Forums / In game politics / Death to Admins (Undeleted)

Death to Admins (Undeleted)
23:32:04 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Can we have a legit reason why the thread was deleted?


There was nothing wrong with it. You like to drive players out of the game dont you?

23:36:33 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Read the forum rules

23:38:24 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Oh come on, that thread was really proving to be my entertainment for the day:(


Seriously, there was nothing wrong imo.......

23:39:13 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

delete the offending posts, not the thread. there were real causes for concern there that had been highlighted, and as per usual, have been swiped from the public eye in a matter of minutes.

23:41:41 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Read them.. Nothing wrong

Can you provide a valid reason then Asystole?

I expect this one to be deleted but the fact is it will keep being recreated.

Ban me?

someone else will do it then, ban the world except for Nemesis and MAD and enjoy the game turning into one where the aim of the game is who can whore the best.




23:47:58 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Tell us what rules everyone that posted violated to have everyone's posts deleted. If the game has no freedom of opinions, it will eventually reach its doom.

Death to Admin

Forums / In game politics / Death to Admin

Author Message
Mr. Sun

9/30/2007 12:21:42 PM

MAD built the vertical one left of Finally and built the wall Finally by modifying wall-building-url-script to adjust its length and going right thru the opening (blocker razed) of the left vertical wall.

Now the admin simply takes out our left half of Sun Block and top half of mad's vertical wall, giving complete advantage to the enemies.

NOW our area is split in half by the vertical wall, making one side wide open to the enemy. What are you smoking Z_E_T_A? Is this the best you could do for your game? You are not a G_O_D, you are just a person with a small heart.
Ms. Natalia


9/30/2007 12:31:26 PM
I love that blocker, plus i don't see anything against the rules about it. unless i missed something like you guys not showing the whole picture?
Mr. Atreides


9/30/2007 12:31:33 PM
Uh..isn't that pretty much fair? Now you can attack behind their wall, and they can attack behind yours (well, behind where the walls previously were). You can even attack Stopped now, which would have been blocked if that half of the wall remained. Maybe I'm missing something because I suck.....sorry if what I said is really dumb b/c i'm not realizing some very basic fact that would change the whole situation.
Mr. Seloc


9/30/2007 12:32:00 PM
This will never catch on.....
Mr. Sun

9/30/2007 12:41:40 PM
it was like this before

Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow


9/30/2007 12:54:55 PM

So they built their wall to make us take a really long detour to get to sun block and made Baldurs Gate useless and unreachable. Now that part has been removed the useless blocker is now very open. It just seems like everytime we hold them off the game/admin  does something which screws us over again. But like usual they will fail and think of something else.

You couldnt break sun block cus we were getting support to it so u made your wall to prolong our troops, even still you failed and now that you know this i just kinda find it weird that the vertical wall that prevents a 6tick passage between Baldurs Gate and  Sun Block is still being left in place

Guildmaster Drenthinio


9/30/2007 12:56:57 PM
Thanx Zeta :(
Mr. Ingo Von Lucker


9/30/2007 1:02:11 PM
*a dimly lit room . two men are in there*

... Mylord ... we just got word that the wall is down ...

Very Good .. tell the Horde that we march against Baldurs Gate now !!!

They are alrdy on their way master...

Good work .. oh and btw ....  tell the quartermaster to give ZeTa the promised money ... he has done a good job

yes mylord ..

Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 1:03:02 PM

Why don't you post a picture of what Sean Elderson attempted to do in the east Sun (i.e., wall off our entire area with X-walls through wall openings)? If you're going to complain at least be unbiased.

Though I do agree there needs to be some rules on what is legal and not for walls.

Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 1:08:38 PM

Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 1:25:41 PM
pfff personally it really starts itching for a massive departure from VU ... I'm getting really sick of all this crap ... Be fair and delete the last wall ... Or else just tell us you are in MAD or what kind of kingdom that is fighting Dark Blood

Really lame, no other words I can think of right now ... bah
Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 1:33:53 PM

Are you guys kidding, seriously? You wall abuse as bad as anyone. Nemesis never pulled any stunts like that against you guys. Zeta had to delete all the illegal walls you put in our land too.

Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow


9/30/2007 1:35:42 PM

Though I do agree there needs to be some rules on what is legal and not for walls.


To the suggestions page!

*Batman Music*

Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 1:36:03 PM
Seriously ??? guy you must be joking ... look at what ZeTa has done ... He screwed up our entire defense? Our blocker our wall??? Of course it's fair for you guys who are attacking us ... of course it is ... *beep* this game
Pirate Lewatha


9/30/2007 1:37:25 PM

OMFG zeta, WTF did you do.


 Are you on crack?!

Mr. Sigheart


9/30/2007 1:38:33 PM
DB had better start start getting ready for pure massacreing.
Mr. Spankylicious


9/30/2007 1:39:19 PM
ZeTa is really messed in the head.
Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 1:39:38 PM
Zeta looked into it because Sean Elderson [DB] built the X-walls in our land. As far as I see it, you guys got exactly what you deserved.
Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 1:43:00 PM
asystole go get bumped in your enlarged whoring a-hole ... this isn't even the slightest form of getting 'exactly what you deserved' ... That is just lame and trying to get 1 kingdom killed ... Really this is frustrating, and pissing me off ... Why even bother playing VU ... I think I'm done for now
Pirate Lewatha


9/30/2007 1:43:35 PM
at least we didn't *beep*ing farm for the whole of the era GOD DAMN IT!
Khan Emmula


9/30/2007 1:46:20 PM

Dunno... This is all just stupid. Zeta should clarify the wall stuff between eras, not allowing cross walls - i dont think it would be a too difficult task to set the rules - and not destroying walls randomly.

Btw... it is a two way thing. This deletion has exactly the same result for us (MAD) as for you guys.

Pirate Lewatha


9/30/2007 1:51:31 PM

the fact is, you guys built the crosswall... And we're the ones paying for it. Okay, I wasn't exactly pleased with the crosswall you had made. But it was fair, we were doing the same. But now, he just OPENED our core!

Mr. Ingo Von Lucker


9/30/2007 1:52:31 PM
"at least we didn't *beep*ing farm for the whole of the era GOD DAMN IT!"

i wont call it faming .... it is more an economic victory

Mr. Rock Hard Reginald


9/30/2007 2:10:37 PM
Just to explain whats happened to those who aren't aware of whats going on, or don't readily understand it.

DB built blockers across their entrance, just like the one in the picture below. A pretty standard tactic, you can find many of them across fantasia right now. Zeon for example, have used one. There isn't anything wrong with them, the area is still accessable:

MAD then started building their own assortment of crossedwalls in a messy fashion. None of them broke the rules, either, the area was still passable. What they did do though, was build a downward wall cutting Sun Block in two.

ZeTa then intervened, and I don't know why -- the area was still passable, and instead of removing the walls that MAD had placed, he cut off a portion of DB's legit wall.

So what's happened? Well, it's opened a gaping hole to DB's left now, one in which they can't fill, because ZeTa has tactically left the portion down the middle (to the left of sun block city) intact. It's sort of like God putting a river between you and your destination, then removing a gigantic mountain that was in your enemies path.

That is why DB is angry. MAD built a series of walls that ZeTa doesn't like, ZeTa removed DBs legit walls, and now MAD have been given a clear advantage. In essence, DB was punished at MAD's expense for the walls MAD built.

Sounds immature to call the game admin not impartial, but this isn't the first time we've seen this kind of thing. To those who have played long, they'll remember that this kind of "favour one kd over another" mentality has been rampant throughout VU, and caused quite a few to leave in the past because of it.
Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 2:16:38 PM
might happen again ...
Mr. Spoon


9/30/2007 2:17:54 PM

I'm on DB's side here.
What the *beep* is up with this?
Zeta- you better make it up with DB?..

Mr. Twister


9/30/2007 2:42:40 PM
Hmm yes, the matters should be resolved, primarily to save the boys and girls here from a mental breakdown ;)

P.S. Hey there IvL, my old Solaris amigo! (Saulens here) ;)
Mr. Messiah


9/30/2007 2:42:40 PM
Khan Emmula


9/30/2007 2:45:09 PM

Ehhh... Forgot to mention:

- that the wall that crossed Sun Blocker and was deleted by Zeta was NOT built by MAD, and was favorable only for us, then it was deleted without explanation, and we had to reform and rethink our defense.

