Forums / In game politics / Congrats to Hanky and Abydos

Congrats to Hanky and Abydos
12:47:37 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

on a fine performance and a deserved victory. see you all next era

13:23:26 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

id be salty too if i had to put so much time and money into winning vu, only to effortlessly be defeated by abydos

13:23:38 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

who deleted blings post?

13:24:22 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

12:18:16 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

shut up bran you backwards racist inbred.

was replying to this. damn those moderators

13:55:46 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Will you play this era? 

14:12:10 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

i will if abydos has a decent number. why, do you miss me uwer?

15:08:30 Feb 28th 18 - King Gwap:

Congrats to Hanky you won the era regardless. We can all comment on how you did or didn't deserve to win it. Either way congrats mate. 

16:22:55 Feb 28th 18 - Lord Caedus:

Congrats Hanky - I know you had a hard start, well done.

17:06:26 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

why is noone congratulating abydos?

17:47:29 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Athtiud Ignis:

Happy birthday Abydos!! 😋

17:56:37 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

I dont think people know how to congratulate Abydos

17:58:11 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Fecker:

For what? Ascension were era winners, and another 90 ticks and Aby would have been wiped out by my army

18:07:46 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

if if if if... the reality is the era did end and the victory goes to Abydos

18:39:53 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

12:18:16 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

shut up bran you backwards racist inbred.


nail = head

18:46:19 Feb 28th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

How’s that crazy motherfucker won an era? Is the talent pool that bad now? All that’s left is scrubs 

18:47:42 Feb 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

binh was playing that era you mong

18:48:26 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Stirlin, you should come back and play with us :p

18:56:16 Feb 28th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Binh can’t reach his full potiential without the British contingent, he’s only half a binh.

I’d rejoin but with less than 30 players on fant it’s not worth it. I need beo to return with their exploits and napfests 

18:59:30 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

You can join Roxbury

19:00:01 Feb 28th 18 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

last era was xmas era so half the playerbase just didn't turn up including me :D Lets get back to action eh

19:30:23 Feb 28th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Rox is on fant? I don’t see any of the group really on fant, only fw on mant 

20:09:24 Feb 28th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

Roxbury is playing the only elf on Fantasia :P

20:11:08 Feb 28th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax Testing):

And he does it well (he is only my enemy on Mantrax).

20:26:08 Feb 28th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

What kd?

20:32:40 Feb 28th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

It says on the title Stirlin

20:41:47 Feb 28th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Rox wouldn’t lower himself to work with that silly southerner osi 

13:37:55 Mar 4th 18 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Thankyou for the congrats:D

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