Forums / In game politics / Champs, all worlds

Champs, all worlds
23:07:23 Feb 2nd 08 - Mr. Ding:

here are the champions of all worlds! i know fant. and mant. are the best so they'll get a special colour .lol.

Fantasia= Mr. Grumpyoldbarstard

Mantrax= Ms. Erica Incarnate

Zetamania= Lord Protector Nimic

Starta= Sir Lelouch

Nirvana= Mr. Anonymous

Valhalla= Sir Fruit Loop

Armageddon= Mr. Sightburner

Talents= Mr. Iciruam

Midgard/Testa= Mr. Eason

00:07:52 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Sloth:

sub-worlds are equivalent and equally meaningless. the winner on mantrax is no better than the winner of new player World X

00:37:31 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Fire Nova:

lol basically....

00:38:01 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I dunno about that...

00:38:52 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

i do

00:39:43 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:


00:40:47 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

You positive about that Sloth? Most Mantrax KDs could absolutly destroy people on.......Midgard or Talents!

00:57:00 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Architect:

Only because the people on Mantrax start a few weeks before the rest of the lower worlds...

01:08:51 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

exactly. If started together 1 or 2 mant kds would be capable of winning.

When will Mant KDs accept they are exactly that, a mant kd. Not fant. Anything other than #1 world is new world.

Only way to prove yourselves is to come on to fant and test yourself to see if u can be a big fish in the ocean instead of being small fish in a puddle.


01:28:22 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

I like my mud puddle leave me alone the ocean was too big and my mind got lost in the waves.  My mind wanders way to much as it is doesnt need something helping it along :(

Oh and ive already been to Fant I was in IE while it was around plus i survived my first era as a nuuuubbbb didnt get killed off of Fant :)

01:33:08 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

well if yer inna good kd thats not all that hard, i did tht with DM

02:25:27 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Trogdor:

I think its funny that ur saying mant kingdoms are the same as low world kingdoms when kingdoms from fant come down to mant every now and then and get beat sometimes...

03:16:20 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

You cant compare Fant with Mantrax, I think fant has been degraded to Less then all the lower worlds. The only exciting things that ever happened there was the zeon wall jumping and Scientists scout warfare. everything else is a nap fests, blocker stalling  and  all era farming.  Just look at how their scores are bloated. ^^

03:21:11 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

I dare Fantasia to come and PWN me in mantrax!!!

... pussies!

03:45:27 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Sloth:

Big talk from Mantrax warriors but no move to Fantasia. That says it all.

03:52:01 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Big talk from fantasia warriors but no move to Mantrax. That says it all.

03:54:25 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Hawk:

There are Fant players moving down.

03:54:58 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

I know!!! :D

04:04:42 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Sloth:


04:13:19 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Why would we want to go to Fant when Mant is clearly far, far more enjoyable?

The day I have to participate in a forum war over VU as if my very life depended on it, bringing up old topics that no one really gives two sh1ts about, having to read through 5 different versions of the same event, because apparently Fant players are too retarded to agree on how something happened, is the day I quit VU ^^

How about you come to Mant, where 99% of all players DONT picture the enemy as a series of walls? I hear all the talk, referring to Mant as a lesser world, but not seeing any of the walk ^^ or maybe it's just the few that speak too much giving Fant players a bad reputation? Like little 13 year old Americans over Xbox Live :)

Hmmm, rant over it seems. Until next time my fellow VU'ers.

04:17:07 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Mr. Hawk


2/3/2008 10:54:25 AMThere are Fant players moving down.


04:27:04 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Sloth:

I have played on the lesser worlds. The strategic play is poor. Anyone with skill and motivation goes to Fantasia, as they inclined to challenge themselves with a more difficult arena in which to practice their skills. If you are the best, why do you not want to beat the best, or at least go up against them and see how you measure?

I think you have a mistaken image of gameplay on Fantasia. There are often times, in a particul*beep*ction of the map, where a stalemate breaks out. The only stalemate this era was between Zeon and Carnage. Abydos, my kingdom, were never stalemated, were always on the offensive and always had attack routes. Stalemates produce very tactical situations, which are very heated and often a single move by a single player can determine the fate of a kingdom. These are the flamefests you see in the forums.

That is it for my rant. There will always be players who do not prefer a challenge. Those who do, know that all Fantasia kingdoms will recruit between eras, and it is not hard to be part of a more significant game.