- when that wall was removed, it was the only wall removed, nothing i remember from DB's legitim walls.

- DB's legit walls crossed a MAD town, that was exactly near the wall, or i should rather say: under the wall. THis MAD town was taken by a Legacy army from the other side of the wall, which again, is quite a big bug abuse

- So it is quite useless to point how this stupid wall deletion is benefiting anyone, it took MAD by the same surprise as DB.

Guildmaster Drenthinio


9/30/2007 2:45:46 PM

yeah looks like a perfect moment to quit.
Guildmaster Drenthinio


9/30/2007 2:47:44 PM
Khan that wall that was crossing sun block WAS BUILT BY MAD!!.

Mr. Santa Claus


9/30/2007 2:48:37 PM
Would be nice to see a post of Zeta here...
Mr. Atreides


9/30/2007 2:50:48 PM
Wasn't the point of the MAD cross-wall that they would only have to defend Finally instead of Stopped and Let count the K? It seems to hurt both KD's equally. DB's gotta defend both blockers, and so does MAD.
Mr. Sun

9/30/2007 2:57:32 PM
Khan Emmula


9/30/2007 2:45:09 PM

Ehhh... Forgot to mention:

- that the wall that crossed Sun Blocker and was deleted by Zeta was NOT built by MAD, and was favorable only for us, then it was deleted without explanation, and we had to reform and rethink our defense.


THE ONE sticking on top of SUN BLOCK was built by MAD, and it was built not using "hovering over map" technique, it was done by "MODIFYING the wall URL script" to change its length and position specifically to stick into Sun Block, so the army was STUCK inside the city unable to even set a path out. (zeta did remove that, but not till you guys were preping on sun block when we cannot reinforce it, and cannot move out of it)

the OTHER one that crosses between sun block and picky is ALSO done by MAD. I did not have a problem with MAD's wall Final except the part that the vertical one between Sun block and picky it goes thru  and cut off our reinforcement route. But how zeta "resolved" it was not the best of anyone's interest.
Crazy Xuaron


9/30/2007 2:58:12 PM
Im partly to blame here LOL I requested zeta to delete the Walls that DB builded Near our core witch completly closed us from that part of the Map.

But Zeta did a litle more i supose LOL.
I agree that the wall of DB shouldnt had been deleted. But well if you didnt builded those X walls at our core This wouldnt have happend coz i wouldnt have requested the deleting of those walls.
Khan Emmula


9/30/2007 2:58:30 PM

I might be wrong, but i dont think the first wall that crossed Sun Block was built by MAD. The second one, that is still there was built by MAD, that's for sure.

BUT a useful thing would be to have the admins read this thread, and care to explain thoroughly all the wall deletions one by one, possibly with pictures:

- why each wall was destroyed

- why were others left intact

- all the logic and timing behind the deletions.

That at least would give a touch of sensibility to sg that now looks to be a completely chaotic and game destroying series of "deus ex machina"


Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 3:00:46 PM
Well walls are so screwed up. Walls with no town should blow up. That would make impassable crosswalls a lot harder to create.
Mr. Spankylicious


9/30/2007 3:02:02 PM
Khan you're kidding yourself... forum mods don't even explain when they delete a post/thread, do you think ZeTa will do it for the walls? HA!

I'd ask "What were you thinking ZeTa?", but I feel the real question is "Why didn't you think ZeTa?".
Mr. Ingo Von Lucker


9/30/2007 3:02:56 PM
Saulens ol chap and Mentor ... :-D
Mister Twister fits you and checking the Highscores i see you are ruling Mantrax just like in the Era of Crissxcross.
Lets talk further in PM
Ms. Quietone


9/30/2007 3:04:19 PM

the whole thing is screwed up and has been since the moment all of you started putting down those walls that clearly were inappropriate

thanks to all of you who have totally ruined this game.  The fact that we even had to sit and wait while zeta screwed it up even more just makes this era complete.... have fun pretending to win a war you never really tried fighting in the first place.  AS for me i wont bother to log in the rest of the era


Crazy Xuaron


9/30/2007 3:14:30 PM
"the whole thing is screwed up and has been since the moment all of you started putting down those walls that clearly were inappropriate"

your KD was also part of the inappropriate wall building.
Ms. Quietone


9/30/2007 3:17:33 PM


you have no idea what you're talking about so shut up  we never built an inapproriate wall until a wall suddenly apppeared across the middle of our wall blocker  you guys just shut up already with your weak ass attempts to try and even something you clearly know is wrong

Mr. Mastro Geppus


9/30/2007 3:18:08 PM

Omg....guys....are you kidding me?????

