Forums / In game politics / Cross worlds is crap.

Cross worlds is crap.
05:12:02 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

This cross world stuff is crap.

All the strong worlds will flame upon this, but if you read it through you'll understand. 

Its a pain in the ass to have started on a lower world, having young, inexperienced players in you Kingdom and you're trying to teach them about the game. Blocker cities, economic strategy, Magic, ect. and here comes a 50k Nazzie army from Fanta with all their MAPed/NAPed KD's ripping through our young KD..... Awesome.

My points are:

  1. We couldn't see the army coming, even though we are on the edge of the map because there is some magical force that prevents us from seeing over there even though they can travel freely to rape noobs.
  2. This is going to discourage many young and upcoming players from playing the game. All KD's are just going to join forces and rape the "lesser" worlds.
  3. This is also going to start to make KD's that are 30+, 40+, 50+ players making it a one on one fight resulting in a stalemate and loss of interest of all players involved.
  4. AKA ruined game.

Now I know that the only people that will read this are the very experienced, elite players who will hate on this thread, but I'm posting this for all the noobs.  But I hope Zeta and everyone else learns that I was right when all the less experienced players leave and slowly the experienced ones leave.

Now I'm going to suggest some improvements for the game to be able to have this addition, but without so much power to the first to press the "RESTART" button.

  1. Make it so Worlds can only attack the World "below" or "above" the world they are in. Like a straight line F<>M<>Z<>S<>N...ect
  2. Re-implement the 50% rule with maybe some change on the percentage
  3. Make it so you can't send a certain size army across boarders(maybe increases with time)
  4. Make it so you can see incoming armys and such.
  5. Maybe a no army crossing boarders except scouts(allowing them to build a city with a 5 turn protectionor something like that)

Just something along these lines.  Anyone that agrees please post.

05:18:00 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Well, while I agree with you, I think the cross worlds can be bad for the reasons you say...I'm guessing it wasn't really a 50k Naz army =P  Might have been a 50k with SOME Naz in it

05:18:43 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Belongs in suggestions and improvements thread not politics

05:19:09 Feb 18th 09 - Duke Herodotus of Halicarnassus:

You make a compelling arguement, the question is will Zeta listen?

05:19:50 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

Its politics too.

05:21:01 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

I feel he will.  As a fellow programmer I think he will appreciate that I didn't just flame it, I suggested solutions.

05:22:21 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

"50k Nazzie army from Fanta with all their MAPed/NAPed KD's ripping through our young KD"

How many KD's from Fant are attacking you?

05:24:52 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

RVL Revelation 25 Mr. Fordius 376



Fate Foundation 23 Sir Feanor 107


Preds Predators 31 Sir Darkmarsbar 332

BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 17 Wolflord Karac 245

 are also attacking us

Rome Romanum Imperium 19 Mr. Biondi 100

05:42:05 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

well, I'm not so certain about that belief, sorry :)  I think we've pointed out before this will not be good for nubs and it didn't change;  the era is longer this time, so that means even more spread by (I'll say higher level, not necessarily Fant) KDs and clearing out the new ones. 

(also, don't get me wrong, in NO way accusing any specific KD, it's in the rules, so good strategy, arguing against the rules, not a KD :)

06:03:39 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

In response to point 1:

If you send scouts to the next-door worlds, then you CAN see the invading armies coming.  Granted, you'll have to be clever to keep your scouts alive in the adjoining world, but it's manageable.

08:21:43 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Revenge:

You know why you have alot of people attacking you?

Because last era we had alot of kingdoms like yourselves that built up a decent strength then invaded Fant from weak-spots/Borders

Causing alot of Stress and trouble

So this era, alot have decided to get rid of what could be problems before they are problems

Thats the explanation

12:24:23 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

Still going to kill this game whether you think you can justify killing *beep*s or not.

15:09:17 Feb 18th 09 - Ms. Antianara:

I do agree that the crossing over worlds thing is very unfair to smaller kingdoms and new players for the following reasons:

1) Fantasia - Mantrax - Zetamania are far more experienced and so they know the drill.
2) Higher worlds are opened waaaay before the corner worlds which in turn gives them a lot of economic and military advantage.

