Forums / In game politics / Declaration

23:29:38 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Heavenly Persuasion herby declares war on Last Storm Wolfs , as we are ranked 2 and 1 respectively on latha it seems logical that we war till the end of the era.
This will mean our NAP is now void and in 12 hrs from  (VU Day 1043, 213 days left) our armies will meet in battle.

23:32:17 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Jondrus Apollo:

Good luck!.......but why are you breaking the NAP?

23:32:36 Dec 15th 09 - Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II:

mmmmm who cares about Latha?

23:42:15 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

I do and since you arent even on this world Ice Prince Blah Blah why bother posting , and we are breaking NAP because-
-none else to fight
- and its against Elldorian

23:43:29 Dec 15th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

you just want some end of era city steals :)

23:48:23 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

Good luck bart^^ i allready have my side picked in this war ^^

23:55:37 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Dark Prince Stirlin


16:43:29 Dec 15th 09
you just want some end of era city steals :)
Well as i wrote with noone else to attack  i guess yes that will happen , however it will also happen to us so its not as cut & dried as you think

00:28:12 Dec 16th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Who is this man who speaks such wisdom? Good thing he was here Stirlin, you might have thought otherwise lol. *sarcasm*

00:43:07 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Wolflord i have answered a post as best as i can , with no smuggness , belittling, or sarcasm , i never once said i was wise shame same cant be said about you . ' now thats sarcasm'

00:57:00 Dec 16th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I like war and will offer this advice.  rather than declare here on the forums, contact the leader of Last storm wolfs.  Tell him you signed a NAP and will respect it.  However explain about the era endin and it would be fun to fight.  If he agrees to fight you then fight.

otherwise you are a treacherous leader in my books.  if he agrees then have a "FUN" war.


01:08:51 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Thanks for your post Psycho , and i posted this declaration after i sent same declaration to there leader, as for your other points with a 12hr buffer this should be plenty of time for both empires to get ready .
And if i was treacherous would i not of attacked 1st ?
anyway thanks for your input.

01:14:44 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Tar Valon:

Im sure you prepared for longer than 12 hour ;)


you just gave -them- 12 hours. so kind of you. any other kd would call that a back stab.

01:20:30 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Tar valon nice name :). Good novel that is though i much prefer the aeshman. The Aes sedai are too stuck up along with quite a few other leads.

However on the note, if you signed an era long cf it is a backstab unless their leader agreed to such. If he should request more time you should also give it to him for like Tar Valon said, "Im sure you prepared for longer than 12 hour ;)." Though if he agrees im not saying you have to, hell you dont even have to read the post if you dont want just giving you my honest opinion as a player, if he accepts be sure to ask him to post in forums that he does so or post the message so all can see the innocence. Otherwise its a traitorious move in my book.

01:36:39 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Was it in the terms that if the NAP is canceled that there must be a 12 hour warning? I doubt it, considering that with troop training times and the delay of spreading the word anything less then 72 hours is ridiculous.

Basically you are breaking an NAP, announcing it on the forums, and getting ready to snatch some cities.

WAY more intelligent making it's own thread then burying it somewhere in the dead Latha Era 43 thread amirite?

02:03:57 Dec 16th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

My old members will not be attacking Heavenly. They are falling my orders and my orders only. They will not attack Heavenly under any circumstance. If Heavenly is willing to have a personal NAP with me after breaking the Nap than they should be willing to have one with my men. Last of the Hybrid Wolves was loyal to Heavenly all era and will not stop now kuz we are under a new banner.

-Prince Bartimaeus-

02:12:09 Dec 16th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:


03:12:31 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Tar Valon-
I could say we havent been preparing specificly for this (as it was only decided when i posted in forum) but i doubt id be believed considering the posts that have been written.
Targaryen -
Thanks for your input.
Barny -
No written agreement was made so there is no time frame to cancellation.

13:31:00 Dec 16th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Sir Erythnul The Wanderer


03:42:15 Dec 16th 09
I do and since you arent even on this world Ice Prince Blah Blah why bother posting , and we are breaking NAP because-
-none else to fight
- and its against Elldorian


Sir Erythnul The Wanderer


04:43:07 Dec 16th 09
Wolflord i have answered a post as best as i can , with no smuggness , belittling, or sarcasm , i never once said i was wise shame same cant be said about you . ' now thats sarcasm'

Yeah, sure ya did.