The first who started to "put down those walls that clearly were inappropriate" has been Sun when he built Sunblocker. That gave you the advantage of defending 1 blocker instead of 2 that fair? I dont think so. NO CROSS WALL should be allowed.

Then lats Zeta action was started by Xuaron that complained for the walls that were locking Nemesis out....built by DB!!!!!!!!

Crazy Xuaron


9/30/2007 12:58:12 PM
Im partly to blame here LOL I requested zeta to delete the Walls that DB builded Near our core witch completly closed us from that part of the Map.

....and now that Mad has an additional blocker to defend as DB has.....DB is here crying and complaining to leave the game????????

That's absurd.....incredible....disappointing...crazy!!!!

I am sorry you guys did not win this war or this era...and were blocked by a bunch of what you would define just "nabs..". .....but that's the crude reality for this era and yo uhave to accept it. 

So stop complaining and fight as you claim to fight on the battlefield. Thanks,


P.s.: DB/Legacy for sure are not the best folks to complain about cross walls  or taking cities in the other side of the they started to exploit it first.

Ms. Quietone


9/30/2007 3:18:55 PM


you people really have no sense of reality

just keep twisting the story all over the forums if you like mastro but DB did not do this and did not deserve this and you can paint the picture in here anyway you like-- use any colors you want to and it's still wrong

Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 3:34:34 PM
meh just F*ck em Q ... let them believe whatever they want to ... I hope they can go wack their penors now, as they got what they want. I'm out of here ... You'll find out what you've done wrong some day Zeta ...
Mr. Sun

9/30/2007 3:34:50 PM
@ Mastro Geppus

you are telling me this type of wall is inappropriate?

it's been used era and era after, but zeta never touched this until now.
Lord Epyon


9/30/2007 3:35:07 PM
I do agree that this is pretty unfair for DB... they have the right to be complaining, but I dont think that they should stop playing or quit the game. The thing thats fun about VU for me is that you can never predict what will happen next ;) If I were DB, I'd try and think about a way around all of this or something like that. I dont think you should leave the game over something so stupid as this... Every kingdom has bad eras and you just gotta hold it out til the next one when you get to start anew and have as equal chance as everyone else :) I can understand getting mad about this but I think leaving VU is a bit extreme....

Errr... okay you guys can start flaming me now ><
Mr. Sun

9/30/2007 3:37:39 PM
O, we can hold it out just fine and have been enjoying every bit of the war this era, the tougher it is, the more fun when you accomplish some victorious battles. so we have to thank our opponents for putting up some good fights, no matter if we are outmatched or not.

but we clearly will not enjoy a game that the admin wants us to lose on purpose.
Duke Mielo


9/30/2007 3:38:54 PM
no Epyon ... We've been struggling and fighting all era long ... If we find a way to save us from this, another thing will happen in our enemies advantage ... I'm really really sick of this ... F' em in the A'
Mr. Rock Hard Reginald


9/30/2007 3:39:25 PM
Fra, shut it. Sun Block is not inappropriate. That type of blocker has been around for eras, open your eyes, check all over fantasia and you'll find many of them, I supplied one pic already. They are not innapropriate.

It's not a matter of MAD also having 2 blockers to defend. Sun Blocker should NOT have been deleted. Period. It was a legit wall. It was not interfering, and now interference from the admin has *beep*ed the area up. You guys have gained the advantage, regardless of you having to defend another portion too, because A) DB are blocked from accessing the other now-opened blocker (which the admin overlooked to your advantage), and B) you're double teaming them there, so DB has to defend both now when Sun Block was legit on its own, and required only one choke point.