04:32:41 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Still wont go to Mantrax? :(

04:35:57 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

I remember the time when Abydos tried not to join the NAP fest... ^^
I think it was the era of Virgin. or maybe its the one after that...

04:56:57 Feb 3rd 08 - Duke Salamon:

Personally, I think yall are degrading the mantrax players a bit too much. Mantrax has come a long way, and they have risen up from what were new players and nubs. Id like to think that it is because of what the old Agents had done to them a few eras back. Basicly, Mantrax is a good place where a decent kingdom can hone their skills and fix up their kingdom to prepare for, yes, a tougher challenge in Fantasia. However, the only thing that sets apart a difference is that those who reside in Fantasia spend way more time playing then those who play in Mantrax and maybe an offset of skill/experience.

Basicly, my two cents are as followed:

Dont degrade Mantrax, they are skilled in their own way, and you should respect that.

Eventually, any Mantrax kingdom should move up to Fantasia. Playing in Mantrax over and over again will hinder those new players/nubs who are working their way up and cant quite stand in Mantrax yet either.

Struggling kingdoms or those who need to hone their players, strategies, and kingdom rooster should take a few eras in Mantrax before moving up in Fantasia. If you lose in fantasia, do not disband....just take it as a lesson and stay strong and long, youll get your 15 mins of fame someday.

Yes, Fantasia is still better than Mantrax. Tho, I wouldnt discredit Mantrax in not standing their own if there was a War of the Worlds. :P

05:05:24 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Congrats to all winners of all worlds, a winner on fant is not necessarly better than a winner on mantrax or other worlds,

In fact, I appreciate non-top ten guys and girls even more - people that consistently appear on top ten or fifteen are often a pussies that are scared to leave big name kds like carnage where all the bugs of war gather, or
that when they change kds they leave to go to another big name kd...

For example Erica Incarnate If she won for the first time, then that would be an acomplishment, but for those on fant that keep appearing on top 15 under Lgc, carnage, etc keep doing so, we will see the real warriors on highscores when big name kds get overthrown one day, but untill then when someone tells me he finished  3rd on fant in legacy, that dosent impress me at all

05:07:55 Feb 3rd 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

fantasia may be the best world. i dont care to try it out yet. when HH has owned mantrax a few eras in a row, then i may consider it. then i will know for myself if what you all say is true. but i know that for my current lvl of skill, mantrax is fully enjoyable, and all the world i care to fight in. those member in HH have plenty of challenge and plenty of excitement in mantrax. yes, there are wars in fantasia. but there are wars in mantrax as well. our opponents are worthy. (i speak from experience in DR as HH has yet to face them). i do not see how mantrax is any less of a world than fantasia is. for us who fight on it, it is as much as fantasia is to those who fight on it. we have everything you folks do...worthy opponents, cheaters, stalemates, friends and allies, enemies galore, walls, serious challenges that test our skills, diplomacy...

you have maybe larger kingdoms, this i dont know. personally i wouldnt want a large kingdom. i think a kingdom of 8-15 ppl is quite large enough. but instead of simply shouting at us that fantasia is better, why dont you help me understand just what it is that makes fantasia different, better....otherwise i will continue to believe that it really is no different or better than mantrax. just another world with a different name.

and i think this can be said of all the worlds.

05:22:47 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Crom:

on fantasia we have the mighty lgc-db alliance that is up to every trick,that makes the big difference =)

06:07:53 Feb 3rd 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

lord crom...since i prefer to play with and against non cheaters (and in the case of this game that means non bug abusers) as it makes the game far more enjoyable...that certainly doesnt recommend fantasia to me.

06:12:47 Feb 3rd 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

The thing is, if any Fantasia kingdom actually went to Mantrax all the Mantrax kingdoms would just ally up and attack it.  (And I would still bet that the Fantasia kingdom would put up one hell of a fight, too.)

If you can end up in the top ten on Mantrax, Zetamania, or possibly even Nirvana you should try your next era on Fantasia.  New players begin on Mantrax and the lower worlds.  The good players then kill those new players which makes for a quick and easy city gain, or aka *beep*-bashing.  What a good lowerworld kingdom should do is grab some 20-30 members and test their coordination on Fantasia.  A stalemate has strategy just like any other scenario, but like Sloth said, depends a lot more on merge leaders and walls than an all-out free for all where every player dashes out to claims cities by theirselves.

06:46:59 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

sub-worlds are equivalent and equally meaningless. the winner on mantrax is no better than the winner of new player World X

This is uninformed and ignorant, but luckily, to the point. "Ol' Mantrax just aint what it used to be."

