Forums / In game politics / Cheaters???

20:28:31 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Mr.Gracielo has been called a cheat, and some people said that he made 500k  catas over night which is basically impossible

I am not saying hes a cheat but he just jumped onto the strongest armies list and onto the strongest rulers list, if he could explain how then fine

I am not saying he is a cheat

For all legal purposes i am not calling him a cheat or a type of cheat in any way or some one who disabays the rules

21:17:33 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Could you please stop making topics about each things which already has several topics, or no need for a topic? And could you tell the guy with somewhat the same name to do the same? Thanks.


Anyways, I doubt he did a landdrop, else he would probably have been ranked lower on the HoH. And he did the same thing as the MAD guys on Fantasia. StG is not an option, he didn't buy alot of stone. Not billions.
Feeding? On Fantasia they might've gotten themselves a feed-team. But on Mantrax? Which will bring up scenario's which are more likely where they aren't feeding on Fantasia nor Mantrax as the same thing happened on two different worlds.

21:42:34 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sun:

perhaps a bug abuse.

21:46:17 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Killer:

Hmmm... He took over a lot of Angels cities... and he has been pretty powerful for a long time. I don't think he cheated. He wouldn't have gotten fed by Ritz anway...

21:48:35 Dec 3rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

From what I've seen of Gracielo, and I've been right next to him fighting him for a good part of this era, he's perfectly capable of creating 500k catas over night. Anyway this is most likly an exaggeration, he's had that amount roaming around his core in seperate armies for ages.

21:53:01 Dec 3rd 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Revenge


12/3/2007 8:28:31 PM

Mr.Gracielo has been called a cheat, and some people said that he made 500k  catas over night which is basically impossible

I am not saying hes a cheat but he just jumped onto the strongest armies list and onto the strongest rulers list, if he could explain how then fine

I am not saying he is a cheat

For all legal purposes i am not calling him a cheat or a type of cheat in any way or some one who disabays the rules

says the guy with the multi ^^

21:55:16 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I dont have a multi

Who is this Multi?

22:20:53 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

Sweet Revenge! :P

22:22:04 Dec 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

errr maybe the guy who wanted his name to be 'Mr. Revenge Is Sweet'


02:18:31 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

WTF, Gracielo is now banned for no aparent reason. He wasnt cheating and hes been building all era. If you noticed hes perfectly capable of being that good considering how much cities he took over early in the era. I find it funny how when ever Trio starts complaining about ritz players "cheating" they get banned.

02:20:25 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

BTW i dont think revenge has a multi just because there is a guy named sweet revenge. Someone, chimey, copied my name of trogdor (Trogdor Knight) and i find it tiring how people keep calling me a cheat about that.

02:28:01 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Trogor, the admin doesn't ban people for "no reason".

Your friends may deny any wrong doing, but the admin can check everything about your accounts and what you've done throughout the entire round. If he thinks Gracielo has done something wrong, that's why he has intervened.

02:29:59 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Well i dont think he did. I talked to him and he denies it. If you look at the other thread people have been temporarily banned for no reason.

02:30:45 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Rambo denied it....venemously to.

02:31:49 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Of course he'll deny it.

If rumours are true, and that Gracielo is Strawberry, are you aware that Strawberry was deleted this round already for running multiple accounts?

As for people being temporarily banned for no reason, who? Name me 3 people.

02:36:32 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Mr. Lenard

02:39:33 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Funny, that isn't 3, that's 1. So where's the rampant "temporary bans for no reason"?

And are you aware that Mr. Lenard is also known as Auspice, who is also infamous for being the most prolific cheat in the history of this game? No, you probably didn't, because by the sounds of it you're new. I think the admin must of had a reason for whatever he did.

02:41:35 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Well i didnt know that, im sorry. Im just really pissed off that whenever ritz starts to win we lose someone for bs reasons.

04:17:24 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Trogdor, dude he had to have been cheating, all we did was ask the admin how gracieo got so many Catas in such a short time, and we did the math. If there was nothing wrong he would've just replied saying: can't find anything wrong with the guy.

04:18:02 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

well if lenard was banned this era it was for no reason he has been fighting along my side all era long and i know for a fact he has not cheated

04:22:37 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sun:

from what i read, lenard talked to zeta and explained how he worked out his micro/macro management.

none of the other banned guys defended themselves, which makes it even more convincing that they were cheating.

04:23:10 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

lenard is banned? wow, zeta has really laid down the law this era.

does this mean his armies are gone? that would help me out a bunch! ;)

04:33:37 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

I'm not banned :P Well not now. Yea I had to explain it to Zeta and was lucky I saved records of what I have done this era.

04:48:10 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

care to PM me please?

05:00:59 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

So the moral of the story is: if you're gonna do better than Legacy, you'd better save all your records else you're doomed. Such is the power of sponsors?

06:31:16 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

there are many more sponsors than legacy....................

