Forums / In game politics / DarkRiders Empire Embassy

DarkRiders Empire Embassy
23:04:31 Nov 11th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

We are a small kingdom now, we are growing stronger each era. we treat each member with respect. we believe in keeping our word and honouring our agreements. The Dark Riders you see today is only a shadow of what we will be in the eras to come. We look back at each previous era and learn from our mistakes...this is part of what makes us stronger. We work together as a team and help each other as much as we can.

this IS DarkRiders may defeat us this time around, (and i promise we wont make it easy for you)...but dont make the mistake of thinking it will always be so.

04:41:04 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Man this thread isn't getting any love.

04:50:11 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Epyon:

(and i promise we wont make it easy for you)...

can't argue with that ;)

05:38:07 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

We are a small kingdom

DARK The Dark Riders 81 Mr. Justin Fontain 411

05:40:25 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Epyon:

well their numbers have suffered since those days

05:41:52 Nov 12th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

more imporatantly it isnt getting any hate... :o)

but of course now that i brought it to everyones attention...there will be those who just cant resist and have nothing better to do than flame i am sure.

Duke Epyon ((( ))) how are you doing this era? still kickin hiney? where r you at this time?

05:47:48 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Epyon:

I'm doing fine Ms. Rhiannia, but maybe this is best discussed over a PM or in the chat. It's probably a good idea to have this thread stay on topic :)

05:49:55 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

An embassy thread on topic? NEVER!!!

05:50:47 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Mr. Sigheart


11/12/2007 12:49:55 AM
An embassy thread on topic? NEVER!!!
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guess I forgot about that ;)

ah well, a nice attempt at least ^_^

05:53:22 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Borazon:

rofl, i remember that!  it was my first era!

06:46:31 Nov 12th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

gee, i guess even the banner has come up in the how many eras old is the banner? this is my second full era playing this game and my second full era as a i have never seen any other banner but this one that we have now.

22:27:33 Nov 12th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

ooops i take that back, i mean the banner that we had up until last era...this is a new banner we have this era... :o)

19:25:59 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

i dont like the new banner :(...i keep sending messages to the admin about bieng able to change it....its so bad he wont repley!!!

oh ye and epyon as u told me, u got into legacy by doing something dodgy to swifty!!! man thats wierd those lgc guys i bet u r computer addicts wihile u wer doing watever u wer doing he was looking at the screen i betcha

19:29:17 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Allan:

I liked the Original Banner... Just don't get 81 players again ;)

19:59:21 Nov 14th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

naw...bigger is NOT always better...

16:55:20 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

allan dr havnt had big number for a while we been under 20 members for the last 2 era's or something like that

17:14:29 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

i ws wondering when you guys were gonna put up an embassy :P how yer doin?

18:48:37 Nov 15th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


i see you have some new vices.

hope your training up and getting some good players to join u

19:48:12 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

nah lol we havnt recruited in nirvana we started FAR tooooo late

19:48:58 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

wer doing gd taking on the russsians but we dont gain so much cus there members backstabbed them and made there own kingom

22:53:04 Nov 15th 07 - Mr. Edd:

and u can't get pass the wall and im still mad that u took my city again. now im sending all my troops to attack u because before i only send one army and was focusing the rest on rdr now im sending full force of all my troops agaisnt you.

00:44:23 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius X


11/15/2007 10:55:20 AM
allan dr havnt had big number for a while we been under 20 members for the last 2 era's or something like that

\I know, I fought you guys last era and a few eras before that. Still say you guys should go back to the oold banner :D

00:39:11 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

hmm i wonder shud i or shudnt i im trieng to change the banner now but admin wont repley

18:27:35 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Bruennor:

it happens

04:57:02 Dec 8th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

DarkRiders will be you have what it takes to join we have what you are seeking in a kingdom?


DarkRiders will start in Mantrax unless Zeta opens first. we are not the weakest, but we are not the strongest either. what we are is honest, hard fighters, and we dont break treaty agreements.  Next era we will be recruiting. the players we seek are:

active: at least on once a day.

honest and honourable

obedient: nothing is worse than a rebel with his/her own agenda, so teamplayer falls under this one.

if someone from another kingdom wrongs you...bring it to the vices, we will deal with it. if there is a problem between kingdom mates, we will help you settle it.

for new players, we will be happy to train you.

for experienced players, when filling out the app. please tell us what kingdoms you have been in and how many eras you have been playing, this will help us to determine positions.

11:33:45 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:


11:46:16 Dec 8th 07 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Good luck for u Justanius and for u r kingdom !

11:05:43 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

thanks duke but i aint leading it next era gd luck to ldk too

11:15:07 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Your leader rhianna will die at my hands

14:30:23 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Detox:

ull die at my hands if u dont stay out of this thread

14:40:12 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Allan:

lol Detox. Calm down i've already gotten him to stop :P

17:55:22 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:


17:57:42 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Detox:

yea but they didnt know that it wouldve made me look good since revenge was going to stop posting here anyway :p

18:44:10 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

ah detox...since it is the thought that still look good to me...thank you for helping me keep my thread peaceful... :o)


thank you too allan.

01:27:46 Dec 10th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

Ok DarkRiders...I have started in as soon as you see this...come on in, the waters is!

02:31:12 Dec 10th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

bumping up so DR members make sure to see this

19:24:38 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

gd luck guys i aint herd much from u i hated?

19:42:05 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Evans:

yes :P

20:07:11 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

...ohh all of u fa guys

06:58:44 Dec 16th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

no...u never hated justan...i just sort of quit posting cause i didnt think anyone read this anymore...if others would post now and again i would to...  :o)....hint hint...

20:00:07 Dec 17th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

emit ru etsaw i...detsop tsuj i

?tey sdrawkcab daer ot denrael uoy evah

20:30:24 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Ben:

lol ecin

20:52:52 Dec 17th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

uoy knaht

23:09:04 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

1ooɔ ɯı

23:19:59 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

I`ve asked around what meant those posts .. the answer was:

.... and me neither!

01:14:00 Dec 18th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

!etuc oot si taht...wwwa

07:27:26 Dec 18th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

.ti gnidaer elbuort gnivah ruoy fi neercs ruoy ot pu rorrim a tup si od den uoy lla ,dnatsrednu ot egaugnal drah a ton si siht

08:14:43 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Ben:

egaugnal siht  evol i

08:18:15 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Random:

TIHS.....emal si egaugnal siht

08:19:12 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Random:

sdrawkcab raews nac uoy dam

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