Out of the vast-majority of population in vu these days (the combination of all these "lesser" worlds), certain conventions have appeared. Number one is that fant is good if you want a tough fight that you may or may not survive, and don't care that the established kds will not play diplomacy with you, and will team up to kill you (funny when you see the post above this one =p). Number two is if you want a tough fight that you may or may not survive but don't want to deal with the established kds. Number three is that if you want to practice more then join another world.

The gap between fant  and mant is closing. Fant is hardly holding onto its number one spot in skill and knowledge; it is only the hardest to survive in which is totally different. Anyone who can get accepted into an established kd can do just fine on fant.  To those who say "come to fant and see how tough it is" I challenge you to take the people you challenge into your kd and watch as they do alright, the same, or better than you. The fact is that vu is incredibly simple, (most people can do math), and it's the teams that make the difference.

07:02:50 Feb 3rd 08 - Duke Fafnir:

To back the point of my KD-mates. I have played in Mant for 2 out of my last 8 eras. In both of those eras I have found/seen people who are equal or better, yes better, then most of the people on Fantasia. In both of those eras those better players where in thier 1st or 2nd eras and just needed the right push to become good or even great. Watch out Fantasia because the gap is closing and it's closing fast. KDs like Predators and RH have proved that point. One of these days there will come a KD from Mantrax, that started with new players, to become one of the great KDs of Fantasia.

NOTE: One of these days there will come a KD from Mantrax that started with new players and becomes one of the great KDs of Fantasia.
Most good Fantasian KDs have started with, most if not all,  Vets..........Carnage, Abydos, Dark Blood, and I believe even LGC have all started with vets. Watch out one of these days a KD will come and take one of those places.......................

08:01:07 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

I agree especialy with "we have everything you folks do...worthy opponents, cheaters, stalemates, friends and allies, enemies galore, walls, serious challenges that test our skills, diplomacy..."

Its very true, I'd also like too say, how about next era, some Fant kingdom comes too mantrax, I am serious , Carnage, LGC
So we can prove too you that in fact Mantrax is harder than you think, it is a challenge
Yes, Fantasia is a tougher challenge , but Mantrax is a hard challenge
We have some awsome players here { I dont meen im good, im still new ^^ }
Salamon, Hanky , Squids, Bruenor , Argyle , Seloc , Chimney , Spoon , Mars , Kobuskan, Erica x , Nova
The point is , I could go on forever about good players
Mantrax is a good challenge, and unfortunarly I pity those you can't see that , because then your very " Im on the 'best' world so therefore I can beat the ones from lower world "
I bet , If Mantrax and Fant went head too head in a war, Mantrax would last a long time...

08:03:12 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Naah... I dont think any Fantasian Kingdoms could survive Mantrax.

09:03:41 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

"Its very true, I'd also like too say, how about next era, some Fant kingdom comes too mantrax, I am serious , Carnage, LGC"
you would die when u would get OOP...

10:31:01 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Zetamania is clearly the superior world.

Really, though, I wouldn't know about Mantrax these days, but from what I saw on Zetamania there are definitely some good players there, but comparing it to Fantasia is just silly. I'm not 100% sure my Zeta KD FU would survive on Fantasia, and we dominated Zetamania.

I kid. Zetamania > Fantasia.

11:27:35 Feb 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol omg ... what the hell are you guys arguing about ... does it matter who is right or not? It's like deciding the prices of vegetables, hey this tomato is much more worth then your carrot ...

Era conclusion:
Less flaming, more retarded topics :)

11:36:20 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

....................has anyone noticed that this thred is just mant ppl arguing amongst themselves now? i mean talk about retarded

11:46:39 Feb 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

fun though :D they keep saying come to mantrax but if any of the big kds did they wouldnt be so happy :D

11:48:48 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

hehe i think surprised would be the word "ah settled our core ok whats next...........dude wtf was that???" and its back to mant

12:42:37 Feb 3rd 08 - Lady Rhiannia: need to be careful..."Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall" have won your first era, this does not make you better than many long time players, fant or mant and to say that fantasia players would not last on mantrax is not only wrong but shows your ignorance. while i am very happy that you won, i must disagree with you that fantasia palyers would not last in mantrax.

having said that i also disagree that mantrax would die oop if fant players came to mant. i do agree that if it came to a war of the worlds...mantrax players would give fant players a fight they would not long forget.

all i am saying is it is wrong for fant players to discount the skill of mant players. and the same goes for mant players of fant players. someone said a new player on fant could survive easy enough by joining a large kingdom like carnage or legacy. this is not so easy on mantrax. i think this also speaks well for the kingdoms on fant. they are established and have figured out how to operate by now. mant kingdoms are still trying to figure out who they want in them. if a new player joined a mant as not they would get killed for lack of protection...mind you i do not speak of all kingdoms...this would never happen in DR. i know this from EXP.