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Death to Admin

Forums / In game politics / Death to Admin

Author Message
Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow


9/30/2007 3:47:44 PM

Epyon the thing is the blocker was rendered useless and unreachable. We had no reason to put troops there. Now we are left wide open. Of course we will fight like we have all era and we will knock them back like we have all era. We shoulda been finished within 7 days of our first blocker being broken, MAD and Nem werent clinical enough, and so were still here.

MAD made a crosswall that actually had an impact on the defenses of another kingdom and still they havent come to attack it yet.


and now that Mad has an additional blocker to defend as DB has.....DB is here crying and complaining to leave the game????????


How long would it take you to move your troops from one blocker to the other...about 8 ticks at most, whereas we still have to make a 20-24hr journey.

So if we moved for that blocker now you could simply move back and give up that other blocker called Finally and defend one as you lose little/nothing by not having it. Whereas we now have to defend 2 blockers to save our entire core.

Mr. One Piece


9/30/2007 3:49:14 PM
Lord Epyon


9/30/2007 3:53:00 PM
Mr. Sun


but we clearly will not enjoy a game that the admin wants us to lose on purpose.

Good point, it was unfair

Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow


9/30/2007 4:47:44 PM

Epyon the thing is the blocker was rendered useless and unreachable. We had no reason to put troops there. Now we are left wide open. Of course we will fight like we have all era and we will knock them back like we have all era. We shoulda been finished within 7 days of our first blocker being broken, MAD and Nem werent clinical enough, and so were still here.

That sucks too, I understand where you are coming from.
Sir Hephaestus


9/30/2007 4:03:24 PM
Wow this thread sprung up quickly...  everyone makes mistakes, even administrators.
Mr. Rock Hard Reginald


9/30/2007 4:06:23 PM
It isn't a mistake, Heph. It was deliberate. I can give plenty of other examples of where the admin has favoured one kingdom over another. Hell, we've even got quotes from the admin saying he dislikes us and that we're "evil".

It was deliberate. Sad as it sounds, the guy is biased and it's widely known amongst the veteran community, and is a major reason for many of ex-vets leaving over the time.
Sir Hephaestus


9/30/2007 4:09:05 PM

Hm... well that really sucks... he called you "evil?"

Lord Epyon


9/30/2007 4:12:28 PM
I dun think it's really right for kingdoms or rulers for that matter to think of other kingdoms as "evil". Sure, some disliking or competition is inevitable but evil??? : I just dont think the game is as fun when you have kingdoms or rulers literally hating other kingdoms or rulers :(
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23:49:25 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Perhaps the whole topic "Death to Admins" warrants deletion in itself? If I were an admin running a game that is supposed to be acceptable for minors I wouldn't tolerate that. It's just common sense.

23:49:37 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

§1 Stay on topic - We stayed on topic

§2 No personal attacks, racism or name calling.- None of this

§3 Do not post offending (as in disgusting) content. - Mielo didnt get a chance to offend anyone


General guidelines:

  • Posts must add content to the discussion. - Majority of posts did
  • No pointless criticism - We had points, many of them
  • Explain or caption pictures if they do not explain themselves - All explained thoroughly
  • Don't avoid the bad word filter to use bad words - I didnt see any of that
  • Try to contribute to the topic. Avoid one-liners and spam.- Any of this cudda been deleted, not the entire topic
  • No advertising - None
  • Don't make rules for your thread unless it's some type of game, poll, etc. - None
  • Write in english - Done
  • Don't make fun of other players in the game unless it's about their in-game role-playing character. - We never made fun of anyone

Bug reports and suggestions: - Not relevant

  • Be as specific as possible so your problem can be addressed ASAP
  • Give instructions how to repeat the bug.
  • Post as much information as possible. Screenshots are welcome.
  • Don't drag these threads off-topic, dredge up politics, etc.


So there ya go, the rules. Which one did we break to warrant it being deleted?

23:49:40 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

probly was logged.

23:51:12 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Okay Asy, so then why are the half-a-dozen other "death to [insert group name here]" threads not deleted?

Obviously that isn't the reason for it's deletion. Keep trying.

(hint hint, the reason is dissent)

23:52:06 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 5:49:25 PMPerhaps the whole topic "Death to Admins" warrants deletion in itself? If I were an admin running a game that is supposed

All death topics should be deleted then? Its simply a title to grasp attention.