Proposed Solutions:

1) Open all worlds together placing strong kingdoms on the higher worlds and new and small kingdoms on smaller worlds
2) Borders between worlds will be opened one by one with time just like the protection with higher worlds borders open more recently and lesser worlds getting more time to open.
3) 50% rule is good but should be added that scouts sitting on enemy cities should not cancel the armory bonus! (this is a really bully trick and a lot of ppl will flame about that I know :D )

15:29:31 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Struddle:

I think it'll be best if I answer each one of your points one at a time: (also because I dont want to forget where I'm at.  Short attention span ftw!)

1. Already been answered in previous post I will repeat just in case though.  Move army to edge you cross over you can see. short sweet and to the point.

2. Not true at all.  The kingdoms on Fant are much more worried with their wars on Fant then caring about everyone teaming up and bashing new players. There is a sense of honor and dignity on Fantasia. Besides there are a lot more new players then their are Fantasian players. ;)

3. A kingdom with 30+ members doesnt usually last long. As for stalemates I cant remember what era it was but whatever the era of the Phi and DB stalemate (correct my nubbiness if im wrong) was an awesome era.......

4. I dont see anything ruined. Maybe dwarves but not much else ^_^ (threw it in there for all of the people that want the dwarf revival)

Now for your suggestions:

1. That defeats the whole point of the circular world system which actually works go figure.  Great implementation adds a lot more to the dynamics of the game.  It now gives a chance for someone on a lower world to come up and move to Fant right away and have an off world player win Fant.  Also keeps kingdoms from remaining stationary on one world for quite some time and beating up on the new players era after era.  Ya it happens kingdoms would stay on a lower world and never leave beating up the new guys.

2. 50% rule wasnt taken out just moved to the corner worlds which open up last.  Besides kingdoms in the higher worlds cant move into other worlds until they open. So you do have time to build up and get ready for that "invasion"

3. Suggestion I like but hell wont stop me from putting up a city so what does it really matter......

4. You already can just move them across the border if your having trouble I'll explain how to cross.  Your army has to be touching the edge of the map.  If it doesnt cross immediately keep moving it towards the edge until you finally do cross over.

5. Still again what's the point I will still get that city up at some point stop whining if you dont want the city there go take it over.  Most of the cities in other worlds are simply used for the market.  Of course if you do take over the city the kingdom wont be that happy I can promise that much. 

15:45:25 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Elsin:

"and here comes a 50k Nazzie army from Fanta"

Don't exaggerate. You may feel like all those kingdoms are out to get you, but there's far more pressing things going on in Fantasia.


"Now I'm going to suggest some improvements for the game to be able to have this addition, but without so much power to the first to press the "RESTART" button."

The maps being connected as they are creates some issues, but none of those suggestions will fix them. In fact they are either unbalanced, abusable or already existing. Try to guess which is which :)

"but I'm posting this for all the *beep*s"

Then I'm posting for all the rest... I guess O.o
New kingdoms will get killed off by so called "Fant Kingdoms" whether or not the worlds are separated and whether or not they have new player "protection".
Dieing is a part of this game. Even on the "strong worlds". It may not be a newb-friendly environment, but unless you make it non-visual utopia, that won't change.


"Its politics too."

It's a suggestion unless your just trying to start a flame war.

15:52:44 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Rusty Blade:

elsin u *beep*.
i remember you being to chicken to get out of mantrax back in the old days. have some understanding. and what kindof help is that. saying other people's suggestions are worthless while i see nothing constructive comeing from u.

15:58:15 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Rusty Blade:

ow how about lower worlds have a .''protect native land'' bonus that when they fight in their own world they have a 50% attack/defence bonus.

16:06:59 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

Mr. Rusty Blade


2/18/2009 2:58:15 PM
ow how about lower worlds have a .''protect native land'' bonus that when they fight in their own world they have a 50% attack/defence bonus.

interesting thought actually ;)

16:16:19 Feb 18th 09 - Duke Herodotus of Halicarnassus:

It is, % may be a little high (25-30% more realistic?) but it would stop the Minority of players that hunt nubs for bounty/ points.

