Forums / In game politics / ERA OF KOBUSKAN!!

01:34:48 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Grats for being era winner! HALFER FTW!!!

01:57:27 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Jangsta:

Congratulations on the era win!  

02:06:06 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Remus Lupus:

Congratulations Kobuskan, on your victory. :)

02:08:34 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

Congratulations Kobuskan! Great job =P

03:02:08 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

For all those who may have the 'wrong' impression, Kobu wasn't really a farmer. He was involved in our wars from day 1 all the way to day... bah, the last day. So meh on you if you think badly of his win.

03:12:22 Dec 18th 08 - Duke Maltorv:

Grats on the era win!

03:21:32 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

dam, another era gone by....


(for kob and old music members)



05:20:04 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge:

Gratz to Kobu for the era win and to aurora for once again being the come-back kid;)

06:02:49 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Feanor Claus:

Congrats to Aurora and Kobu.  You guys had a rough starting position and did a kick ass job.


06:11:18 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Bah Humbugs Shiny Balls:

Yes, great win mate.. (damn halfers and their point whoring ways.☻..)

06:34:42 Dec 18th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Cheers...i drank to your health

06:36:32 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Thanks SC, Feanor and Dalak :) Some of the credit for Kobu's win must go to Fate; you guys have been fantastic allies!

06:53:15 Dec 18th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:


06:53:16 Dec 18th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:


07:13:37 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Fever:

Congratz Fate and Kobu :[)


07:15:00 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Heroix:


08:06:39 Dec 18th 08 - General Gokken:


08:07:28 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Thermite:

Congratulations to Kob
You deserved an era


08:41:09 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Seloc:

Gratz Kob

09:02:30 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

1.Mr. KobuskanAuroraHalfling9595311
2.Duke Vytautas ClausFoundationHalfling5537921
3.Mr. AcerfFoundationDwarf4532204

09:11:41 Dec 18th 08 - Duke Random:

kob pwned

09:26:12 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

congrats my little halfler kobu ;D you finnaly won the era

09:57:46 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Gilth:

Mr. The Bigger Loser


12/18/2008 3:02:08 AM

For all those who may have the 'wrong' impression, Kobu wasn't really a farmer. He was involved in our wars from day 1 all the way to day... bah, the last day. So meh on you if you think badly of his win.


heheh, there wasn't a single person saying he didn't earn the win.

I'm honoured to play in the Era of Kobuskan when it starts..

10:45:08 Dec 18th 08 - Lady Vampire Queen:

Congratulations Mr Kobuskan

10:45:27 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Wilber:

He's a halfer, of course he whored.

Congratulations though, you won by a long shot (making me ponder a few things).

12:28:11 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Mcikan:

Congrats mate!You deserve it.And you are a great team player :).

12:30:53 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

@gilth our little music halfler won !!! wooo spoon woud be proud of him :D

12:52:13 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Gimli:

Congratulations!! Impressive point difference... :)

14:01:03 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Mano:

Congratulations on the era win kobu :D well earned victory mate =D

14:10:44 Dec 18th 08 - Necromancer Blood Reign:


17:16:09 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Confused:

long time coming, well played kob...


19:01:57 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Thank you all, i must say it was hard work.

btw i did sleep real bad last night, dreamed about being kick of nr1 seat on the last tick, now seeing the amazing difference in point i wander where i was affraid of ;)

19:33:52 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Fever:


(I had a feeling that there might be a twist but there wasnt :[) )

btw what was your last day income ???? =P

19:34:56 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Unimatrix One:

Thought i was doing well, one had half the points

19:41:20 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

congrats for era win!

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