Forums / In game politics / DRUG LORDS I

22:59:13 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Blunts:

Drug Lords is back!
We are hear to reclaim our land, and Remind people we are still here, and remind them why we are called the Drug Lords.

In rememberence of the great days of The Division Of Marijuana, When Both Cannabis and Drug Lords Combined. Many people will and do remember it, so lets see wats good for this era, and lets here from the old members of Cannabis,Division Of Marijuana, and Drug Lords.......


23:02:55 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Plague:

lol you sure you don't want to join my kd?  we can smoke a blunt everyday

23:16:21 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

OMG! Plague don't start recruiting on other peoples threads cause then no one will join you! (Also its really annoying!)

01:29:30 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Plague:

its a joke from last era.  he was in ritz and had a thread on joining my kd.  this isn't recruiting.

01:57:27 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Ritz... good times. Next era we should all join up again.

02:26:44 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

DonŽt do drugs! They will chase all your friends away and youŽll die alone and sad...

03:04:37 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Weed isnt a drug. Its a medicine, all good effects and no bad.

03:19:13 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Plague:

I have 3 ritz members in my kd and i was hoping for more.  well i hope next era we all can join up again in my kd and rock the world again.

03:45:39 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

haha yea. If i dont stay with trio ill join up. Ritz last era was the shiat. Well besides our best people randomly leaving... inactive people... loss of important cities... why do i want to join again? rofl good times though.

03:53:54 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

I remember showing up in the middle of Drug lorg core and making it my kingdom :)

04:30:21 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Andvari:

Pass me some weed homie

13:19:29 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Remedy:

drugs are bad, they killed my father and raped my mother

13:50:38 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

i remeber i held 25 member of ritz 2 era's ago with NKOFF . when i left the kd , it falled

14:32:11 Dec 19th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

"drugs are bad, they killed my father and raped my mother"

That's Oidipus, the banned version.

15:04:27 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

Heya Blunts ... once more to pass the dutch?

16:08:03 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

mbedias u were just lucky...and shud be getting ready to go out like me for eid soon :)

16:26:53 Dec 19th 07 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim suddenly busts in with the DEA.

"Don't move!"

*Septim cuffs the abusing losers and sends them to Rehab for six months, they are constantly watched by guards, even in the bathroom...

22:30:57 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

*Trogdor burninates the rehab down and saves pot heads

"Pass me some of that sh1t"

*Trogdor then bakes and afterwords heads towards Septim

23:02:35 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

That got to be good news :) Welcome Back !

01:29:19 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:




01:38:15 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

42 ozs right here on my bed its like so much man and the best part is that i get to SELL it all if i want i get it for 50 bucks an ounce man and i sell for 100 bucks XD

02:33:41 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Wow, aren't you super kewl!

03:17:54 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

I want 42 ozs...

10:58:32 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

i mean 42 grams and now im not like baked out of my mind

21:48:49 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

can you give me some for free?

03:17:24 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Blunts:

The Drug Lords over run the DEA, and burn their buildings, and kill their snitchs, Drugs are only bad if you abuse them.

Blunts, sparks his Goddi of his cotten candy erotica,inhales...... only the best *beep* in Drug Lords. We grow feilds of anything u could think of, exhales.....blows the smoke into the thread, everyone lets clam bake


04:38:26 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Ever try purple elvis?

05:23:27 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Illy- Marijuana cigarettes soaked in embalming fluid or formaldehyde and laced with PCP


05:26:10 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

idk what that is and it sounds extremely dangerous and cigarettes are *beep*ing disgusting... anyways if ur trying to describe purple elvis ill explain in 5 words or less. florescent Green, EXPENSIVE. I got baked off a hit or two and this is coming from a person who can smoke like a king... well at least at much as blunts, that man is a monster...

13:57:12 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

*Gaius starts smoking*

"This *beep* is good. I am seeing myself right now, from the outside!"

*Gaius notices there is a mirror in front of him*

16:39:04 Dec 21st 07 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim suddenly busts in with the DEA.

"Don't move!"

*Septim cuffs the abusing losers and sends them to Rehab for six months, they are constantly watched by guards, even in the bathroom...and there are tanks and guards stationed many towers with turrets.

19:27:03 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Sorra:


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