16:16:27 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Momo Wolfe:

i agree with smooth.

16:46:50 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Dos Cerveza:

Just give the newly opened worlds "protection" from the other worlds for a week or two.

16:48:17 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Elsin:

"elsin u *beep*.
i remember you being to chicken to get out of mantrax back in the old days. have some understanding. and what kindof help is that. saying other people's suggestions are worthless while i see nothing constructive comeing from u."

It wasn't supposed to help, whoever you are. My point (if you actually read my post) was there were "Fant level" players/kingdoms killing newbs before the maps were joined. There are "Fant level" players/kingdoms killing newbs now. Bringing back the failed "newb protection" will not change that. Get a clue.

16:53:38 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Rusty Blade:

okay then what might help?
ow and i might also sound a little mad couse im on the reservering end bein a late starter in a new kd myself.

17:23:26 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

what kingdom?

17:26:54 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Hemelduiker:

what might help?

suck it up and try again maybe?

17:37:40 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Stop whining, everyone on every world has to deal with it. You cant give those on lower worlds who start at the same time a big bonus or there will be no point starting on Fant... You can etheir have it so you move across worlds, or not...

18:15:21 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Smooth, are you completely retarded?
All KD's are just going to join forces and rape the "lesser" worlds.

ROFL!!!! Don't flatter yourself.

Also, who are you? RVL isn't attacking any new player worlds and if we are. We sure as hell aint doing it in force.

18:18:24 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Elsin:

"okay then what might help?"

That's what Zetas been trying to work out for the last 20+? eras and so far the solutions have been buggy, abusable or absolutely horrible for game play. Really there is no answer. The thing that stops VU being a newb friendly game is also what makes VU great. The map.

Having armies move around a map (in effectively real time) killing armies and capturing towns means the active will almost always beat the inactive. Experienced players will almost always beat new players. It also means no matter how hard you try and avoid it you will die. (whether your new or a Vet)

It may be difficult, but the best ways for new players to learn are
-To join a decent kingdom
-To fight more experienced kingdoms/players even if it leads to death (what will you learn from fighting other new players?)
-Try not to be discouraged by death. It will happen whether you like it or not.

That's basically how the current Vets became Vets. It's not easy, but the players that will improve are the ones who stick at it and don't let getting beat affect them too much.

18:46:14 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

I already tried suggesting this in an alternate thread but it was ignored.

Connect Fant, Mant, Zeta, and Starta. Leave the other worlds as they were, separated. Then have the above 4 worlds form a square, make all of them worth the same. The most powerful Kingdom and Player from those four worlds gets the win and the next era named after him/her. The lower worlds can fight and do whatever it takes to train until they are good enough for the connected worlds.

19:16:55 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Rusty Blade:

im in Rome Nirvana

19:51:06 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

It may be difficult, but the best ways for new players to learn are
-To join a decent kingdom
-To fight more experienced kingdoms/players even if it leads to death (what will you learn from fighting other new players?)
-Try not to be discouraged by death. It will happen whether you like it or not.

Hehe, well, I guess in my opinion, for most people in their first era, their priority should not even be to learn the game ALL that well.  More important, in the first era, you want the nubs to learn to love the game...then after that they can really start to learn the strats.  I kind of look at first era's as an extended tutorial.  If you love the game and die, it's much easier to go Oh!  I'll try again and get him!  If you just try out the game and die, you're more likely to wander off and find something else to play :)

the bonus OP/DP % actually sounds fairly cool, or the suggestion many have done of combining the upper worlds, but leaving the bottom ones alone.  Then, all you need to do is discourage ppl after first era from wanting to go back to the bottom ones (50% rule, etc).  That way, some nub can feel an "accomplishment" winning a small world and feel all warm 'n fuzzy :)

20:33:16 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Ruby Knight, its no wonder why your idea was ignored. Why you ask? Because it sucks.

