Forums / In game politics / Donut is a liar

Donut is a liar
20:00:30 Jan 23rd 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

These messages prove it.  Hug admitted that he's either a cyborg or is sharing his account to stay online so much, and I said I wouldn't mention it on forum.  But I have.


General Hug (1/23/2012 10:44:09 AM) GOOD BAD
I do not sleep wise one.
You (1/23/2012 11:31:56 AM)
I COULD spread that round the forum with some flame about shared accounts. But I won't :P

20:13:35 Jan 23rd 12 - Zond (General Hug):

he said it guys! dont trust him! believe me!

20:16:29 Jan 23rd 12 - Princess Aisha:

Sleep is for the weak, everyone knows that.

20:30:37 Jan 23rd 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

General Hug

20:13:35 Jan 23rd 12 he said it guys! dont trust him! believe me!

And if Zond says it, it must be true!

20:39:03 Jan 23rd 12 - Zond (Mr. Maging):

I told the truth and nothing but the truth :p 

General Hug (1/23/2012 10:44:09 AM)GOODBAD
I do not sleep wise one.

21:36:49 Jan 23rd 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

... "So help me Gods"

(yes, he even has Multi Gods on his side :P )

22:24:03 Jan 23rd 12 - Mr. Palpy Zonds Multi:

why do i get the feeling this is about me?

i am not even zond's fav multi...multi aisha is miles ahead.....:(

22:28:29 Jan 23rd 12 - Princess Aisha:

We all have a little bit of Zond in us!

Oh wait... that might have sounded dirty?

22:32:01 Jan 23rd 12 - Zond (General Hug):

well.. that kinda is true.. but u got more than a little bit of zond in you :P

23:27:01 Jan 23rd 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

I have no Zond at all in me!

Which means that if I can't be trusted then, by definition, Zond (in all his schizophrenic incarnations) is completely trustworthy.  Yeah, right!

And this thread isn't going quite the way I planned right now......


00:09:43 Jan 24th 12 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune The Thane):

[5:07:30 PM] Coro: btw Donut owns you in everyway possible

[5:07:51 PM] Zond: hes a narb. that whole topic was staged :P



00:15:16 Jan 24th 12 - Zond (General Hug):

see! i tell teh truth!

00:24:45 Jan 24th 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

General Hug

00:15:16 Jan 24th 12 see! i tell teh truth!

And you've got 20 million other characters, err, I mean "players", all willing to vouch for that :D

00:38:43 Jan 24th 12 - Zond (General Hug):

i cannot answer that. 

04:57:34 Jan 24th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Zond is a script or a bot, not sure which but ask him more questions and perhaps you'll figure it out  ;)

05:05:42 Jan 24th 12 - Zond (The Valhalla):

thats a lie! :P 

15:13:17 Jan 24th 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

No, this is a lie (or is it????):

"I am lying."

Now, if Zond really is a bot / cyborg / non-human his head should explode trying to work out the logic of that one.  If he's [i]not[/i] then he'll have to sleep sometimes unless he's account sharing.  That's a 3 way win-win-win:

(a) Zond explodes

(b) Zond spends less time online

(c) Zond is exposed for the multying / account sharing / wall hopping bug abuser that he is.

I'm hoping for (a) just for amusement value :D

16:48:05 Jan 24th 12 - Zond (Mr. Life):

What if, I just flip a switch when going to sleep and let VU do its thing 

20:46:36 Jan 24th 12 - Mr. Donut Crossme:

Has he exploded yet?

09:43:56 Jan 26th 12 - Mr. Strilling:

he better ... The sooner the better

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