Forums / In game politics / Dark Riders rule

Dark Riders rule
05:03:06 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

the topic says it all

05:03:54 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Is this stated in ignorance or stupidity?

05:04:02 Oct 10th 07 - Lord Epyon:

errrrrrrrrrrrrr.... who's winning the war?? =S

05:22:30 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

this is stated cause its true and dr is winnin the war

05:30:18 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Mr. Dakarius


10/9/2007 11:03:54 PM Is this stated in ignorance or stupidity?

lmao, good one!

05:32:26 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

its all funny till we kick ur butt

05:32:39 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Frostmourne:

@ epyon

It took FA, Ritz and jester to beat DR and yet that still took all era.

And akeela, are you high? :D

05:36:11 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

maaaaaaaaybe ;) lol

05:36:38 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

i also wasnt playing the whole era so that made a big difference in the outcome

05:39:01 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Frostmourne:

wait a minute... your not even in DR!

05:41:32 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

justanius forgot who i was so its taking a while to join but he rembered so next time he gets on im in

05:42:56 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Frostmourne:

i'm not so sure about that tori, your a bit unloyal.

05:43:38 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

how did u know im loyal for sure this time dr till the end

06:57:28 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

DR is nearly dead. and Jester hasnt fought them for awhile now. we didnt think it was fair to gangbang them 3v1. 

08:36:44 Oct 10th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia II:

poor septim....DARKRIDERS BE IMMORTAL!!! We RULE!!!  We got a bad start this era and we fought some awesome enemies non stop from the get go...we are getting the pants beat off us now...but we still RULE...cause it took 2 kingdoms to do it....ritz couldnt do it on their own and fa couldnt do it on their own...they had to team up to beat us....WE HAVE NOTHING TO HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME ABOUT THIS ERA!!!  :o)

14:05:56 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

right on rhiannia

16:21:00 Oct 10th 07 - Ms. Lanfear:


17:51:23 Oct 10th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Frostmourne


10/10/2007 12:32:39 AM

@ epyon

It took FA, Ritz and jester to beat DR and yet that still took all era.

And akeela, are you high? :D

lmao you thought it took the whole era? DR attacked us when we were in the middle of a war with NKOFF, that was basically halfway through the era

I never said DR was a bad kd cuz they put up an awesome fight but it didnt take us the WHOLE era ;)

17:52:53 Oct 10th 07 - Lord Yerean:

I feel soo kewl now,
me singlehandedly takin DR some eras back as well as NKOFF... now ther's kingdoms fighting!

keep it goin!

18:09:53 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

lol it took fa and ritz to crack us and thats the end of the story mind did take long

18:11:28 Oct 10th 07 - Lord Epyon:

just cuz we only have 1 mage and it took a while to crush walls on that wall ;)

btw I didnt see DR making any serious attacks on us other than the wall...

19:55:40 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Something I have to say about Zetamania, too few mages... (Except in Jester) It seems everyone was an attacker! I'd like to see how many mages were in Zeta, if you know of any, please post...

  1. Soccermage, (the name says it all...)
  2. Erunion Telcontar

21:02:45 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

Someone deleted me :(

21:41:38 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Gurath:

Gurath was a mage, though he's still bitter about it.  He hates magic in this game.

I'd have to say that DR doesn't rule over anybody, even itself.  DR lost the war, and the era, due to poor planning and uncoordinated efforts.  Where there was coordination, things were successful, but the majority of the efforts were not especially coordinated, which led to their downfall, as they had nothing besides coordination to rely upon.  No member was especially strong, and without working together their forces were not suffcient to fight off their opponents.  Truly, divided they fell, broken chunks of one larger tapestry, burning as they fell, perhaps not even lasting long enough to strike the ground and gaze upon the burning apocalypse that will follow.
A pity that things didn't go better, but whatever happens, happens.  This is the truth in the end.
Look at facts, and you will see beyond the exaggerations.  We were neither superior nor failures, but an average kingdom who held out as long as it held it's members' interest.  Our greatest failure was not caring enough.

22:18:27 Oct 10th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:



10/10/2007 12:36:44 AM
poor septim....DARKRIDERS BE IMMORTAL!!! We RULE!!!  We got a bad start this era and we fought some awesome enemies non stop from the get go...we are getting the pants beat off us now...but we still RULE...cause it took 2 kingdoms to do it....ritz couldnt do it on their own and fa couldnt do it on their own...they had to team up to beat us....WE HAVE NOTHING TO HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME ABOUT THIS ERA!!!  :o)


Well, I guess my post and any post responding to my post was deleted before I could read what happened?!

22:20:08 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

I took an 'bicycle and said I would catch you!!!!