Elsin is the only one contributing anything good to this thread.

20:46:50 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

You wanna say it sucks? Give reasons, explain. Otherwise keep your mouth shut and find another thread to troll.

22:24:08 Feb 18th 09 - Duke Drakos:

You can't say its just "Fantasia" Kingdoms invading your world anymore. This era plenty of Fantasia capable kd's got assigned to other worlds rather than having the choice of the world they wished to play on. This was an attempt to evenly seed the worlds.
 This also made it a bit harder for true new players as their really isn't a nub world anymore and they might spawn next to someone considered a Vet by the most VU players. So stop worrying about an invasion from a better world as you may be already next to a player or Kd who will own you with the way Kd's are placed now.
 >> Elsin's right!! Learn from it, you learn tricks and game mechanincs by fighting someone better than you. Not by just fighting other new people. You will still be toast after leaving "All New Persons" world and entering the exp. worlds the way things are now. Your just delaying your inevitable death and also possibly learning bad habits and getting faulty instruction playing inexperienced players.
 My first era I spawned next to a member of OWN. I then got chased across 3 worlds by him, basically building cities for him to take as he followed me. I  managed to stay alive, barely, and learned a lot of things from that experience.
 I learned more in that era than you could in 10 era's with just new people. And most vets I know, if your not ignorant in your messaging to them, will throw a hint or 2 at obviously new players.
 That being said, the only possible fix I can come up with that tries to balance things is this.....
>>>>For now, the only true new player world, is the "Tutorial". I have walked a couple of new people thru the Tutorial, and it is really weak. Maybe the Tutorial should be made a bit harder. Score people when they satisfy the victory conditions,with the same measures used on the regular worlds. If they meet or exceed a certain score, they are allowed onto the a "New Player World" that starts and ends with the rest of the worlds, but is NOT connected.
 If they can't beat the score, they repeat the Tutorial until they can.
 There should be a few vets assigned to the world also for guidance so its not all new people learning from new people. Be it volunteer vets who want an era off from the faster paced worlds but still want to play, mods, former era winners, etc...
  After 1 era on "New Player World", dealing with ticks, politics and real people reacting, they will have a much better grasp of whats coming when they graduate to the regular worlds.
 You might also keep people on "New Player World" until they manage a certain score. They might still die anyways when finally graduating to the upper worlds, but should have more of a fighting chance than is now offered them.

22:28:55 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

very good, very good, bravo, bravo!!!

22:36:07 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

@Drakos: Nod nod...that was what I was trying to sum up, but you did a lot better job of explaining it :)

23:21:00 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Ruby Knight, think before you type please. Its retards like you who make me want to stop reading forums sometimes.

Notice how I said:
"Elsin is the only one contributing anything good to this thread."

No? Thought not.

23:26:48 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Shpedro:

He is BOW :D

Sorry he make BOW.

To new player's join some Good KD and use the forums. They are mead to put message.

Ps:  If you are good you can't have 100% of survive in this, don't blame the nubs :P

00:31:57 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Struddle:

This will seem fairly rude but it is not intended to be I'm a very critical person when it comes to new players as I am still fairly new myself I in turn do not use that as an excuse for dying or playing bad.  This will be my 5th era playing and I have a lot to learn.  Hell I make rookie mistakes all the time.  I get yelled at by Bran and Lew quite often for it too..... but it doesnt make me quit or post about it in the forums hell they are tryin to make me better.  Do you really believe any of the vets have gotten to where they are now by running to zeta whining saying they are dying make things easier blah blah blah get over it!  (Also vets have no lives so ya that helps them too. =D hehehe)

Please do all of the newer players a favor stop complaining about having a kingdom come to fight you.  Grow some put up and army and fight back.  If your going to simply roll over because you have a well known player send an army at you just leave the game because no one wants you here.  Complain somewhere else it's tiring and more frustrating then anything else.

Another thing towards the new guys DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT use being new as an excuse to try and get something changed.  Hasnt worked in the past and I doubt it'll work in the future.

