Forums / In game politics / Congratulations to the Victors

Congratulations to the Victors
23:22:07 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Feanor:

I rarely enter the politics forums because of all the flames, but wanted to congratulate our opponants in the recent Fantasia wars.  Revelation, No Pulse, Phi, Rebirth, Hamish, and BBMB you all fought well and fairly (sorry to those I missed, I know there were a few more and you did well too).  I was pleased to see the flames way down this era.  Just a good clean fight.  Now don't take this as a surrender, we are hanging on to our Southern core and plan to stay there until era end.  But before the end of the era, I felt congratulations were in order, as well as thanks to our allies GOTF and SI.

23:45:29 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:


Thanks... but we didnt fought muchos feanorz

00:43:08 Oct 23rd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Congratulations to you and ur entire kd Feanor for a well fought era.

01:02:31 Oct 23rd 09 - Endless Death:

ditto what Fean said - Congrats!
and.... was a lot of fun this era so mucho spanks erm thanks ^_^

02:08:46 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Aries II:

I want to congragulate Fate, for how much I disliked you guys last era, you have proven to me that your a powerful kingdom and it wasnt all those Naps that made you strong last era :p You guys sure lasted a long time with so many strong enemies. Goodluck next era.

02:33:28 Oct 23rd 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Sir Feanor is a good leader. I am pleased to see that Fate is still alive on Fant.

04:34:17 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Hammy The Squirrel:

It's been a very fun era, eventhough we won't have much left at the end of the day. It's been awesome. Thanks to all involved. :)

05:05:05 Oct 23rd 09 - Mr. Platnium:

Congratulations!!! (just being freindly plz dont flame me :) lol jk)

06:50:26 Oct 23rd 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Good lord Feanor, why do you always have to be so classy and dignified.... :P

Sir Aries II


08:08:46 Oct 23rd 09
I want to congragulate Fate, for how much I disliked you guys last era

Fate has always been a classy kingdom. The only thing that brought their image down a little the last two eras was that one little rotten apple among their ranks.... yours truly :P (I may be a small rotten apple, but I make a god damn big awful stench <3)

07:16:53 Oct 23rd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

actually TBL you played honourably against Crazy, and frankly thats why I refused to join the gangbang.

07:42:04 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Brer Rabbit:

I agree with Feanor and congratulate you all :)

08:39:33 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Struddle:

You know I thought you guys were gonna hold us to a stalemate for the rest of the era. Sometimes get lucky though and a battle swings one way instead of the other. Was a great pleasure being on the other side of the battlefield this time. Good fighting all around. Good luck finishing out this era and good luck to ya next era!!!!!!!

11:32:04 Oct 23rd 09 - Sir Overcome:

good luck the rest of the era, and thanks for the good fights=)

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