Forums / In game politics / Character Attack Flame Thread

Character Attack Flame Thread
21:35:01 May 6th 08 - Sir Binh The Demolisher:

Let's discuss how much Osiris sucks in here.

1. He's a false god pretending to be one.

2. He is fat pretending he is awesome.

3. He talks too much when you want him to shut up.

Name some more I want to hear it :P

21:36:59 May 6th 08 - Mr. Din:

i agree im a billion times better :P and everyone knows it (i is OYA)

21:37:57 May 6th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

Oya is a smelly hippy and all he wants to do is to get into someones pants (i know your all thinking Quietone!) but alas he is after the mielomaster

21:50:14 May 6th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

22:09:07 May 6th 08 - Mr. Din:

ill have you know i dont smell.... :P

22:21:02 May 6th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

reasons why im cool.

1.i am the god of war although i suck at income.

2.i am awesome and am slim and athletic.

3.if you wont me to shutup and i DONT hate you i will.

any other reasons why i am the best post them here.

22:39:50 May 6th 08 - Prince Mielo:

wow, you really killed the party up here ... pls stop talking

22:47:11 May 6th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

ok i will stop talking.see im so awesome.

23:28:45 May 6th 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

@Cobra: I bet she's a lezzie. :)

23:38:35 May 6th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Die in fire blasphemer!

00:04:23 May 7th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

It's like... troll heaven in here... ;)

00:07:22 May 7th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:


*stops staring at his own reflection in the mirror*

hmmm...rainbows...reminds me of Lew...hmmm...hawt...

*drewls a bit then mutters sumfin*

heh...shrubbery...not in a lifetime...damned Osi...

00:33:03 May 7th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

"It's like... troll heaven in here... ;)"

That would certainly explain why you're in here.

02:01:08 May 7th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Haha, good one man! :)

02:43:33 May 7th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

big comeback.......

04:41:02 May 7th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

I don't know Osiris so can I Flame Slade instead?

07:38:30 May 7th 08 - Mr. Spade:

osi is so much worse than slade......................nah, that's impossible.

but osi is pretty bad, i mean who would ever name a kingdom abydos!?!?!?

oya was smart to run away to DB! ;)

08:41:43 May 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

as long as he stays out of my pants O.o ... Shyers is still in there, and hasn't returned yet

09:06:42 May 7th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

can i go in your pants?

11:40:08 May 7th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Most probably, they are certainly big enough.

Loooooooove :)

11:42:15 May 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol, at least one thing you learned about VU

:O  ;)

12:05:42 May 7th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Well, it's hard to learn anything else from inside that dark place, hardly any internet connection at all... :(

Loooooooove :)

12:28:07 May 7th 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

Mr. Spade


5/7/2008 8:38:30 AM

osi is so much worse than slade......................nah, that's impossible.

but osi is pretty bad, i mean who would ever name a kingdom abydos!?!?!?

oya was smart to run away to DB! ;)

Abydos i think it was sth like a theme ;D Osiris , Oya , Sloth it sounds egyptian :D ;D and abydos was(is) city of the dead i think or something like that ;D

16:01:28 May 7th 08 - Mr. Spade:

yes................but osi is still dumb. egyptian power is long gone! get with the times osi! oil tycoons now rule the world! :) 

his next kingdom should be exxon

16:04:16 May 7th 08 - General Ezatious:

That is why we should have the Rainbow banner Swifty!!! See its not *beep* at all :D

I hate Binh! He cheats at risk pulls armies out of his assen

18:56:05 May 7th 08 - Khan Senki:

More pics! More pics!

19:14:00 May 7th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i agree! binh  cheats at risk every time!! except for the times when i win

19:19:48 May 7th 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

Yeah Sloth's originally inhabited North Africas desert's.

21:19:26 May 7th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

as if you didn't know that!!! they also fed upon nile crocodiles in the ancient egyptian days of rule...

05:03:07 May 8th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

VU's new slogan -

VU: Because Band Camp doesn't cut it for sex ed anymore...

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