07:04:45 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

So the moral of the story is: if you're gonna do better than Legacy, you'd better save all your records else you're doomed. Such is the power of sponsors?


I have to disagree with you here. Nobody cares to explain how the *beep* they can train 500k catapults overnight. That points out to cheating really easily, especially if it happened three times. Now MAD and Ritz weren't really known for their super fair play either. MAD deletions and Ritz crosswalls. It just points out to some bug abuse.

17:55:29 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Killer:

That Arahabaki guy has really dragged us down.

21:52:27 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

You guys keep saying he trained them over night. Do you even know if he trained them over night because im pretty sure people can prep in one city for a little more then one day before moving them.

21:58:13 Dec 4th 07 - Duke Epyon:

their city woulda been #1 on HoH for a while then :P

22:13:01 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Doggy:

 I've hidden buttloads of men by keeping them separate until moving out. Some stay in the city, and just enough in however many armies it takes to keep them just out of hoh #10 spot. Put 4 -5 #11 together and you get a #1.

(and let's not have a wiseass math-major tell me 4 -5 11's equals 44 -55 =p)

00:46:53 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Inactive:

well he would have been on the most powerful rulers with half of what he has , but he didnt, he just jumped.

00:51:49 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

He didn't go up slowly he jumped and that's the problem. With what he had he could have slowly gone up but no he went up to second in 24 hours. Besides any one of those armies you were talking about would have showed up in the HoH for armories.

00:54:14 Dec 5th 07 - Fire Lord Nova:

You can split up a big army and hide from HoH cities or armies but you can't hide from HoH rulers on Mantrax with even 300k Cata's. Yet he went from no HoH to 2nd in no time flat with over 900k Cata.->(FACT) Sorry but i don't see anyone training 500-600k Cata in even a week with the land total and income he had along with the resource cap in place.

01:18:55 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Doggy:

As soon as someone pointed out that Lenard was Auspice that explained everything. I had intimate knowledge of exactly how Auspice and St Paul did what they did and it wasn't cheating, it was just clever as hell. If this 900k cata guy is related to them then I'm not suspicious anymore lol.

ps Lenard if you're reading this and you don't know who I am, I'm the guy who got the sponsor point for signing on St Paul =p

01:22:50 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

believe it or not before he came out with that insane amount of catas, i tested how much troops is needed to get to HoH city.  I came up with 16k nazguls and around 30k mus.  And that amount is enough to make you NUMBER 1 in the most powerful city category.  I have that proof in our forums. 

But then again, maybe he trained in an army. 

01:41:10 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

No, 900k cata doesn't have anything to do with me. That amount is not trainable unless you manage to capture millions of land. Or get fed :P. I suspect MAD is doing something with SBL but really I can't be bothered to observe them. DB's been wallhopping all era, and all the cross-KD teleporting. So there hasn't been much vigilance on bug abuse all around.



01:43:18 Dec 5th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

nice that you mentioned DB's wall hopping and not your own kd's wall hopping guys perfected it well before we started doing it....

hypocrites the world over.....



01:45:45 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

LGC started it. And we never used it on DB before you did on us. I forgot though, if you use something it's "creative use of game mechanics", if I do it's "cheating". Actually I had nothing to do with our nyah :P

01:50:50 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Doggy:

There never HAS been vigilance on bug abuse. In a way it has always added a weird new dimension to the game to wait and see how the new era's improvements will be exploited. The only intervention I can recall is when people started training negative values of troops and they got deleted (does the odd banning of multis count? cuz if so then there are those as an exception).

pps: Len, does Will still play? Cuz you didn't say HE wasn't involved =p

01:52:39 Dec 5th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

did you seriously just nyah me? lol

03:53:29 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Might:

Nyah! Nyah!

Yes, yes you know you like it.

14:27:59 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Lenard----And we never used it on DB before you did on us.

I remember back when you had your merge at FF's blocker, we started moving for your blocker, then you guys started coming back. We had Sun in charge of the merge with 4 BTs ready to go at you guys if you should try and mass BT your way back to the blocker.

All of a sudden your merge is on your side of the wall, not that close to your wall city either. So you guys BTed and hopped the wall, it was only then DB began using the wall hop manoevre. We had played fairly till that point, but the fact we had been screwed out a big kill on your merge through tactics like that kinda made it seem fair that if your gonna use it try it then we should too.

I hate all the crap like wall hopping, i just hope its fixed for next era. God, imagine an era with no calls of cheating, Although im sure every1 will find a thing to flame each other about

15:27:56 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

there hasnt been much wall hoping in Mantrax,

21:15:00 Dec 7th 07 - Sir Archias:

someone on zeta just magically sprouted abouts 110k nazzies, seemingly overnight :(, I'm assuming it was feeding.  It was rather annoying and we had to freeze it for about 10 real life days before we could get enough to kill it...

cheating? or is this kind of force normal for good orcs nowhere near hoh?

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