Forums / In game politics / Dark Recruitment.

Dark Recruitment.
21:50:27 Feb 9th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

We be Dark.
We are an highly organzied kingdom.
We strive to be the best, not to be the biggest kingdom.
We are haveing loads of fun waring all the time.

Your appliaction will probably not be accepted since our standards are very high. Feel free to try though.

Feel free to pm Zinxu if you have questions / requests.

21:52:12 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Alban:

you are dark!


22:18:14 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

Your appliaction will probably not be accepted since our standards are very high. Feel free to try though.

you may want to actually state those standards

23:20:06 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Ash:

No, not really.
You tell YOUR standards if you decide to apply, and we will see if it is good enough or not.

It's easy to lie on the internet.

23:22:18 Feb 9th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Sir Alban:
    We are the KD named Dark, yes.

Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:
   Those who consider themself very good players apply and convince us.

00:09:01 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

thizzle, why dont you just go play in the traffic ya racist eejit, and zinxu i was saying that because leaders and new kds should prove themselves before acting as if they are better than anyone else.

08:27:16 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Random:

good luck zinxu.
had a good time last era with you guys.

08:40:16 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Mr. Thizzle:
No, it's not about the skin color. It's dark as in darkness or as in night. Where evil cretures dwell. As the opposite to light and holy, We be dark.

Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:
I see your point then. But we wont try to prove ourself to get new members. If you don't think we got it don't join or wait until you think we got it.

08:40:40 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Thanks, the same to you.

15:46:21 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

lol nah im sure youl do good was just some constructive critisism :P gl

16:33:19 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Holypaladin:

it appears holy will have to strike the dark down.....


16:37:17 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

If you bring the light you wont find us! :D

16:40:09 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Holypaladin:

that is indeed so confusing.. i might just puke myself, but no i hope u guys have a prosperous era.. and i really hope we never have to fight u guys "_"

17:09:37 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Fun notice:
We have the most ppp in all the worlds. We have nearly double the amount of the seccond :D
(yes I know it doesnt say much thats why I called it fun notice :P)

17:11:15 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Holypaladin:

are you just admiting that u have a ton of multis?

17:15:10 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

What no! We never multi.
Just said we have most power % per player in our kd, that have nothing to do with multis.

19:11:30 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol unless he is himself then he cant multi because hes a two man KD

19:54:56 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ash:

What has multis to do with most %P, really? :o

And btw I'm his multi.

No, wait...!

20:47:46 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

No, I'm your multi! Duh...

23:39:19 Feb 10th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

For those who didn't get the irony we have no multis and are very good kd, that still is looking for new members.

07:18:44 Feb 11th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Got some apps still need more thou.

13:32:18 Feb 11th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


18:17:09 Feb 11th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:


09:31:32 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

So who's next in line?

11:56:57 Feb 12th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


12:47:52 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Send your application then :P

13:53:21 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Ash:

Do we want Napbreaking scums? :x

Maybe we do!

14:32:41 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Only if they are bad enough ;P

15:17:38 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Bad, as in Good enough players.

18:08:57 Feb 12th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Not saying anything, just bumping up so the Mantrax nubs can read and join ^_^

18:22:01 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

hey zinxu why you kill my scout?????

  • 06:46:21: Scouter lost a battle against Death And Destruction from Ms. Zinxu. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 06:46:21: All troops in Scouter have died!

19:11:21 Feb 12th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Unless you are NAPed, what would you have wanted him to do, nub?

19:13:20 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Yes of course it was on its way in to our core.

19:37:40 Feb 12th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

All I know is that Zinxu and Ash are very good players, so anyone on Mantrax who want to learn the game the way it's supposed to be played should consider it ;)

20:29:31 Feb 12th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Thanks Nimic :D

01:26:45 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Ash:

Hey there Nimic!
Thanks for the input, and I hope Legacy is all that you wished for!

12:41:50 Feb 13th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Hmm we are getting to few applications. Getting loads of invites to fantasia kd's thou :P Thanks to them but no thanks.

18:02:26 Feb 13th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

nr 1 :D

18:06:05 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

I hope Legacy is all that you wished for!

LOL, never ^_^ Legacy = cheaters :(

(except Nimic and Epyon <3 )

19:52:33 Feb 13th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

haha :P

00:00:31 Feb 14th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

No bumps Zinxu?

Must I do everything for you, you nub?


01:13:54 Feb 14th 08 - Lord Primate Chimaira:

Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum


2/12/2008 1:11:21 PM
Unless you are NAPed, what would you have wanted him to do, nub?
Ms. Zinxu


2/12/2008 1:13:20 PM
Yes of course it was on its way in to our core.

um i was jokein you no since of humor havin nube?
ps i am 1337 you nube

07:14:22 Feb 14th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Thanks Abydonian. I had a bit to much rl yesterday :P


Chimaira ofc we have a sense of humor. Problem i that it could just as well have been an ordinary *beep* comment.

07:45:02 Feb 14th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

We'll be nr 1 and nr 2 as we planned :P
Wonder what we aim for then?

Still need much more apps from good players.

11:40:45 Feb 14th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Any bright ideas?

12:35:09 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

u can always try multi u know ....

13:29:48 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Ash:

Multis? Where!

06:11:32 Feb 15th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

*looking all over the place*

Nope no multies here.

06:33:20 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Random:

im actually Zinxu's multi =P

12:13:40 Feb 15th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Is multiness transitive? If I am Random's multi, does it mean I am Zinxu's multi too?

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