Forums / In game politics / DB Going for the win?

DB Going for the win?
08:29:57 Jan 28th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Mr. Grumpyoldbastard
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Legend
Member of: Abydos.

Mr. Gothrim
Member of: Abydos.

What's Abydos going to do? =)

08:53:05 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

shhh. They havent noticed yet. :)

09:11:34 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Random:

oh noses!

10:38:27 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

and this *beep* just had to post it, so thay abydos will find out


12:24:07 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

and you just had to post to keep this topic on top

12:27:41 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

lol, what you call a win ...  :-p

12:29:25 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

1st place in the HoH of most powerful ruler is a win.
1st place in the HoH of most powerful KDs is a win.
1st place in the HoH of most powerful army is a win.
1st place in the HoH of most powerful city is a win.

surviving Fantasia as a new player is win.

so ... a win is a win!

12:31:59 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

scores are for the ones unable to recognize them selfs in the mirror and need numbers for self knowledge

13:02:09 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

mirror the kd or mirror the shiny object? :D

13:20:14 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

All Hail DB, they have almost conquerered of the mighty kingdom of PKS... almost that is, because PKS are *still* alive!

13:23:26 Jan 28th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

scores are for the ones unable to recognize them selfs in the mirror and need numbers for self knowledge

I find that amusing considering your nickname.

13:59:35 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Meowman:


15:27:51 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

well .. things are settled! grumpy has lost 1st place ...

18:57:58 Jan 28th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

as he should have!

the era belongs TO US!

19:05:35 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

The U.S.? I thought most of you didn't like America!

19:19:03 Jan 28th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

you sir are a retard and not a funny one

19:45:22 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

and Osi ur a retard aswell, but atleast your funny.

20:33:07 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Ooh that hurt..... but really when I saw "the era belongs TO US!" It immediately popped into my Holy Head and Brain...The United States?

21:24:56 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

"All Hail DB, they have almost conquerered of the mighty kingdom of PKS... almost that is, because PKS are *still* alive!"

Yeah took them long enough to get us :-p But seriously...Dark Blood has some really good players

21:25:46 Jan 28th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

lol @ really good players :D

21:30:19 Jan 28th 08 - Lord Oya:

i am really good, much better than you will ever be....especially in bed! so ha!

21:41:44 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

What happened with Sir Abaddon?

21:57:59 Jan 28th 08 - Prince Mielo:

He talked to Weirdgrivi and suddenly suffers from the Shaken baby syndrome

03:05:09 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Now now people be nice to DB. They hammered PKS all era and have almost beaten us. Thats quiet an accomplishment.

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