Forums / In game politics / Digald Empire Recruiting

Digald Empire Recruiting
16:48:34 Aug 19th 07 - Sir Drunken:

Ms. RE Mii


8/16/2007 7:29:57 AM
The great Digald Empire has decided to come to VU to dominate.  The goal is to conquer and to follow the beautiful Re Mii.

However, there is criteria that must be met in order to join.  They are as follows:
1. You MUST be active.
2. You must be willing to work with your mates and listen to orders. 
3.  Do not send a stupid application to me and expect to join. 
4.  You must be active in the kingdom forum.

We shall be victorious!


16:49:13 Aug 19th 07 - Sir Drunken:


16:50:31 Aug 19th 07 - Sir Drunken:

Mr. MY God Farts


8/19/2007 3:05:09 AM

drunken, can a mod really give people forum bans??

Mr. Iwasfrozen IV, Mr. Justanius Fontainius, Mr. Seloc, Mr. Aben II, Sir Gaius Septim, Mr. Jay Brown The ND <<< still noted fyi

Yes to that question.

20:49:47 Aug 19th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

why am I there? and why hathor not?

20:52:28 Aug 19th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

Rofl, it was about 50 post before and now it's three, shows how much of it was spam lol

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