23:52:52 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Ok well we can rename it,' Fuzzy nice stuff- we all love admins now please fix your mistake'

Would it have worked, hell no.

23:55:51 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Cant know for sure untill you try :P

23:56:06 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

There's a difference of context there. Admins don't play the game. Death to "xxx" in game refers to attacking someone in a game.

Also there was a lot of insulting messages both to admins and players in game that were getting reported and deleted.

23:57:24 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

OK fiine we will make a new thread called -


'Let Admin Live!- Now fix your mistake'

Then when its deleted we will have this settled.

Oh we wont

23:57:30 Sep 30th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Good job keeping the thread alive, it does have some valid problems brought up that need to be dealt with.

If this one gets deleted, I think the next one should be called "Corruption in VU" :P

23:59:41 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

The admin does actually play the game, Asy. ZeTa's played in numerous kds, Zeon, for instance, is one kd hes played in.

Try again, buttercup?

23:59:56 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 5:56:06 PM

There's a difference of context there. Admins don't play the game. Death to "xxx" in game refers to attacking someone in a game.

Also there was a lot of insulting messages both to admins and players in game that were getting reported and deleted.


his main role is to program the game and maintain it. I could argue we want the end of power abuse as the meaning of "death to admin" , admin here means administrative power abuse.

00:01:04 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

The context wasn't to kill the admin's character in game. There was no mention of the admin playing his own game in the thread.

00:03:31 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Asystole


9/30/2007 6:01:04 PMThe context wasn't to kill the admin's character in game. There was no mention of the admin playing his own game in the thread.

have a mod change the topic name to "Corruption in VU" then.
end of your argument plz.

00:04:28 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Nor was there any mention of killing him in RL. You're squirming.

I know you're gaining quite an advantage out of the whole debacle and his poor usage of power, but be honest. The reason the thread was deleted (as was previous ones, on previous occassions) was purely because there's dissent and criticism of him.

You are aware players have been banned purely for criticising the admin, aren't you?

00:05:26 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Asy your really clutching at straws here.

Try again, although we arent gonna be online all day like you im sure others will come on to destroy your arguements over and over.


00:09:53 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Who's been banned Rock? I'm curious about that. From the forums or in game?

The forums are an add-on to the game, and frankly if I were an admin I wouldn't let everything be posted either. If you were admin for a game would you allow players (who are paying you nothing) say whatever they want about you in your own forums? Would you allow people to curse, swear, insult, etc...? It's supposed to be a game suitable for minors too...keep that in mind.

Sure criticism is fine, but it's the way you criticise that's important. There is positive and negative criticism. The thread had more of the latter than the former.

00:15:18 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:

Im sorry? We had valid points and arguments in the forum. We cannot tolerate corruption within the game. Could you point out which "way" of which criticism was inappropriate in the previous one that got deleted? Do not argue without valid supporting statements. There is no way players will back down when they see power abuse, which is extremely negative for the growth of a game.

00:16:09 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

A mixture of bans. Roxbury was banned completely from the game for 1-2 eras for dissent some time ago. As for forum-bans, theres been a lot more. Devi, Banehallow, etc all instantly jump to mind. A lot of it is covert. Swift bans, then deletions of the "violations" (and I use the word tentatively, really all these "violations" amount to are criticism of  the improper conduct from the admin), and no mentioning of why it was done. Any requests for answers are promptly deleted too, as you can see with the recent thread.

Regardless, the thread shouldn't of been deleted. The posts that broke the rules should of, but not it in its entirety. That is a gross misuse of power, and exactly the kind of misuse that the thread was highlighting.

And as for your comment about allowing people to say whatever they like without paying, from what I recall he has banned some from the forums who gave him donations. And not in the form of ad-clicking, I mean REAL money donations via check.

00:17:07 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Sure the game is free. He is letting us play the game because he is a multi-millionare who just wanted to make no money, through advertising, donations or wotever, and just wanted to make people happy and give them an enjoyable game.