Now ending on a much happier note.  To those of you that are going to stick it out and fight I wish you the best of luck.  Keep fighting learn from your mistakes try not to make the same ones again talk to people that actually know the game.  Hell if you dont believe I talk to people about the game ask Bran, Lewatha or Roxbury I always pester them about the game and try to learn as much as possible.  It's the best way to learn something.  Go out find yourself someone who's willing to teach you how to play and just talk to them it helps a bunch and most of the vets are willing to help you out if you just take the time to sit down and talk to them for 5 minutes.

About other peoples suggestions:
1. I do like the homeland boost thing it seems pretty cool and a great suggestion. The percentage might need some work but I like it.
2. The worlds should remain the way they are as you have enough time to fight on your own worlds and the "lower worlds" open up later then some of the upper worlds.  Also like I said there are a lot more new players then there are vets *WINK WINK WINK WINK WINK*

Letting people know about the Fant politics right now.  There are two big kingdoms left on Fant fighting right now Ret and RVL.  All others have been forced to a different or lower world.  And when one kingdom pushes into the others core it forces the "losing" kingdom to fall back hence moving to a different world to try to gain more resources and keep their production up as the fighting gets closer and closer to home as their mines get in trouble.  By the way Fant kingdoms dont all mass NAP and MAP and take over the lower worlds they have their own grudges and wars to fight first.  After the wars are finished on Fant I can see it happening to some extent but while the war still rages lower worlds arent priority.  So buck up and fight back.

<3 Struddle

00:32:17 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Ruby Knight, think before you type please. Its retards like you who make me want to stop reading forums sometimes.

Notice how I said:
"Elsin is the only one contributing anything good to this thread."

No? Thought not.

Still nothing. A pointless post that contributes nothing to the discussion. Post reasons and explanations rather than a stupid "that ones better than that one because I say so". Otherwise shut up.

00:52:01 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Ooh listen to the hardman.

What good suggestions have been made here? I see non, just the experienced people telling you kindly to grow some balls and live with it. Its a war game, sometimes in war eople have advantages. Get over yourself.

Kudos to: Elsin, Drakos and Struddle.

01:11:31 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

Wilber, be nice.

Ruby Knight, I think that what Wilber's getting at is that a bunch of people are agreeing with each other in this thread, but saying nothing other than "I agree."  The moment someone comes in and disagrees with an idea you came up with, however, you get all uptight about it.  If you're not going to complain about people agreeing without contributing, who are you to complain when someone disagrees?

Now for the reasons why your idea "sucks."  First, if that's the proposal, then what's the point of having connected worlds again?  You're suggesting basically taking things back to where they were before the connected worlds, and giving up after only an era and 17 days.  Next, three eras ago, when none of the worlds were connected, some of the new players feared being slaughtered by Fant; that hasn't happened.  Also, although the Fantasia players might be more experienced than the rest, the way that they play on Fantasia is different than the way they invade other worlds.  It's the same for the other three worlds in the square you suggested.  Finally, it's a war game; sometimes people have an advantage in war, although in this case, it's not as much of an advantage as you think it is.  Use your head and figure out how to deal with it.

I had more, but I'm running on nothin' but Skittles today...

01:14:48 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

"To new player's join some Good KD and use the forums. They are mead to put message. "

Unless a new player is brought in by someone...they probably dunno what the forums ARE let alone which KDs are good =)

Telling a bunch of first eras to buck up and take it, is just going to get ppl to leave the game and will never help increase the current numbers; this game could easily be so much bigger, but it's so nub unfriendly it will stay small in size :)  I think that's what the elementary school bully used to say to the kids after beating them up on the play ground lol.  That's why I liked Dravos's suggestion, something for an extended tutorial essentially

Also, on another  note, I agree with "You can't say its just "Fantasia" Kingdoms" and is the reason I said in my first post "higher level" KDs, b/c any experienced KD walking into Talents and walking over people when that opens will be bad whether it's Fant, Mant, Zeta, Starta...)

