Forums / In game politics / EVOLUTION RECRUITING NOW

00:22:13 May 25th 09 - Ms. Evolution:


Evolution are a new kingdom which started last ERA we have good honest members and looking to recruit more there is still space to be filled we are at 7 so 3 to 8 more members we are looking at so please send your applications in now and be accepted.

all warrior types are welcome and will be respected in this kingdom your experience counts aswell so please come on board and help our kingdom grow.

00:54:50 May 25th 09 - Mr. Ninjas Theyre Everywhere:

good luck :P

00:55:37 May 25th 09 - Ms. Evolution:

Thank You

00:57:54 May 25th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

yes, gl to you guys

01:05:01 May 25th 09 - Sir Cain:

hey may the guts of Zeta be with you

02:19:51 May 25th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Zeta doesn't have guts. (who's zeta? XD) He is beyond material organs.

02:41:30 May 25th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

why did my KD just disband........ dont they disband at new era. i had more people joining me later today :@:@

02:52:22 May 25th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

you didn't have enough members Corollin.

03:14:23 May 25th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

yeah i know i didnt realize the era had started thats all lol

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