Forums / In game politics / DB n Trio

DB n Trio
04:23:33 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

where are those kd and where are the ex members of it?

btw were is Lord Cobraisasuckynick?

I just remembered two weeks ago i was member of those kds

04:30:26 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:


No Pulse = Dark Trio

04:38:39 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

mm nice

05:00:40 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

We R Ownz!

05:00:52 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

<<<< Hanky Panky

05:03:49 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

mmm Hanky Panky I remember you!

you were the dude who told me to join TRIO the first era i was at fant

05:04:31 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

Well we did last era <3

only started back up last era

this era we landed next to fate and they ran away with there balls between there legs
so not had a kingdom to war :'(

Fate = carnage

If you had to say anyone


05:04:44 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

ahhh coolio <3

who you go by?

05:10:20 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

for some reason cant fine it but

the era the new map was used i think era 28-29

i started on Fant and there was a kd named Cult and their banner was like a blue beer who remember those guys?

05:12:07 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

<<<<< Random, decided to go with a different name this era tho!

05:12:39 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

aint you resi?

05:13:32 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

HIV are not DB, there are some players who have played in DB such as our leader, but unfortunately the majority of DB have went their own ways.

05:16:17 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

i would like to know where is RET, Preds, LGC, Zeon, Carnage, AAA DB and trio

05:16:24 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

you mean that era?

good times <3

05:17:04 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

Domination = Ret if any

05:18:37 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Fate = Carnage

No Pulse/Niribu kinda split Preds I think

And no, I'm not Resi :P He's Hannah Montana

05:35:27 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

preds is kinda every where I'm pretty sure mars is in phi still and the rest of them are spread out every where

06:02:58 Nov 10th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

ya and some ex Abydos in No Pulse aswell.

06:33:12 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

lol there is muh town " Pengy" lol

07:47:51 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Felic:

I miss the cooler maps :(

08:50:24 Nov 10th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit:

Hey I can see mah city! lol "Fire Starter"
The ONLY era I ever killed my Carnage brothers. =P

Lol the merge pic. Still have that one on my computer as well. =D Get a chuckle every time I see it. hehe

Wish I could find all the other ones from TRIO/Carnage days again. Can't remember where I stashed em. =/

11:22:52 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

Lady Miley Cyrus


07:30:26 Nov 10th 09 HIV = DB

No Pulse = Dark Trio

I was a vice in Trio and im a vice in Hiv so i dont really see how that works

12:06:05 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Papas Bear:

Yaha nova same lol that's why I thought i'd post it <3 Most of the current ex trio players that are still playing are in no pulse, got about 8 atm I think without looking at name translation thread, lost jones who was ex trio, left the game again and I reckon one or two more Megas nikos was also suppose to join back with us this era but went to mad, I didn't want to accept him half way through last era and was too inactive too catch up with him at the end :( We're missing qassim and bogdan and you nova :( maybe leoric if he still init, feel free to come back to me *starts sobbing*

13:39:01 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Leoric XV The Mzzterbator:

I'm still here Ms Hanky Panky the Sex Goddess... ROFL

The only era Trio beat Carnage & LGC was when you had a sex change, creepy...

14:18:28 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

I was a vice in Trio and im a vice in Hiv so i dont really see how that works

Mmm, I dunno, b/c the creator of Trio and 90% of it's members are or were in NP this era/last era?

14:23:53 Nov 10th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Lord Cygnus Lazarious II


05:16:17 Nov 10th 09
i would like to know where is RET, Preds, LGC, Zeon, Carnage, AAA DB and trio



I'm Lew ^^ and I'm leading Domination, yes. There's about 7 ex-RET people here, and like 6 ex-elements/aurora/super-noobs. So imo if we need to be any of the former kingdoms. We're probably Retriments or something.

14:38:59 Nov 10th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:


I'm not trio :(

14:42:42 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Killa Bear:

qassim your in denial mate

 no pulse is trio.

come back home :)

14:47:24 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

Yaha nova same lol that's why I thought i'd post it <3 Most of the current ex trio players that are still playing are in no pulse, got about 8 atm I think without looking at name translation thread,

Mmm, I dunno, b/c the creator of Trio and 90% of it's members are or were in NP this era/last era?

8 players out of 20-25 that dosent really make 90%

14:55:52 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

wow the irony.. Ret vs Elements such a long history, now in one kd lolzors

15:19:05 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

I think you forgot the ones that were in last era :)  But it's not really that important, almost everyone considers NP to be Dark Trio 2, you can call it whatever u wish...

18:39:35 Nov 10th 09 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

HIV = not equal to DB


RVL = not equal to LGC


HIV has got former LGC members too and I'm pretty sure RVL has ex-DB peepz. besides that we got people from BOOM and other kd's.


18:41:12 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Geeez, I dun think he was asking for specific lineups to be the exact same from 10 eras ago -.-'  I'm pretty sure the Op was just looking for where groups generally ended up >.>

19:07:34 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Felic:

Just admit you aren't up to date ... So random

19:09:14 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

No, it's just that no lineup stays the same era to era, everyone shifts around a bit...

I'm not really Random -.-'

19:31:14 Nov 10th 09 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

just stating the fact that u were wrong ;)

no need to get embarrased



00:01:00 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Leoric XV The Mzzterbator:

Though TBH, only one of Trio's Leaders (Hanky) is in NP, Nova is in Fate and Squiddy is well, somewhere... so only 33.33% in my opinion. Different story with the vices though, but I've already forgotten who was in the line-up.

00:20:35 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

HIV= DB Random?

Care to elaborate?

00:22:03 Nov 11th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

I'm Random, you fuck.

00:23:20 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Raddan:

pokemon fooker :|

00:24:37 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Swifteh:

"I'm Random, you fuck."


00:29:01 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

RAWR mama bear i swear you pretend you are me 1 more time i am gunna have to kill you again..
facking kids...
im Random what do you need?

00:33:07 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

Someone check the histories of these peeps so we know who the impostors are!

01:48:14 Nov 11th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

Duke Random
Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Mama Bear) and was a member of No Pulse

01:52:45 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

oh no mama bear is useing my old acount!!!
bad mama bear....bad..

02:00:19 Nov 11th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:

Duke Random
Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Some Fcked Vanilla Bear) and was a member of No Pulse

02:01:14 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

see tht is the ryt 1!!
bad mama bear....bad..

02:39:17 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

Regardless who said it, DB does not equal HIV.

09:11:14 Nov 11th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

it does...

09:18:13 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

we have a few ex DB so now Hiv = DB

ok well we have ex Ret so Hiv = Ret

we have ex Boom so Hiv = Boom

so Hiv = Ret+Boom+DB there ya go

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