Forums / In game politics / DarkRiders Return

DarkRiders Return
08:25:54 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Dark Riders Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dark Riders Empire
Members: 7
Tag: DR
Created: 11/29/2008 4:18:53 PM
Leader: Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI




Will you tards just leave this dead kingdom to die?
Its got worse and worse, but tbh It was never worth anything in the first place

Reviving this kingdom, only makes me laugh

Don't forget to disband the kingdom next era when It fails


08:52:28 Dec 4th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:


10:42:31 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

I dont see why they have 5 leades on a group of 7...

19:54:14 Dec 4th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

lol Mr. Death Angel??

21:16:15 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Dope:

He's just another of Justins multies =)

21:18:13 Dec 4th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire III:

Mr. Thermite


12/4/2008 10:25:54 AM

Dark Riders Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dark Riders Empire
Members: 7
Tag: DR
Created: 11/29/2008 4:18:53 PM
Leader: Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI




Will you tards just leave this dead kingdom to die?
Its got worse and worse, but tbh It was never worth anything in the first place

Reviving this kingdom, only makes me laugh

Don't forget to disband the kingdom next era when It fails



Welp, i sense a roaster, and its not justan... Methinks it's this "Thermite" guy. Obviously he has got a wee bitty to big for his extremely small boots...

21:30:23 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Heh coming coming from you?

Please, join another fail Kingdom like Fusion

21:35:21 Dec 4th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire III:

Hehe, fail kingdom aye? Ok? So your in what? Do tell?

F.Y.I.- BoW ain't a "fail" kingdom my little roaster of a friend..

21:38:41 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Lol, they went to Fant run by a 13 year old nub
Got rap3d, disbanded
All in the first 3 weeks As far as I remember

Did I say BoW was a fail kingdom?
No, please dont try and use wet matches, they don't light

21:44:32 Dec 4th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire III:

You said "Join another fail kingdom", I'm in BoW and they arn't a fail. So you inclined that the kingdom i was in is a fail.

Fusion, no they wern't a fail, you see, we were just beaten by better kingdoms. You see it all the time, calling us a fail for losing on fant, is like calling LGC a fail, or any other kingdom who have died, or lost their wars on fant.

21:52:51 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

I didnt mean for it too sound like BoW was a fail kingdom
If I did, then well.. I didnt mean too O_O

Yes they were fail
If they werent, where are they?

21:55:39 Dec 4th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI: sure ur a nuub why dont u just go back onto tutouril and go try to complete  itand btw there are 5 vices....well i wud make everyone a vice if i wanted to, everyone in that kd is ex-dr and is there to play just cus u recreate that kingdom on a lower world dosent mean that i want to run it for real by the way

if i did bogdan and qassim would be there as my vices...which they arent so i guess ur the one using wet matches im sorry u shoot blanks aint nothing gonna get impregnated by ur childly mentioning of dr ur only 12 comeback when you can produce something with relevance

21:57:56 Dec 4th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire III:

Fair enough.

Well you see theirs the snapshot... Most of the Fusion players are now playing in BoW under a different leader. We are missing like 3-6 or fusion players, And we arn't  failing in Mantrax. You see we just needed a good strong leadership, yes alban was young, but he was only foolish because of that. He had not the experience, that was all, as a player he was as good as anyone. So no he was no Nub.

22:00:44 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

why do you hate DF so much?

22:01:10 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Sorry, I couldn't understand what your talking about
Speak properly please?

Ill try and understand what you said

Yes Yes.. Back to the tutorial for me

They arn't your vices not because your kingdom is only 'For Fun'
Its because why would they want to join such a shet kingdom?

Qass is in a Fine Kingdom called Ret which you left to pursue Fusion
Great idea ey?
And Bogdan aswell, please don;t make it sound like they want to come to DR
As they don't

22:01:35 Dec 4th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire III:

Who's DF? ;)

22:03:43 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Alban is a nub kingdom hopper
Nothing less, nearly as scummy as Rump and Mafia

And goodluck to BoW
Hope to see you on Fant next era :)

22:04:31 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Blocker:

DR i mean.

i played a game intialled DF its a bad habit i guesslol.

22:11:31 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

You raped my mother, good for you
Shame shes 59

Your into that kind of thing?
Great, you keep at it
Im not stopping you Daddy'o

Your not a KD hopper ey?
I've seen you hop 3 kingdoms in the space of a week

The Guild - That Other One you were Vice and now Requim

And thats not a hopper?
Please, just *beep* tard

22:14:37 Dec 4th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus: this topic is awesome...somehow Thermite's hatred for Alban reminds me of Revenge so much... :'(

07:17:05 Dec 5th 08 - Duke Random:

lol calm down. what is wrong with DR, the only *beep* in that KD is justanius <3
ALSO: on Fusion, it wasn't a fail KD. the cicrumstances in which all the KD's on fant started in a 20 tick area was the reason for our 'failure'

Someone was going to loose out oop because there wasn't room for everyone.

get over yourself thermite i know I and dare say a fair few other people are.

