Forums / In game politics / Cool Idea

Cool Idea
04:51:19 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze:

Okay, I was surfing thru the old topics because i have no better thing to do, and i came across one called UN.  Now i've been playin for around 10 eras now, and i think this would be kinda cool if we could get something like it going...not on fanta, but on one of the lesser worlds? Whatcha think?


Mr. Thore


4/22/2007 2:23:25 AM

Next Era i shall make a united nations kd. This kd shall be just like the real UN. Any KD can apply to join and are not required to join the UNKD to be in the UN. The UN is here to stop arma in fantasha, protect the KDs in the UN, and to enfore UN rules of power ballance that will be made latter.

The UN will make its decision from 2 bodys. One is the House, this part will consist of all nations in the UN and votes will be based on power.

The other body will be the Congress, this will consist of all nations as well but votes will be based on 1 vote per kd.

For a rule or decision to be passed votes will take place in both bodys, for a body to pass a rule or decision there must be 2 to 1 in votes AND both bodys must pass the rule. Voteing will take place for 1 week OR untill all of the KDs in the UN vote OR untill the rule will pass of fail no matter what (over 2 thirds vote for or over 1third votes ageansed).

I need you to tell me first which nations will join before this gets started and which rules should be change so the UN will be more fair. Strong nations will benefite from its votes in the house and weaker nations will benefite from the protection offered.

So you in?

06:09:06 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

I think your missing the point of this being a war game. 
This is just a fancy method of having mass naps, and mass naps equals a boring era.

06:22:56 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:


To complicated, to easy to be messed up, no fun.

^Simplest reasons, there are more.....

06:32:37 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Van Effen...this is to stop the arma in "Fantasha" lawl...Fantasia would be fine :p

07:43:36 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Arrakas:

i think it could be nice idea as its not mass nap suggestion but only map against arma caster.

07:55:26 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

If its anything like the real UN then it will just be a epic fail.
three reasons why it will fail.

1.the UN thing wont have a large army if you dont have to join the actual KD to be a part of it meaning that people will just form alliances and attack eachother.Although this would be pretty good as it would likely create 1BIG alliance vs another BIG i was saying the UN wont have a army or atleast a big enough one to stop the other KD's from doing what they wont.meaning they will be making rules that no1 has to follow.

2.The thing of making the other KD's restrain eachother wont work because who will restrain/stop the biggest ones?

3. think an effect would simply be half the map vs the other half which i would enjoy so BRING IT ON.

4.and what if the arma caster aint in the UN........then you cant get him to hand over the its the exact same as going after him seperately as you cant merge.

08:58:39 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Wtf is this?! When I cast Arma on Zeta, they still NAPped each other to try take me out, so why bother making this?

09:20:02 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Well....SK in a way was like your guardians in the fact they setup cities around your arma city....then they all went to RoC in what I will now call "The Great Migration" and it stayed that way...

15:12:09 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

Mr. Thore


4/22/2007 2:23:25 AM

Next Era i shall make a united nations kd. This kd shall be just like the real UN. Any KD can apply to join and are not required to join the UNKD to be in the UN. The UN is here to stop arma in fantasha, protect the KDs in the UN, and to enfore UN rules of power ballance that will be made latter.

The UN will make its decision from 2 bodys. One is the House, this part will consist of all nations in the UN and votes will be based on power.

The other body will be the Congress, this will consist of all nations as well but votes will be based on 1 vote per kd.

For a rule or decision to be passed votes will take place in both bodys, for a body to pass a rule or decision there must be 2 to 1 in votes AND both bodys must pass the rule. Voteing will take place for 1 week OR untill all of the KDs in the UN vote OR untill the rule will pass of fail no matter what (over 2 thirds vote for or over 1third votes ageansed).

I need you to tell me first which nations will join before this gets started and which rules should be change so the UN will be more fair. Strong nations will benefite from its votes in the house and weaker nations will benefite from the protection offered.

So you in?

Little to late dont you think :-)

19:27:07 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze:

Well, I think that It would be really exciting to try and stop Arma, actually. Eras ago, I was in UNSC, and we had attempted to stop RoC from casting Arma on Mantrax or Zeta, which was fun for both sides of the fight.  Even more eras ago, i was in a kd called 'Russians' that was on Zeta, and Russians along with Corsairs, Destiny, and Shen an Calshar all participated in what was called the Zetamanian World Court (something like that, idk what it was exactly called).  It was sort of like this, in that we aided eachother and ensured that nobody played unfairly by sacking littler kds.

Again though, I've done a lot of model UNs in my school, and I find that stuff interesting.

01:41:59 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

ok im talking about Fant...

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