13:06:23 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

To those who say "come to fant and see how tough it is" I challenge you to take the people you challenge into your kd and watch as they do alright, the same, or better than you.

Thats exactly what Fant needs. Bigger KDs. DB have taken many players from lower worlds in so far. 1 or 2 have proved worthy...I myself came from there. Although quite alot proved too inactive. Regularly taking 5 days to log in is far too inactive. It seems the active but new players we want are the ones wishing to lead KDs on lower worlds.

What we need is for some 3 or 4 Mant KDs to grow a pair and come to Fantasia. Maybe NAP each other and see if they can hold their own.

If only 1 Mant KD comes over, it is unlikely they will be able to get some diplomacy and so, the nearest Fant KD will eat them up immediately OOP.

So i beg of Mant KDs. Speak to each other, then 3 or 4 of you come over. If you land near each other, make an NAP and work together to fight us big KDs.



14:25:20 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Trio is most likely coming to Fant next era, as long as everything this era goes well.

Fant and Mant are completely different worlds. I would agree that Mant is not 100% equal to Fant skill wise, but it is definitely close. I mean, at one point this era the highest fant KD on KD scores was at 117% of Trios power, yeah HoH is a load of crap and means nothing but still, it does kind of show how narrow the gap is between the two worlds, (and no doubt Aby would kick our asres 1v1 xD)

In regards to the Player HoH I don't think it's that special, because the only way to get number 1 is if you are a whoring farmer, or you just take tons of cities, which you could quite easily do while ignoring the rest of your KD...

So I don't really see it as a true measure of skill.

Back to the Fant vs Mant flame fest, I think both are great Worlds to play on. It would just be nice to stop Fant players always referring to Mant as a "lesser world" and just generally making out that only *beep*s play in Mant, because, well It's just not true.

14:33:09 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I think it's funny how you make a point out of how your kingdom was almost as big as a Fant KD in power, then in the next sentence tell everyone how little scores actually matter.

14:33:45 Feb 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

winner of VU is taken from fant so all other worlds are lesser worlds or the winner of mantrax wouldnt be listed underneath the lowerst player on fant in the end scores now would they

14:37:16 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Osi makes a good point

*omg did i just say that*

/me slaps myself


14:46:14 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Oya:

fant kingdoms have gone to mantrax before. Abydos went there awhile ago, about 3-4 weeks behind everyone else, out numbered etc.... who won? Abydos :) and very convincingly :P

14:52:51 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Lady Rhiannia


2/3/2008 7:42:37 PM need to be careful..."Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall" have won your first era, this does not make you better than many long time players, fant or mant and to say that fantasia players would not last on mantrax is not only wrong but shows your ignorance. while i am very happy that you won, i must disagree with you that fantasia palyers would not last in mantrax.

having said that i also disagree that mantrax would die oop if fant players came to mant. i do agree that if it came to a war of the worlds...mantrax players would give fant players a fight they would not long forget.

all i am saying is it is wrong for fant players to discount the skill of mant players. and the same goes for mant players of fant players. someone said a new player on fant could survive easy enough by joining a large kingdom like carnage or legacy. this is not so easy on mantrax. i think this also speaks well for the kingdoms on fant. they are established and have figured out how to operate by now. mant kingdoms are still trying to figure out who they want in them. if a new player joined a mant as not they would get killed for lack of protection...mind you i do not speak of all kingdoms...this would never happen in DR. i know this from EXP.

Obviously your the one who is ignorant child... I don't boast being better than any player being it Fantasia, Mantrax or any "Lesser world" as they call it. But I still think Fantasian kingdoms won't survive mantrax.

14:55:39 Feb 3rd 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Dark Lord Finwe


2/3/2008 9:33:45 PMwinner of VU is taken from fant so all other worlds are lesser worlds or the winner of mantrax wouldnt be listed underneath the lowerst player on fant in the end scores now would they

How dumb is that... O.o

14:57:02 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

actually its undisputable, why else would ZeTa choose the winner of each era from fant?

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