26:39 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:
Well Lelouch... the first post just sounded as something a Legacy player would say :P
17:27:40 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Nathaniel Von Liechtenstein:
A- I am not legacy. B- Yes last era was first, and I got out 4 days. C- I am not weird. D- Xiax, you are psychopathic. E- Your dirty Phi Factors name by attacking us.
17:30:41 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Keymaker:
Cato June is a sick linebacker for the Indianapolis Colts... He dominates all, save for perhaps Lance Briggs and Brain Urlacher... ;)
17:39:11 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:
18:03:58 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Nathaniel Von Liechtenstein:
Because Phi is not at war with us, and you attacking us, is dishonorable.
you do not honor the intentions of your leaders.
they harbor someone disrespectful, and thus, it dirties their name.
if you join an empire, you should follow the EMPIRE'S desires, not your own.
18:08:20 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:
bah! what do you know liechtenstein! xiax is not dirtying phis name!
18:36:58 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:
Because Phi is not at war with us,
If you arent NAPed or MAPed with them then you are at war with them
When i look at a player he is either a friend or a foe. Unless a Kingdom has an agreement not to attack you then you are fair game and should be wary of any KD.
And yes, you see it. A DB member fighting the corner of PHI.
One for the scrapbooks ppl.
18:55:38 Dec 15th 07 - Prince Sprout:
One would think war can be honorable..... You know just one kd agianst another maybe even some terms of war. Here u wont see much of that from my experence. With multies and Spies U just never know,,, things could of been in play for this many weeks ago :p if people would just consider a honorable stance of game play threads lke these might not be here.
Complaining doesnt help either, nor does flaming or name calling, or any other threats of Foul action. If U were beat than U were beat so be it.
If U feel u were cheated or stabed in back... than pull the knife out and move on and heal. Dont go so low as to play on ther field and start flaming like so as it will only make u and more look bad even give the game a bad name.
Play with some respect self-control and honor and the game would be alot better for every one playing :) We all know that KD jumping isnt the best way to get a honorable name here.
I hope we can all find sence in this and see that it isnt called for:p
God Speed!
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