Forums / In game politics / Dragon Lords recruiting

Dragon Lords recruiting
16:32:21 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Tenbrion:

Hiden in the deep forest of Camelhand we shall rise again to Heaven as Heavenlords with power but for now we shall rest and protect each other .Fellow me  broken Lords of Heaven and we shall rise again .We shall conquer the world and rise as HeavenLords.
Our enimes shall tremble in fear when they hear our names friend.
Nothing will stand our way.

11:32:58 Feb 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson II:

this is the most un-popular embassy i have ever seen

maybe try a new approach

15:23:42 Feb 21st 08 - Mr. Osmosis:

I thought this was the "Dragon Lords" recruiting page.

Everything he talks about is "Heaven" and "Heavenlords".  So is it Dragon Lords or Heavenlords?

And since when did a camel have a hand?  I have heard of a "Camel Toe" but never a "Camelhand".

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