Thats our Zeta. Look how happy all of us are right now


Try again Asy

00:20:57 Oct 1st 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

lol yo this isnt fair ppl. all agains 1 thats just not fair LOL

Ill back u up asy :D,

If i was the admin i also would delete anny topic's whit a offensive meaning to me.
coz The admin created this game and needs to get his respects. And You all just have to be glad he doesnt ask's Money to play this game. So give him some respect will ya. You lot dont even know how mutch time it takes to create sutch a game as this.

00:25:25 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Lol it isnt, but i guess nobody is backing him up because his arguements are so poor. Perhaps you can try to prove a point better than him, although i doubt there is much ground to stand on for the admins.


Like we have said before, if death to admins or death to admins(undeleted) offends them then we ask them to change  the name to Corruption in VU.

We would respect if our concerns were listened to. But instead we get our threads deleted without warning or reasoning for this.

We may even get banned  for this which will really show how much our views really matter to him.


00:25:47 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

We give him respect. But what we won't overlook is gross misuse of power. Favouring one kingdom over another, and insulting them, and giving advantages to certain kingdoms unfairly is not right under ANY circumstances as a game admin. What is the point in playing a game where the major factor influencing your chances of survival, let alone winning, is the personal like or dislike of the admin?

Look at it in a RL scope. I respect my countries leader. But were my countries leader to give benefits to other individuals unfairly (for instance, titles, or money), I would voice my opinion on the matter, no matter how much I respect him.

Were you on the receiving end of this, I'd expect you to feel this way too. But of course, you're able to benefit from this abuse, and as such, are less inclined to defend what is right.

00:26:07 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:

I had all the respect for him creating a great game (mind u a buggy one)
but how can an admin earn respect with power misuse?

00:29:06 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Ok, one single ban from the game. I'd be interested in the other side of the story but I'll take your word.

The reasons for deletions should be common sense. What you think is criticism is just insults. Take this quote from Sun:
"What are you smoking Z_E_T_A? Is this the best you could do for your game? You are not a G_O_D, you are just a person with a small heart."

Now read that over and tell me it's not insulting. What does it add to the discussion?

A better thing to do, would be to write an unbiased retelling of the whole wall event. Put in some pictures, and be honest about what kind of walls DB built. Then make suggestions or debate reasonably as to what the admin should do.

00:31:40 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

We did our best and anything we missed out was promptly pointed out by MAD members.

It was a discussion, debating was going on from all sides, except the admins. Instead their participation in the debate was to delete it.


00:32:24 Oct 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Asystole why do you always ALWAYS make posts to totally change the topic of interest?  If you have nothing intelligent to add just stay out of it.

The fact is Zeta screwed up-  he screwed up royally and should be called on it and if it had happened to any other kingdom they would react the same way.  A deletion of the thread or a ban for anyone is usually Zeta's response when a reaction results from one of his screw ups................


he's banned me before simply for not liking a comment i made about him not fixing real problems in the game-- a post i made in the bugs thread so there are more than one single ban  get over yourself that you think you know all or suck up to zeta in another thread either way your comments arent needed here

00:34:42 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Rock Hard, if you'd admit Sean Elderson was wall abusing by making impassable walls I'd give some sympathy to your cause. I posted a clear picture of the walls, but no one has admitted DB tried building walls to make their core unreachable by Nemesis. Here it is again:

00:36:21 Oct 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Sean made those walls well after the abuse done from your side for the second time and it was done in retaliation again shut up already you have no basis for even commenting as you will never see anything but your single narrowminded one sided view point

00:36:33 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:

Even if its our fault, I apologize for sean since he isnt here at the moment. He wanted to create a maze to slow you guys down.

Point taken, now back on topic plz. - POWER ABUSE OF ADMIN.

00:38:53 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

He didnt change any scripts to make the wall go there, unlike MAD did. Instead of removing a wall derived through cheating he removed part of another one. He left all other walls that were exactly the same in other places of the map.

00:43:19 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

That's a complete blockoff east to west Sun and it's pretty blatent that wasn't a "maze" attempt. Retaliation for what Quietone? Nemesis never built impassable walls on DB. We have one wall, going north to south. We could have built it back further rather than touching Sun Block at the bottom, it'd make no difference. There was only ever one blocker in that area.

00:45:41 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

I admit I made those walls. I fully expected them to be removed, when people from both sides complained to the admin. But I expected them to be correctly removed. What was done to the Sun Block Wall was an atrocity.

