Forums / In game politics / Congratz Bogdan and fEAR

Congratz Bogdan and fEAR
17:15:39 Apr 2nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

congrats for the era win!

Let the era of Bogdan start already >:)

17:22:08 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Binh The Adventurer:

Congratz Bogdan! I knew you would win :D

17:42:54 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Unknown:

Sigh... Good fight on Talents Bogdan. 1% on your army didn't seem to stop ya. Gratz for your era win.

17:48:15 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Jenna Side:

congrats  on era win and great era guys

17:48:34 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

congratz ;)

17:58:05 Apr 2nd 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Gongratz Bogdan, good to see an old Music member win  the era.

18:00:38 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Apoll:


18:01:35 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

congrats Bogdan, well deserved.

Had no doubt that FEAR would win this

18:03:33 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Congratz Bogdan :)

Deserved win

18:04:33 Apr 2nd 10 - Lord Lazydragoon:

Grats Bogdan..../cheer

18:06:02 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Unknown:

I wished Zeus would have gotten that era win, but oh well :D

18:09:00 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Erythnul The Mournful:

Well Done Bogdan and Fear

18:09:12 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

Awesome Job Bogdan ...  :)

18:09:27 Apr 2nd 10 - Duchess Kittieh Croft:

Congratz Bogdan! Awsome! 66 sci lvls :P DAM! XD

18:09:31 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

[17:04] * ~Swifty slaps Fordius around a bit with a large trout
[17:04] <~Swifty> feel hard done by?
[17:04] <~Swifty> more land, more kills, more battles won, more cities captured, more troops
[17:04] <~Swifty> less sci. and u lose
[17:06] <&Fordius> yes sir
[17:06] * &Fordius cries

18:12:07 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Apoll:

advents with exp and capturing sci really pays off...

18:16:07 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

that is the highest sci. i have ever seen anyone get up to

18:16:08 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Please do it good Swifty.

[18:04] * ~Swifty slaps Fordius around a bit with a large trout
[18:04] <~Swifty> feel hard done by?
[18:04] <~Swifty> more land, more kills, more battles won, more cities captured, more troops
[18:04] <~Swifty> less sci. and u lose
[18:04] <&Fordius> wut ?
[18:05] <~Swifty> than bogdan
[18:05] <~Swifty> u had more land, more kills, etc
[18:05] <~Swifty> everything more, except sci. and he beat u
[18:05] <&Fordius> nice of em :P
[18:05] <&Fordius> what you expect me to say lol
[18:05] <~Swifty> i expect u to cry
[18:06] <&Fordius> haha
[18:06] <&Fordius> yes sir
[18:06] * &Fordius cries

18:17:13 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lol, i say congrats to Zeus as well...

halflings ruled this era...

18:24:45 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Feanor The Bloodthirsty:

Grats guys.  Great wire to wire run.

18:26:56 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Binh The Adventurer:

don't cry fordius. What do you expect? Slingers can't beat adventurers on points. :D

If whoever have highest troops number win, then path would've won the era hehe

18:28:08 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:

Science lvls: 66

WOW. I know I did well and I only had 30 sci levels. Those are some mad halfer skills. XD


18:28:39 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

Gratz Bog :D 

18:28:53 Apr 2nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Can we see Bogdans science levels? :)

18:29:07 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Qassim:

Congrats bog!!! :D :D

18:30:06 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Binh what is your flame about ?

I didnt have slingers well not much.
I had 1 mil ponies and 300k adventures.

the rest where mages / slingers yes.
I didn't say a bad word yet you have to flame or something ?
please do something usefull thanks :)

18:31:50 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Binh The Adventurer:

no flames. I'm just pointing out why you didn't win :d

18:33:48 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

I didn't even said anything about why I lost ?
why do you say something about why I didn't win than ?

if you mean Swifty. He was saying something I toyed around with em ?
So your post still useless :)

I congratulated Bogdan and did my part so.