14:05:13 Dec 16th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

yay come join my fight!! :P

17:15:01 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Bugsbunny:

I was going to ignore it but since this forum was started:

HP broke a MAP with me.

Ms. Aeval (12/1/2009 8:56:52 AM)   
.... How about a era long MAP between our empire and yourself ? 
You (12/1/2009 4:39:25 PM) 
Sure, who are your kd's enemies?

You (12/11/2009 6:37:07 AM)
Your member, Fucia, is about to attack me. I've ignored his scouts prepping on my cities but I will not allow his army to merge and use that prep.
Please let me know how you want me to proceed.
Sir Erythnul The Wanderer (12/11/2009 8:45:35 AM) GOOD BAD
You and Fucia have issues which i beleive should be sorted out by you twa alone , so as i have told him do what you need to do .

17:20:34 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Erythnul has been noted down on the "not-to-NAP-and-wipe-out-on-sight" list and on the "NAP-first-but-then-break-NAP-later-and-annihilate-immediately" list.

17:42:23 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Erythnul The Wanderer:

Bugs Bunny -
Your situation was between you and Fucia , you where both Taunting each other so i left you 2 to it , I or no other HP player got invovled.
Von Moormzzery -
Leadership (or lack of ) is my  fault this era , and really taking the time to sort out my diplomatic relations .
But thanks for adding your weight behind what seems to be the general consensus .

17:51:03 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Good that you know that you are not fit or qualified for leadership :)

00:25:47 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Sween:

On Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid's orders I assume Bones kicks me (and others I assume) out of the merge guild with 8 days left and start a new guild "Indecisive". Well done.


Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid (12/16/2009 5:29:48 PM) GOOD BAD
When the era ends join Indecisive were done with kath.
You (12/16/2009 6:12:26 PM)
You can not join a kingdom when there is less then ten days left of the era. Wait until the era has ended.

Can you add me or was this an end of the era ego move?
Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid (12/16/2009 6:18:34 PM) GOOD BAD
Well we have to join when the era ends so in like 7 days :(



00:38:29 Dec 17th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

And both of them denied this when i spoke to them but ,

Mr. Koss (12/17/2009 12:30:20 AM) GOOD BAD
16:25:11 Bones kicked you from the kingdom!

Koss told me.

00:43:10 Dec 17th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

qualities of good leadership:

1. keeps his word.  (knows what he and his kingdom is capable of)

2. discplines those under him (controls and punishes his members)

3. isn't greedy (shares the wealth)

4. feared and respected by outsiders (good reputation and credibility)

5. Isn't a forum whore (keeps things confidential)

6. Builds consensus (listens to other leaders and his mates)

add your own...

00:49:47 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Prefers to lead by example. Even if they have a good rep and meet all the requirements if they sit and hide they will get nowhere.

00:58:40 Dec 17th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

I denied what exactly???? In that post no where do I see a message of me saying Bones didn't kick anyone. YOU asked me if I kicked anyone and I said NO I left the kingdom before people were kicked DID I NOT!? So don't come at me with false accusation Kath.

Mr. Sween


15:25:47 Dec 16th 09

On Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid's orders I assume Bones kicks me (and others I assume) out of the merge guild with 8 days left and start a new guild "Indecisive". Well done.


Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid (12/16/2009 5:29:48 PM) GOOD BAD
When the era ends join Indecisive were done with kath.
You (12/16/2009 6:12:26 PM)
You can not join a kingdom when there is less then ten days left of the era. Wait until the era has ended.

Can you add me or was this an end of the era ego move?
Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid (12/16/2009 6:18:34 PM) GOOD BAD
Well we have to join when the era ends so in like 7 days :(



Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth


15:38:29 Dec 16th 09
And both of them denied this when i spoke to them but ,

Mr. Koss (12/17/2009 12:30:20 AM) GOOD BAD
16:25:11 Bones kicked you from the kingdom!

Koss told me.

01:04:28 Dec 17th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Bartimaeus im saying you denied being involved. Bones has said it was you and koss who put him up to it

01:09:09 Dec 17th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Funny...some people posting in here about good leadership :p

16:54:01 Dec 18th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I have to agree with that charley :P

18:13:37 Dec 18th 09 - Mr. Douche Larouche:

Yep, leadership has been a rare commodity this era. 

18:24:52 Dec 18th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

5. Isn't a forum whore (keeps things confidential)


--> What're you hitting at boy?! :P

01:06:01 Dec 19th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I'm a bad leader...

08:09:25 Dec 19th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

so was i

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