(i don't usually get fired up like this, but for some reason this touched a nerve)

p.s come back rev i miss you :'(

07:47:59 Dec 5th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

The English in this topic is probably as painful as setting yourself on fire.

20:29:17 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Dope:


20:47:09 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Get over myself?
Heh, I never had a problem with myself

Gah I can't even begin to flame you =/

21:02:20 Dec 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Duke Random


12/5/2008 1:17:05 AM
lol calm down. what is wrong with DR, the only *beep* in that KD is justanius <3
ALSO: on Fusion, it wasn't a fail KD. the cicrumstances in which all the KD's on fant started in a 20 tick area was the reason for our 'failure'


1. other kds died not nearly so fast and under more pressure and didnt disband in days like fuze :D

2. DR sux ;)

21:19:30 Dec 5th 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

Dark Lord Osiris


12/5/2008 8:02:20 PM
Duke Random


12/5/2008 1:17:05 AM
lol calm down. what is wrong with DR, the only *beep* in that KD is justanius <3
ALSO: on Fusion, it wasn't a fail KD. the cicrumstances in which all the KD's on fant started in a 20 tick area was the reason for our 'failure'


1. other kds died not nearly so fast and under more pressure and didnt disband in days like fuze :D

2. DR sux ;)



Even IoK survived man,.

21:22:41 Dec 5th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

yeah but u go on like im making dr for serious i wanna play solo but i mee tppl that i know on that world and recreate it obviously i wud hav left trio i wud leave a kingdom were i dont like the atmosphere

22:48:31 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

I'd tried to reply to you if I could understand what the *beep* you were on about

22:51:42 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Dope:

Hot Liquid

City Info
Owner: Mr. Thermite Kingdom Banner
Size: 4752 building(s).
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Gates: no gates

This ruler is in protection!

Could it be??
That the nub is on Arma...
and alone not to mention...
DR couls easily wipe you out OOP

Whose the NUB now??

22:55:31 Dec 5th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

If he kills DR I will eat my shirt...and my shirt is delicious :p

23:15:00 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

What about me?
Yes Im on Arma, thats great !

Please do whipe me out

23:36:53 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

I killed them as a solo mafia just-@nus


23:41:39 Dec 5th 08 - Mr. Frosty The Snowman:

Well... Then can I kill DR?

00:34:30 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Dope:

sure as hell =)

11:45:34 Dec 6th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

ahh go on try it snowy ll send u back to the ice age

12:05:14 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Mr. Dope


12/5/2008 11:51:42 PM

Hot Liquid

City Info
Owner: Mr. Thermite Kingdom Banner
Size: 4752 building(s).
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Gates: no gates

This ruler is in protection!

Could it be??
That the nub is on Arma...
and alone not to mention...
DR couls easily wipe you out OOP

Whose the NUB now??

you sir ;)

17:38:46 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Lol Penguin <3 ;)

20:31:37 Dec 6th 08 - Mr. Bruennor:

Lord Cedric Deallus


12/5/2008 1:47:59 AM
The English in this topic is probably as painful as setting yourself on fire.


Sadly, I would have to agree with you on that.

Duke Random


12/5/2008 1:17:05 AM
lol calm down. what is wrong with DR, the only *beep* in that KD is justanius <3

Justanius doesn't seem like that to me. I have been playing alongside him off and on for several eras.

21:00:45 Dec 6th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Penguin ftw :p

02:05:55 Dec 7th 08 - Duke Random:

Bruennor... thats what the <3 was for :P

01:55:33 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

Evul Fakir Pimp mafias here in valhalla cum n get me:P

03:49:24 Dec 9th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Thermite...= Thundernab? Please let me be wrong.

03:50:40 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Though our relations in the past have gone sour for certain reasons Justianus i wish you good luck.

Where will you guys go to?

03:54:56 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

to Thermite, please to "quaking" because it give me a headache.

Just because a kd disbands doesnt mean its a bad kd.

Syuveil and I have broken BC many time in order to recruit in multiple worlds. I say that those who believe putting others down over the net to make them selves seem that they carry the bigger hammer are the ones who failed. If you work along side with friends and fight the good fight you can never fail.

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