18:35:18 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Jemmadenio:


18:35:54 Apr 2nd 10 - Endless Wargasms:

Gratz Bog and FEAR :)

18:36:35 Apr 2nd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

Ford is upset he lost, hes whining in irc, poor man, he really wanted to win

18:37:42 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Binh The Adventurer:

Swifty said Bogdan won because of the science levels. I'm just contradicting his statement to defend Bogdan's right to first place Fordius. You well deserve second place though :)

18:38:41 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Haha whining on IRC ? how ?
wtf :S

If you want I can copy paste the entire channel :)
and show you who's whining.

Again Stirlin get a life :)

Anyways not going to react to those.
again Congratz Bogdan and may there more follow :D

18:39:25 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

Should take a leaf out of DB's book and act with some humility!

18:40:50 Apr 2nd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

i have a life, ive quit VU, how about you finally quit instead of just telling everyone your quitting and hiding under a new name? you sir are in need :D

18:45:02 Apr 2nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

once again congratz FEAR there was no doubt you guys were gona win. and you too Bogdan.

19:00:56 Apr 2nd 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

congratulations bogdan! A much deserved win!

19:01:39 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Congratz Bogdan, I hear you earned it well!
I'd hoped that Zeus would win, mainly because an 8 man kingdom winning would have been awesome!
And he was my king. That helps too... :P

Anyhow, well done Fear and Bogdan, you guys did great!

19:04:31 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:

This just shows why the HoH is a joke.

19:21:14 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Jet:

Congrats Bog. Bad luck to Jill who probably should have won if the scores werent so skewed towards Fant.  Likewise for Kool who did an awesome job this era but couldn't get his troops to Fant in time to boost his rank.
Bad luck Fordius, seems you played an excellent era.

19:51:12 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

Congrats to Duchess Kittieh Croft for winning the sexiest elf this era ... :)

19:52:30 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Kool:

dont let jill see that lol there could be trouble...

19:56:16 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

Well Congrats to Jill aka Ms. Jenna Side for winning the hottest elf this era .. :P 

20:00:16 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

Congratz to will Mr Doomhammer for winning the cutest F.E.A.R. member :D

20:03:18 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

I wanna thank everybody for voting me as Best in taking a nap for this era .... Thank you! thank you!! (yawn) ( Zzz zzz... Zzz .. )

20:03:52 Apr 2nd 10 - General Admin Zondy:

Congratz to General Admin Zondy for being the only non F.E.A.R to get award!

20:05:06 Apr 2nd 10 - Ms. Tinker Bell:

Congrats to General admin Zondy for being General admin Zondy ... :P

20:08:00 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Danygraig:

congrats to bogdan and all teammates

20:12:02 Apr 2nd 10 - General Admin Zondy:

really though, nice job and well done :)

least i lost to FEAR and not some bogus kd right? lol wait, i was alive at era end! almost died by feds, by they arent really active enough to do any harm. and luckily i was left be for a bit to farm like crazy and get a nice army :D

had a blast this era, was a great time even though i was alone mostly :) had fun fighting some feds and them that fear guy that came over. though he killed me, well i suicided on him. same thing.

but i want to congratz MUSIC big time, having to restart 3 times is a killer. and not complaining shows great sportmanship.

20:14:34 Apr 2nd 10 - Duchess Kittieh Croft:

LOL  *speach*

I wanna thank Tinkerbell for the new collection of gnomes standing in our
FEAR shelves. I would not have belived it possible to win this many elfs
just on one era! Thank you! I also want to thank you for taking those naps, so that the multi rumour can be kept alive.

I wanna thank zondy too, and reward him with an elf. I wanna thank my mom for giving birth to me. My kids for sitting in the closet so quiet, not trying to escape, contributing to this glourious win! I wanna thank Deno for all the new meat we will be up aginst next era! I think he should get an elf too. And I wanna pre-thank the meat for beeing eatable :P

and I want to concratulate Tinkerbell with her award "beliving in disney magic and making it come true" All that hard work,  U deserve it!

I feel the sudden urge to quote Disney him self on this. He woulda been soo proud!

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney

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