At least Smooth was right in the first post, all of the ppl that seem to flame him the most are from Rev and Ret :)

01:35:56 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

Yeah I knew it would happen.  Its alright because what they don't see is the longer there is a domination of one particular group or "KD" or even a group of "KD's" the more people will leave and even less will join.  They are too busy trying to get their name on the HOH to really understand what this game truely used to be.  I played back when there was honor and respect, both of which are now absent from this game.

01:55:49 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Prised:

Ben is correct, we lost several people when we were dropped on starta last era because it really is no fun when you are fresh out of the tutorial to get *beep*canned. when we brought up the fact that we were going to have only 4-5 people with experience (2 of them with one era btw lol) we were laughed at because we were bringing in so many people and Yeah we made a few *beep*ish mistakes and had to tighten stuff up but in all fairness the "experienced players" sometimes get in a rut. for instance people were mocking me for building lvl 1 troops as a dwarf, its not rocket science that i was filling blockers so why make elites? lol

This game is hugely unfriendly to *beep*s (there are some exceptions btw) Dark was lucky in that we had Kareem and Holly to basically tutor us in game and we had a pretty decent set up from another war game that most of our members used to play but aside from us , who brings in new blood?

People thought we were lying but I lost 4 people who I played warbook with because they got fed up in their first era and quit and i cant get them to come back, heres how I look at it.

1st era, you learn about the econnomics and builds you will make mistakes but you learn, if you are on a smaller world its more forgiving even when there is some experienced player cherry picking.
2nd era you learn about how to use the game mechanics to your advantage and learn about oop war etc etc and not by being dropped on the elite world lol. you can take the time to learn about how and where to build effectively.
3rd era you get aggressive.

solutions for the cross world stuff.
Maybe have a more defendable "bridge" not open areas to cross, that way smaller worlds would have a shot at building a blocker. also get rid of the 50% rule and replace it with defensive bonuses for the smaller worlds.
one idea that was explored in warbook was factions, maybe have random factions where faction A gets certain bonuses when fighting faction B and vice versa, this would prevent the multi era naps that people *beep* about so much.

just some ideas.

02:50:45 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

I like the smaller areas to cross ideas

03:24:24 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Ruby Knight, I think that what Wilber's getting at is that a bunch of people are agreeing with each other in this thread, but saying nothing other than "I agree."  The moment someone comes in and disagrees with an idea you came up with, however, you get all uptight about it.  If you're not going to complain about people agreeing without contributing, who are you to complain when someone disagrees?

Now for the reasons why your idea "sucks."  First, if that's the proposal, then what's the point of having connected worlds again?  You're suggesting basically taking things back to where they were before the connected worlds, and giving up after only an era and 17 days.

Thank you for explaining your arguement. What I'm trying to propose though is a compromise between the two options. The *beep*s have a valid arguement(I was there last era and its no fun) and the vets have one to. So there has to be a way to compromise the 2 differing views. If everyone starts saying screw the *beep*s, get on with the game I'm quiting the game lol. There still will be connected worlds, just not as many of them. And all of them will be more experienced which means no more easy farming off of *beep*s for those cowardly vets who currently like to do that.

About Wilber, everyone else kinda agreed with arguements. I consider that just *beep* but oh well, go at it if you need the post count. But if you want to put down an idea, give some constructive criticism rather that just "this one sucks, this one's good".

04:33:11 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Rix:

Agree with smooth. Have heard most all these same points in discussion with other players.

New players (and I suspect some old ones too) are being chased away. That alone should be enough to warrant some type of change to either lessen the learning curve and/or the stress level.  

10:25:37 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Koss:

the world crossing is just one more way to get the powerful more power i think each to his own world

having kingdoms from fantasia and mantrax come and rape lower worlds sucks and it should stop

we should have it where fantasia, mantrax, and zetamania can move in between eachother and then the rest can move between eachother

11:46:23 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

new players have always been killed by Fant players who decide to nub bash.

Don't try blaming the connecting worlds. Also, for the last time theres nobody on FANT invading the lesser worlds, except RET on zetamania. I'd know, because RET and RVL are the only surviving KDs on Fant.

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