Forums / In game politics / Corsairs recruitment

Corsairs recruitment
19:01:40 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

Tired? bored?  Have a craving to harm the innocent and plunder their homes?  Then you've come to the right thread!  We corsairs pride ourselves on punishing the unprepared and taking their stuff to rub their noses in it.  We also let our members swim in the kingdom treasury, nothing like an ice cold swim in gold coins to wake you up!  So without further ado the requirements and information for Corsairs.

name: Corsairs
Tag:  P&P
location:  Zetamania
reason to join:  lots of liquor for everyone
2nd reason to join:  everyone is assigned a scimitar
3rd reason to join:  if not getting your own free scimitar doesn't persuade you then we don't want you!

04:10:09 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Rand Althor:

I supose the real question is, is Roger really Jolly or is he in some other state of mind? : )

04:12:36 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

I'm mostly logy.  (too much cheese)

04:16:40 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

I'm very tempted to join for reason number 1... :)

19:09:57 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

Corsairs are once more recruiting for next era on Mantrax no requirements other than a willingness to work in a team.  The reasons to join still stand except now we a huger assortment of liquor from pillaging the weaker kingdoms ;).  Also, we will have lotteries for free designer hooks and peg-legs (diamond uncrusted and whatnot.)

P.S.  We still don't offer cannons so don't ask.

16:02:07 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

You guys were really great in Amon Hen.  Thanks for the alliance!

16:37:01 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

Good luck guys ;-)

I luck forword to meeting you in Mantrax.

19:07:41 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

Sure Soccer, a vice from Jesters is always welcome to our ranks ;).

23:50:44 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Mewho:

we are still recruiting.  The only change is we are on Fantasia not Mantrax

00:13:44 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

not for long .>=D

02:15:02 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

meanie  >:(

07:24:34 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Jolly Roger:

Still your probably right Dakarius, we will be wiped off of Fantasia, only like 6 people are still active in Corsairs and we are in the middle of a Legacy and Dark Blood sandwich, things are looking grim.

08:22:25 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Soccerrocker:

Sorry to see you guys go, just be sure to put up a strong fight!

22:46:04 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Mattimao:

you guys just watch, Corsairs are going to finish in the top 10 in Fant.

18:59:21 Aug 26th 07 - Mr. Matty:

Corsairs still recruiting.

if you apply please put:

1.  number of eras played

2.  the amount of time you normaly spend of VU every day

3.  why you think you would be good for the Corsairs

4.  any other KDs that you have been in either this era or last.

5.  whether you have started yet

6.  If you are active in the forums


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