22:26:48 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Kayn:

Lol....come on DR, just because you see 2 KD's attacking you doesn't mean it took 2 KD's to beat you. All it means is that it took twice as fast, but the outcome would have been the same.

22:33:20 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*sets kayn on fire*

"Didn't hear you..."

23:34:21 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Typewriter:

Typewriter is a mage.

That is something that shouldn't be new to dr ;)

01:34:39 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Frostmourne:

kayn, DR were beating ritz and you know it, jester and fa saved your asses. and if it weren't for ritz, jester would have been completly wiped off the map by DR.

01:37:26 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Frostmourne


10/10/2007 8:34:39 PMkayn, DR were beating ritz and you know it, jester and fa saved your asses. and if it weren't for ritz, jester would have been completly wiped off the map by DR.

you were beating Ritz??? the only city you took was the wall Magnus.... you couldn't even coordinate an attack to take out our merge that was prepping on it for so long.... so how can you say that you were beating Ritz??

we broke through your wall without FA or Jester's help, get the facts straight, buddy ;)

01:46:47 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Mr. Frostmourne


10/10/2007 7:34:39 PMkayn, DR were beating ritz and you know it, jester and fa saved your asses. and if it weren't for ritz, jester would have been completly wiped off the map by DR.

You sure about that? I seem to recall things differently...

04:32:35 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

LOL, Jester would never have been wiped off the map by DR

04:44:49 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Akeela:

its all my fault if i was playin this era we would of kicked @$$ so yeah there u go end of story

06:02:53 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Qassim:

epyon you guys would have never have broken through without FA's help you can ask evans the kind of merge we had going for u guys...but had to stop the attack because FA started attacking

17:55:36 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Evans:

Mr. Atreides


10/11/2007 12:46:47 AM
Mr. Frostmourne


10/10/2007 7:34:39 PMkayn, DR were beating ritz and you know it, jester and fa saved your asses. and if it weren't for ritz, jester would have been completly wiped off the map by DR.

You sure about that? I seem to recall things differently...


so basically FA saved the day ::)

17:55:53 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

*beep* u epyon we fought u with half troops the rest went to defend against jesters and  even more then wat was at magnus went to kill all the merges that fa did mind u if it was dr vs ritz i know hu wud hav won

17:57:06 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Evans:

Ms. Rhiannia II


10/10/2007 7:36:44 AM
poor septim....DARKRIDERS BE IMMORTAL!!! We RULE!!!  We got a bad start this era and we fought some awesome enemies non stop from the get go...we are getting the pants beat off us now...but we still RULE...cause it took 2 kingdoms to do it....ritz couldnt do it on their own and fa couldnt do it on their own...they had to team up to beat us....WE HAVE NOTHING TO HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME ABOUT THIS ERA!!!  :o)

so this proves the strengths in allainces

maybe if DR had ANY friends then they might have lived :P

17:58:30 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Evans:

Mr. Erunion Telcontar


10/10/2007 6:55:40 PM
Something I have to say about Zetamania, too few mages... (Except in Jester) It seems everyone was an attacker! I'd like to see how many mages were in Zeta, if you know of any, please post...

  1. Soccermage, (the name says it all...)
  2. Erunion Telcontar


gurath, fox, niveko :P thats FA's two mages and an extra :P

18:23:17 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius


10/11/2007 12:55:53 PM*beep* u epyon we fought u with half troops the rest went to defend against jesters and  even more then wat was at magnus went to kill all the merges that fa did mind u if it was dr vs ritz i know hu wud hav won

Just for the record, I never said anything bad about DR until you guys started talking *beep* about us. Oh by the way, good attempt to try and turn FA and Ritz against each other. You guys cant win honorably so you have to lie to other kingdoms, make up messages and try to get them to fight each other???


18:54:27 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*sets epyon on fire*

"Didn't hear you..."

19:06:57 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Epyon:

*Epyon takes out a baseball bat and begins to beat Verll*



19:21:42 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*sprouts some bensin on Epyon*



23:30:53 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

wait i bad mouthed ritz y wud i do that wen im at gd relations wit u

23:38:51 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius


10/11/2007 12:55:53 PM  *beep* u epyon

errr.... yeah....

23:39:52 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Verll:

hm....wonder what was under that beep :p

00:08:39 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

yeah *beep* u epyon i dunno wen epyon became ritz.... i didnt say *beep* u ritz

00:08:40 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

yeah *beep* u epyon i dunno wen epyon became ritz.... i didnt say *beep* u ritz

00:08:41 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

yeah *beep* u epyon i dunno wen epyon became ritz.... i didnt say *beep* u ritz

00:11:22 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Epyon:

I still didnt say anything about you so I dont see why you have to be so arrogant about it...

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