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DF and LF
23:02:45 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

how u guys doin?

08:49:17 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:


08:54:23 Mar 5th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

Why did you just not ask some1 with IGM? we will talk that way!

09:19:26 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

they`ve .. burned out? possibly? :D

12:44:48 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

DF Dark Fires 11 Ms. Natalia 3


seems not too good...

14:10:57 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

hey i didnt ask any of the Non-DF

14:11:18 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI: are you guys missen me :S

16:03:42 Mar 5th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

*wraps her arms around  rev and holds him close!*...

Na we doing find, just had a problem with a cheater, but once all the evidence is given to zeta over msn i'm sure he will deal with it!

18:50:03 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

we have just moved to valahalla to seek our fortunes....i have a lotta *beep*s at the mo but they are fast learners :)

18:59:09 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

hmm df has a tribute kd alredy wd guys :P

19:08:09 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

well....i used to be in DF as a vice and decided for a small break....its harder than u think being a leader

21:35:13 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

i was actually in the original df :p beat that!!!

22:09:01 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

i was a vice in the original df and its leader for 1 era

11:50:27 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

yeah but were you an actual vice justin

21:40:45 Mar 8th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

lol aww i want all my old DF members back. we will be big and powerful one day!

21:50:14 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

you don't like your current members?

14:00:51 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

DF is cool
LF rules
(only because of Rev)

20:49:06 Mar 9th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

thats a stupid comment, LF will be DF next era anyway lol and rev will be a vice once again and under my control! *evil laugh*. oh and DF is better because i run it, and all woman are better rulers then men!

00:12:13 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

oooo well i cant say i dont agree with the man, tally has a good point too though.

told you tally that i was a good diplomat! Anubis loves me :D

19:48:42 Mar 11th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

yes but you still shouldn't make naps with every kingdom you come across

19:57:10 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

good point...

20:06:54 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

lol thats not being good diplomat if someone can give advice or offense a good one is someone thats wanna die and nothing to lose  or that is a good attacker its the same for me attack attack attack dead dead dead dead dead dead dead

20:35:21 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

i dont want advice from unhonourable people such as you jeremy

21:57:15 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

hey remember me rev?, Strandatalent? were in DF last era, how you doing? ;)

22:19:40 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

Mr. Revengicus VII
im not unhonorable oke this era but not against you i just seak a kd were i can learn much from and i wil say it again im not unhonorable against you
were is reveng on the map wanna kil him because he said that
and  ator your mad now but that wil pas never trust me in the first era  only reveng can do that and allot of other people

22:20:39 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

and reveng stop doing that getting on my nerve

22:22:08 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

congratulations, you just raped the English language. ^.^

22:25:38 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

allot of people cant write englisch very good im one of them cant help it evan has helped my thoh with my history

22:25:47 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

......i think il just go and cry in a corner after that......i men CMON no1 can be that bad at this language...........

22:28:07 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

someone thats 14 and is from another country can or you dis agree with that

22:30:19 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

yes i do........especially when this an english-only (language) game

08:40:51 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

lol i didnt understand a word of wat jeremy just said.


strandatalent! im sorta mixed between hate and awe with you! first you really helped me then you nearly wiped me out. im so confused......

BTW i cant believe i held out for for long....

08:43:55 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

and disagree is one word lol

15:01:41 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

hey do you hate me? ;)

næææ were in LDK on mant and when we died I joined DF from orders from the leaders but when you guys were going on your own and the war against ldk came i joined ldk again so I wernt planning to hurt you, but i killed you off except that scout that were buildings armories everywere, lol.

But after I ruled 1st on the world i did't care for you and just let you train these small armies that didn't do much harm ;)

17:08:59 Mar 12th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

so ur a kd hopper?

20:30:50 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:


20:32:13 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

you wernt there so it was much others to but I don't have time to write all that here and maby you won't even understand

20:35:43 Mar 12th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

hey less of the cheek im pretty sure iv been playin longer than you, but by that account you gave, you left your own kd to join another w/e your leaders said, thats still a hop unless the kd disbanded or you were booted. And to top it all as soon as a sniff of war came you jumped to the opposing side, from what you have said that pretty musch classes a hopper.

18:51:44 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

does this count as a hopper?

was a member of DF, then made my own KD (for a break) going back to DF next era

20:32:06 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

did u do it during an era?

08:43:08 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

yes....:( but i told them first

08:57:36 Mar 14th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

it was alright for rev as we had problems traveling through worlds and he for some reason couldn't rejoin.

09:18:39 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Elfy:


09:20:09 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Hey Rev Dont tell people i love you
^_^ i hate you :P jks
and LF is better then DF because rev runs it
and i just don't like some members out of DF
and Jeremy is not unhonorable he is in a Great Kingdom who is helping him learn how to play
He may of been in a Doush Kingdom before but now hes in mine so his now kool :P

11:39:57 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII: love me for


15:47:24 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:


my kingdom all left me :( oh well at least i still have you guys :)

15:48:38 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Anubis:


i will Join you rev


18:41:08 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

we will kick ass anubis! you and me verses the world

13:41:35 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:


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