Forums / In game politics / Congrats Chavez

Congrats Chavez
18:03:12 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

On the era win! :D

18:04:55 Oct 30th 09 - Lord Resistance:

Era of Chavez (rock) ^_^

18:06:02 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Congrats :)

18:09:54 Oct 30th 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

Congrats Chavez

18:11:41 Oct 30th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Was sooo trying to catch you at the end. =P

18:12:22 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

nice stats Chavez =D

18:13:39 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Good going Chav. Considering I was tempted to take you out at the start of the era ;)

18:15:14 Oct 30th 09 - Lord Thomaas:


18:16:38 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Royal Flush:

Go Chavez ^_^

18:18:46 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

yeah good work :P

18:29:58 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

good job Chavez :)

18:31:42 Oct 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Congratz whoever you are!

18:33:22 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

congrats chavesz, no plus, fate, RVL, HIV

specially congrats to BOOM :) hehe

18:34:42 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

you forgot Rebirth :P

And gratz chavez :)

18:39:55 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

fine, and congratz to rebirth :)

18:45:18 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Ruxbury:


18:46:09 Oct 30th 09 - Princess Medusa:

Congrats to Chavez! :) Nice era, you really took so much land!
It was the Fantasia cities that made the difference... :)

I do have a question...
In the end, who had more land on Fantasia,
Revelation or No Pulse?
Cause I see No Pulse won the era... I though Revelation would win...

18:50:54 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Overcome:


18:59:07 Oct 30th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Congrats man!! (Tho Random is the winner in my heart lol ;P)


Congrats to No Pulse as well, you guys played smart, and fought hard, honorable victory guys, first one in a while lol ;P

*No offense to FATE last era.

19:07:35 Oct 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

no pulse took fant a few hours before the era ended

they farmed past us! <3

19:45:08 Oct 30th 09 - Lord Pools Closed:

Congrats :) <3

19:46:50 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Good job

19:51:38 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Well done mate. *claps hands*

19:57:58 Oct 30th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

very well done :D gratz

20:00:45 Oct 30th 09 - Duke Random:

woot we cleaned up :)

good job chavez :D:D

20:06:44 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Congrats noa <3

20:06:45 Oct 30th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Good job Chavez, lol @ the honourable comment about No pulse tho.

btw Kai thats gotta sting a bit. bwuahahaha.

20:12:49 Oct 30th 09 - Endless Death:

Congrats Chavez <3

20:13:31 Oct 30th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I can't believe you are still talking, don't you realize no one gives a flying..... nvm charley would get mad ;P..... about what you think??

21:03:44 Oct 30th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL You are just pissy because I called out your kingdom for breaking our nap, its Ok its not like anyone thought you were honourable anyway.

21:10:49 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

we gone from a CF to a Nap now. Think you need to take a nap kid

22:03:55 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Jungleboogie:

congrats from all in The A team. <3

22:17:10 Oct 30th 09 - Lady Woopsy Daisy:

Congrats Chavez and to No Pulse :)

22:19:13 Oct 30th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

I was talking to Phi Johnny, there are more than one dishonourable dipshit in VU.

22:21:40 Oct 30th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Yeah, Duke Bad Kitty couldn't be the only one. As he is the only retard.

22:23:01 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Kjetilbert:


And best of luck next era


22:24:39 Oct 30th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

And Bad Kitty, check the Awards, we got tons of votes, yet you got more votes for most likely to be slaughtered. Shows what everyone thinks of your meaningless talk. Grow up, shut up, and get out of the thread. No Pulse and Chavez deserve the win, they owned it from Day 1!

23:21:08 Oct 30th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

congrats chavez a throughrly deserved era win

23:21:12 Oct 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Congrats Chavez...and Nova on 1st and 2nd place :)

well deserved by both :)

23:29:04 Oct 30th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

lol wolfturd, Chavez had a good era hence the congrats, as for your votes it came from a small group of your buddies who overlooked the whole break a nap 2 hours after accepting it thing, for most of us that would preclude a vote for most honourable.

23:38:02 Oct 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Kitty i think u should stfu now lol...and dont mess with me..he will rip u open lmao

00:35:28 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Ezatious:

why do people bother to respond to this kid? just ignore him like we do revenge


gratz chuvac

01:04:50 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Congrats Chavez.

01:35:22 Oct 31st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Sorry Ez, its just like when you see someone elses kids in the store being completely stupid, and you just want to reach out and smack them yourself.... its the same thing ;P

01:40:03 Oct 31st 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

Wolflord Karac


21:24:39 Oct 30th 09
No Pulse and Chavez deserve the win, they owned it from Day 1!

Congrats to CHAVEZ.  however if I remember correctly he wasn't in NO PULSE from day 1.  He joined and I recall thinking " awsome"  he joined no pulse and we have an agreement not to atack each other so that is great.  We thought we would have to fight him until he joined them.  But at least he didn't fight us.  I guess CRAZY's beef is with Tengo and Random who lost their temper about one CRAZY player taking blockers.  They could have worked it out with us if they wanted to honour our agreement.

I will say No pulse was probably the best kingdom either way but if they would have kept their word with us we would truely praise them.

01:42:37 Oct 31st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

RVL was the best kd by far, we all know it

infact i actually should have one the era, im obviously the best there is!

01:47:41 Oct 31st 09 - Master Advance:

Congrats Chavez!!!!

02:44:09 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Congrats Chavez, nice played :b.

Congrats to No Pulse also for the kingdom win, though in my oppinion RVL would have deserved it a little bit more. But this time their enemies were too tough  ^^. So maybe another time.

So lets congratulate the winners of a very interesting era.

03:38:44 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

congrats chavez :D...

03:41:22 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Chicken Little:

nice work Chavez
nice era No Pulse :D

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