Forums / In game politics / Diadochi (Fantasia)

Diadochi (Fantasia)
04:24:52 May 8th 07 - Mr. Whitell:

We are an experience kingdom looking for new members.

Our goal is to teach new players the skills they will need to survive on Fantasia one day.

 If you apply please include the following information in you application:

1. Eras Played
2. Previous kingdoms, if any
3. Average log-ins per day
4. Relative time frame for when player logs in (so we can coordinate tasks better)

Thanks. We look forward to seeing you in the game.

05:14:15 May 8th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Welcome neighbor.

P.S.--why are you teaching people the skills to survive in Fantasia "one day," now?

05:37:25 May 8th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Is Viking in this?

07:05:44 May 8th 07 - Mr. Flint Fireforge:

Tantulii i think he copied and pasted the thread from torment. Thats what we used to be called.

and no sigheart viking isnt in it

08:57:55 May 8th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

heya whitell, good luck with DD =) hope they'll be as good as last era. Just hope they won't get destroyed like last era =D

14:42:47 May 8th 07 - Mr. Whitell:

LOL, thanks. Just trying to get more members, kinda small right now, That top thing was a copy of our old kingdom so if you apply you would see it is diffrent.

17:38:25 May 8th 07 - Sir Paffician:

Mr.Sigheart Mr.The Viking is in The Jesters Empire....

18:08:15 May 8th 07 - Mr. Soulcollector:

omg ...

" Our goal is to teach new players the skills"
" If you apply please include the following information in you application: 1. Eras Played "

lol, if they played before ( in other eras) they have the skills and they arent new player
sry but im not in fantasia anyway

18:42:09 May 8th 07 - Mr. Evans:

lol good luck whitell with resureccting diadochi, it was fun while it lasted

18:52:56 May 8th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

soulcollector...You couldn't be wrong more.

It takes many eras to develop your VU skills.

22:25:43 May 8th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

You're half right, evans.  They are no longer new.  But... they don't necessarily have the skills either.

04:20:15 May 9th 07 - Mr. Feld:

Well we could be getting better, one of my friends is going to bring his kingdom to join mine. That will help us some. I am trying to work on getting members. That will take time. We should be able to do good this era(at least stay alive) that after another era or so we will be at the top.

04:22:26 May 9th 07 - Mr. Whitell:

Yea, if they join. We dont know if he will. I hope he does, that would give us another 5 members and help us raise up the list.

21:09:36 May 9th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Who was it you were going to invite in?

21:49:56 May 9th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

Mr. Whitell


5/9/2007 4:22:26 AM
Yea, if they join. We dont know if he will. I hope he does, that would give us another 5 members and help us raise up the list.

You shouldnt worry about the list just now, worry about your neighbours...

09:31:39 May 10th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

lemme guess're their neighbours?

17:46:05 May 11th 07 - Mr. Porcupine:

can i join

17:49:05 May 11th 07 - Mr. Porcupine:

Can i join and whats the name of the kingdom

18:36:50 May 11th 07 - Mr. Evans:

name of kingdom is diadochi, and contact whitell

00:48:57 May 12th 07 - Mr. Whitell:

LOL, why do you think it is named, Diadochi(Fantasia)?

03:20:31 May 12th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Porcupine looks like hell be a defensive player =P

Mr. Whitell, can I ask you how long have u been playing for?

03:39:40 May 12th 07 - Mr. Jibbly:

probably one

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