Forums / In game politics / Disc-world

17:26:46 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Defensive Hes Back:

Hi i am the leader of the new KD Disworld im NOT making this thread to recruit i am looking for advice and help on running the kingdom.. Im also wondering what the best threads to have on your KD forum are?


Note: Do not post if you are just posting on this thread to either

A: Get your post count up

B: Tell me that there are too many new kingdoms and that im wasting my time (ime a determined leader and have quite a few Eras of exp under my belt ((on different ACC's though))) 

17:27:58 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

You on Midgard?
What world?

17:31:19 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Defensive Hes Back:

sorry should of said that lol ime on "talent"

17:35:43 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

He's on Talents.

I don't blame you for leaving Pentagram to make your own KD. I am a vice in Pentagram and nobody listens to me, or even reads the forums for that matter. threads to have. The popular ones seem to be...

  • Foreign Relations (NAP, MPA, WAR)
  • Productivity (Income)
  • Science (Levels)
  • Troop Count (Military Power)
  • Magic/Eye in the sky results (Spells that are cast/magic Level)
  • Q&A (Let KD mates help eachother out)
  • Free Chat (Just let people get to know eachother)
  • A Planning thread (Like what your core set up plans are)

17:35:59 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Cool, I think that you should obviously have something like this...

Sticky - Relations
Sticky - Main war Topics
Sticky - Rules and Regulations
Sticky - Magic

The rest is Production and sciences , General chat topic { stop sp-mmers like me messin the rest up }  Q&A, bits nd bobs, maybe a voting topic .... 

etc etc

Normally good base

17:36:35 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Seloc:

I'll pick option A.

P.S make sure you have good vices, and explain clearly how much power they can use.
Good players aren't nessesarily good vices.
Make sure your strict otherwise your kingdom will crumble, devise a way to punish your kingdom subordinates should they disobey you, and don't be afraid to kick.
Solo-ers don't contribute to the kingdom in anyway, infact they provent the weaker from growing stronger and they normal get all the cities.
Being nice and kind or all well good, but make sure your able to say no.
Making to many relations will drive you into a corner, never make era-long relations. State the terms for any relations clearly. 
Make sure your vices are active and confindent enought for your kingdom members to be able to ask them instead of you.
It's more fun to fight against your friends than with them.

17:36:46 Jan 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

I try to avoid productivity and troop threads, never know whos a spy.

17:38:26 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Potato:

Oh yeah, Forgot the Rules and regulations thread.

17:38:43 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Seloc just rocks!

17:40:50 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


17:41:50 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Go and suck your own udder!

12:30:54 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

well if people are dumb enuf to post wat citys there getting the most gold from and let a spy see it the they should get attacked

12:51:23 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

well have a production thread but only post the bottom of the income


Total: +6,319,711 +291,052 +3,034,720 +15,000 425,090

Army Upkeep: -1,485,054

Building Upkeep: -315,934

Total Income: +4,518,723

13:08:22 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Are we ment to be impressed or something?

13:12:34 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

no ti was actually an example.
and i like colours, also thats the way it comes in the production screen so i thought i would copy it =]

13:28:28 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

but apart from that.... yes, yes you are

14:09:59 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Revenge:

I am....
Perhaps a tiny bit ;)
Im not far behind!

Total: +4,964,687 +400,357 +1,730,056 +255 473,580
Army Upkeep: -674,574
Building Upkeep: -354,644
Total Income: +3,935,469

14:11:48 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

anubis ... and you wonder why nobody wants you ... :-p

14:17:49 Jan 19th 08 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

now im convinced that revenge could not have been a farmer... :P

14:20:28 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

yes, i am the true king of farmers!

14:37:43 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

"Note: Do not post if you are just posting on this thread to either

A: Get your post count up

B: Tell me that there are too many new kingdoms and that im wasting my time (ime a determined leader and have quite a few Eras of exp under my belt ((on different ACC's though))) "

ummm i think that we broke thread rules guyz....

ohh well SP@M!

15:39:58 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Revenge:


19:41:19 Jan 20th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

Woot!  Another discworld fan!

20:29:30 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Defensive Hes Back:

lol ty luta his books rock!

22:29:56 Jan 20th 08 - Lord of The Dawn:

Make your kingdom democratic. Democracy rules!
Don't set harsh rules, be nice and explain.
Accept defeat(in an argument, not in war).
Be careful when choosing vices.
Take note of the good players, if you continue playing, someday you'll might want to re-make a kingdom(if you disbanded earlier) and invite the good players that played with you! Or enemies too ^^
Have high morale in your forums, give out free beer and ...!!
Put honor first of all. If you've got a NAP with somebody, never break it! A loss lasts an era, honor lasts forevar!
Pay all your taxes to me ^^

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