00:45:45 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

So your stance is only walls that are scripted are cheating Aligreat? It doesn't matter if they make an area impassable?

00:45:59 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Stop trying to change the topic.

You can't try make me defend a corner that I don't believe in. I'm not defending any cross-walls that completely block off passages. But DBs wall, Sun Block, it didn't completely block it off, and the deletion of a portion of it was unwarranted and unfair, giving an advantage to DB's enemies.

These types of walls are fine. DB had a wall like this and it was unfairly removed. But ZeTa refused to remove any other of these type of walls off Fant. Hence the only reason for it HAS to be admin misuse of power and abuse.

00:47:18 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

And MAD making Baldurs Gate blocked off from Sun Block through scripting improvements isnt as bad? Nemesis could have reached our core another way, just the same way we had to reach sun block another way. If our walls were removed then MAD's wall should have been, but it wasnt. Ours was.

00:50:24 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Sean blocked Nem off without scripting, it was wrong

MAD blocked DB into a blocker using a scripted wall going into the city, much worse

00:51:26 Oct 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Asystole you tell us- the walls werent made by us so the only other options are your kd and MAD and neither seem to want to own up to their own abuse but rather you choose to debate topics here that arent of any relevance to side track the conversation.   Our walls should not have been removed period.  Zeon's walls built exactly like ours were not removed nor were any other kd's blockers on the map just ours... YET we were the ones who were on the recieving end of the wall abuse so again as i said before you can try and turn the conversation any way you want but it doesnt change the truth.

00:56:36 Oct 1st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Again- Sean's walls were built out of retaliation they were built AFTER mad and/.or Nemesis abused the walls on us for yet a 2nd time the first they built a wall directly on top of our town and the second one well that is still visible since zeta decided to delete our wall instead, but seans walls were a retaliation out of frustration for being screwed over by you guys yet again

01:14:35 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Rock Hard, if you'd admit Sean Elderson was wall abusing by making impassable walls I'd give some sympathy to your cause. I posted a clear picture of the walls, but no one has admitted DB tried building walls to make their core unreachable by Nemesis. Here it is again:


Interesting, it went so quiet after we admitted to our wall abuse yet, Nem/MAD have yet to come out and admit theirs. Now lets get back on topic if your not going to and get Zeta to treat us all equally

01:27:20 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Asystole:

I don't think any crosswalls should be allowed. It's simply too powerful and negates a large part of the "visual/geographical" part of the game.

I would take the building of great walls out of the game, they are way more trouble than they are worth. I would have great walls pre-constructed in all map areas that typically "block". Such as the 2 areas south of Holy Sharp in that picture. And Crow's Nest in the picture above.

01:27:27 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Gilth:

Did it ever occur to anyone that this could just be a misjudged action by ZETA?
If you forget who build which wall first and who used to alter scripts. You just saw an area that was totally blocked of. This isn't allowed, so there had to a deletion of some walls. Now instead of looking into who did what.He just decided to delete the parts that are clearly blocking the area. Ofcourse this is wrong.. though there isn't any SOLID proof that it was done on purpose. I can see the walls, I can see whats wrong, but I can't see the proof that this was done on purpose to give MAD the advantage.

PS. not a MAD/Nemes or DB/lgc member.

01:32:59 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

So if he did not know who had built which wall first he acted blindly?

He should have asked for information...oh wait he didnt have to. He was messaged with the information of what walls were built when and where. And how they affected DB.

Obviously we werent being paranoid and just accusing him of this straight off. The fact we kept trying to tell him it was the MAD wall that blocked it off, we got no reply, but the wall got deleted....our wall, that is the reason we consider this an abuse of power

01:36:42 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:


Zeta clearly know our wall was built first. B/c he removed a scripted wall constructed going into our city (so we could not move army out, b/c it would keep saying "moved over wall") mind you he removed it when the enemy started preping our that city already having us trapped in it.

Now if he was confused and make a mistake, instead of apologizing, he actually deleted the topic of interest altogether?

In addition, we could have lgc speak of some stories that have solid proofs that Z_e_t_a indeed favored the enemy by fixing only part of the bugs in the game.

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